12 Oct 2016 | GS3 | In order to curb the level of vehicular pollution and not to be left behind than the developed nations, India has decided to meet the implementation of BS VI norms by 2020 skipping BS V implementation. What are Bharat Stage (BS) norms? What are the benefits of these norms and what are the challenges automobile manufacturers and the consumers face if India skip BS V and directly implements BS VI?

GS3 (Science and Technology- developments and their applications and effects in everyday life Achievements of Indians in science & technology; indigenization of technology and developing new technology)

In order to curb the level of vehicular pollution and not to be left behind than the developed nations, India has decided to meet the implementation of BS VI norms by 2020 skipping BS V implementation. What are Bharat Stage (BS) norms? What are the benefits of these norms and what are the challenges automobile manufacturers and the consumers face if India skip BS V and directly implements BS VI?

Best answer

Akshay Bansode wrote the best answer for this question and got a score of 4/10 (if the best answer is an image, it cannot be uploaded here, hence scroll down to see those). The answer is being reproduced below for everyone’s convenience. Of course these answers can always be improved. (Best answer  of a particular only involves those given on that day, later answers may not have been checked)

Bharat Stage is Indian Standard of Pollution control norms.Its applicable on Oil Manufacturing Company and Automobile Manufacturer. With successive upgradation Pollution control norms become more strict like,
— Lesser content of so2/no2 released.
— proper filtration of PM level and other toxic particle.
With 2020 Country aims to implement BS-6 fully.

1) BS is in sync with european standard thus No question on India’s Standard of Pollution control.
2) Will contribute more to India’s INDC efforts as BS triggered Pollution control norms with successive upgradation.
3) BS-6 will filter low PM level from air along with no2 and so2 hence will benefit in fight against astham and lungs problem.
4) will be in line with Article 21 right to Pollution free environment.

Challenge faced on direct jump to BS-6 skipping BS-5 norms:

A) Automobile Mfg:
1) Adaptation of Technology may take some time hence can harm Market since Foreign Firms already has advanced technology.
2) Finance needed for upgradation of Technology.
3) Added Mfg cost will increase Market prices of Automobile hence dwarfing of consumer base.

B) Consumer:
1) As Oil Manufacturing Company also need to upgrade fuel hence added petroleum cost will effect transportation cost.
2)It may lead to inflation too
3) Interest on car loan too may change.

Way Forward:
— Govt should subsidize OMC and Automobile Mfg for Adaptation to fuel standard.
— Govt can Consider for MoU with developed country for transfer of Technology.

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