11 Dec 2017 | Prelims Daily with Previous Year Questions & [Tikdams]

Dear student,

One of these questions would have application of Tikdams. Tikdams are smart hacks which help you arrive at the right answer with basic knowledge. Broadly speaking, there are 2 types:

  1. Elimination Tikdams: Extrapolate your basic knowledge to eliminate options which appear out of context. Zero down on 2 choices and then mark the question as per your risk appetite
  2. Estimation Tikdams: Read the question well and work out the answer from within the options – Most of the times UPSC plays with words or embeds clues within the question. A smart aspirant figures them out!

With strong basics and regular practice, you will be able to arrive at a very robust Tikdam framework of your own. To know more, read about this technique here, IAS 2016 by Dr. V & Tikdams 

Note: Please comment your responses to questions in the comment section. It will help you in assessing yourself.

Q1) Which of the following was a non-violent peasant agitation in India?

a) Telangana stuggle

b) Bardoli movement

c) Naxalbari peasant Uprising

d) Tebhaga Movement


If you know, the leader of the Bardoli Peasant movement was Sardar Patel. Then, you can easily figure out, it must be on Gandhian Prinicples(i.e. peaceful) as Patel was a great follower of Gandhi. Tittle ‘Sardar’ was given by Gandhi to Sardar Patel.

Q,2) With reference to the ‘Gross fixed capital formation(GFCF)’ which of the following statements is/are correct?

1. It is a macroeconomic concept.

2. It shows how much of the new value added in the economy is invested rather than consumed.

3. It is not a measure of total investment.

Select the correct option using the codes given below.

a) 1 and 2 only

b) 2 and 3 only

c) 1 and 3 only

d) 1, 2 and 3

Answer: (d)

Inspired by: [op-ed snap] Getting back on track

Q.3) Which of the following organisms are known (in some special cases) to have Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) ability to stop an antimicrobial from working against it?

1. Bacteria

2. Virus

3. Parasites

Select the correct option using the codes given below.

a) 2 and 3 only

b) 1 and 3 only

c) 1, 2 and 3

d) 1 and 2 only

Inspired by: [op-ed snap] Living in a world of emerging microbial resistance

Q.4) ‘Ajeya Warrior’, recently seen in news, is a periodic military exercise between/among which of the following countries?

1. India

2. United Kingdom

3. Nepal

Select the correct option using the codes given below.

a) 1 and 2 only

b) 2 and 3 only

c) 1, 2 and 3

d) 1 and 3 only

Inspired by: Joint Indo-UK military exercise focusing on inter-operability

Q.5) The National Action Plan on Antimicrobialm 2017 primarily focusses on

a) limiting antibiotics in effluent being dumped by drug makers into the environment

b) getting people to cut down on unnecessary antibiotic consumption

c) spreading awareness about threats from anntimicrobial resisitance.

d) None of the above

Inspired by: [op-ed snap] Living in a world of emerging microbial resistance

Q.6) Consider the following statements:

1. The duration of the monsoon decreases from southern India to northern India)

2. The amount of annual rainfall in the northern plains of India decreases from east to west.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

a) 1 only

b) 2 only

c) Both 1 and 2

d) Neither 1 nor 2

Q.7) Which one of the following is the characteristic climate of the Tropical Savannah Region?

a) Rainfall throughout the year

b) Rainfall in winter only

c) An extremely short dry season

d) A definite dry and wet season

Q.8) In which one among the following categories of protected areas in India are local people not allowed to collect and use the biomass?

a) Biosphere reserves

b) National parks

c) Wetlands declared under Ramsar convention

d) Wildlife sanctuaries



1. Daily newscards have been enriched with back2basics and note2students – Make notes daily

2. Liked Tikdams? Join our Flagship TS which helps you perfect this approach – Flagship Prelims for IAS 2018

3. For attempting previous Prelims Daily Questions – Click here

4. Click here for Solutions


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