10 Oct 2016 | GS1 | What was the strategy of Indian capitalists w.r.t the Indian freedom struggle? Contrast this strategy with that of the communists.

GS1 (Indian freedom struggle)

What was the strategy of Indian capitalists w.r.t the Indian freedom struggle? Contrast this strategy with that of the communists and socialists.

Best answer

Udyan Ilu wrote the best answer for this question and got a score of 4/10 (if the best answer is an image, it cannot be uploaded here, hence scroll down to see those). The answer is being reproduced below for everyone’s convenience. Of course these answers can always be improved. (Best answer  of a particular only involves those given on that day, later answers may not have been checked)

Indian capitalist class evolved a very complex strategy towards Indian national movement owing to very contradictory forces at play.
– they developed a very astute critique of imperial rule despite an unusually impressive growth they witnessed in colonial rule. Thus notwithstanding the temptations to side with loyalists they were able to figure out that their long term interests lie in nationalist govt.
-however they supported national movement but were skeptical about unconstitutional means to carry it, they advocated negotiations and legal methods to pursue freedom struggle.
A large number of capitalists actively supported the Indian National Movement.

There were certain capitalists who joined Congress, went to jails and suffered hardships (JL Bajaj, Samuel Aaron, Vadilal Mehta).
There were many others who didn’t join Congress but gave financial and other support (GD Birla, Ambalal Sarabhai, Walchand Hirachand).
At the same time, there was a small number of capitalists who actively opposed the movement, or remained neutral.
-capitalists din’t want radicalization of struggle and also didn’t favoured protracted mass struggles as it hurt their trade. for eg they were against boycott and swadeshi movement and non cooperation movement. however their stance changed over time and they supported and funded civil disobedience and quit india movement.
-By establishing FICCI , they have performed the functions of national government in the economic sphere by being the national guardians of trade commerce and industry and with that they have developed a fair economic critique of imperial government in all its manifestations.
– Increasing influence of communism and socialism meant further harm to their capitalist interest. but that doesn’t made them side for imperialists. They protested public safety bill which though was to contain communists but would have weakened national movement.

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