11 Oct 2016 | GS1 | Integral humanism of Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhaya can solve many problems of the contemporary India. Comment.

GS1 (Modern Indian history from about the middle of the eighteenth century until the present – significant events, personalities, issues)

Integral humanism of Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhaya can solve many problems of the contemporary India. Comment.

Best answer

Nitish Singh wrote the best answer for this question and got a score of 4.5/10 (if the best answer is an image, it cannot be uploaded here, hence scroll down to see those). The answer is being reproduced below for everyone’s convenience. Of course these answers can always be improved. (Best answer  of a particular only involves those given on that day, later answers may not have been checked)

Deriving from Shankara’s Advaitavad and similar to Buddha’s middle path, Deen Dayal Upadhaya’s Integral Humanism is also a negation of the extreme prospects of Capitalism as well as Marxism. According to him, Capitalism was too individualistic while Marxist Socialism/communism would crush the same individualism. While being critical to these extreme aspects, he adopted a middle path by including the positives from both the ideologies.

Some of most contemporary issues underlying Indian social and economic progress are :

a) Unethical approach adopted by political leaders which often release in a minority-majority divide or communal tones.
b) Modern life style increasing consumerism and hence extreme type of individualism.
c) Wrong interpretation of Marxist socialism as being against industrialization resulting in disruption of economy.
d) Less emphasis on small-scale industries and extreme form of capitalism prevalent.

Integral Humanism as a doctrine is capable of solving all the above contemporary problems :

a) Its emphasis of “morality in politics” can be a game changer for politics in this country – resulting in less divide among people due to political leanings.
b) Focus on “social organism” parallel to individualism may curb the increased amount of individual aspirations, which never satisfies the person.
c) Focus on Small scale and Middle scale industries which may not only decrease the demands of imported goods, but may bring in prosperity to the people of the lower strata.

Denying materialism absolutely isn’t rational as well as impossible. But the time individuals start considering that there is more for people who require it less, the essence of integral humanism would be felt. This idea should be praised and talked about, to bring a social revolution in the society.

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