13 August 2018 | Prelims Daily with Previous Year Questions

Q.1) Consider the following statement about Parker Solar Probe:

1. It is aimed to study the sun’s outer atmosphere, or corona, which is much hotter than the solar surface.

2. The Solar Probe Cup is a sensor that will extend beyond the heat shield to take samples of the Sun’s atmosphere.

3. The mission will be orbiting the sun until the end of the solar system.

Which of the given statements is/are not correct?

a) 1 and 3

b) 2 and 3

c) Only 3

d) All are incorrect

Inspired by: Parker, world’s first mission to Sun lifts off


Q.2) Solar Orbiter or SolO, is solar mission of which of the following states?

a) Germany

b) France

c) UK

d) Australia

Inspired by: Parker, world’s first mission to Sun lifts off


Q.3) Tropical Tasar, Multivoltine x Bivoltine and Eri are breeds of which of the following?

a) Bovines

b) Goats

c) Silkworm

d) Sheep

Inspired by: [pib] Central Silk Board Notifies Recently Developed Races of Silk Worm Seed


Q.4) PEGylated Streptokinase, a clot buster developed by CSIR-Institute of Microbial Technology (CSIR-IMTECH), Chandigarh is used for the treatment of which of the following disease?

a) Ischemic strokes

b) Brain Hemorrhage

c) Cardiac Arrest

d) Gangrene

Inspired by: [pib] CSIR’s new patented Clot buster, PEGylated Streptokinase set to revolutionize the treatment of Strokes


Q.5) Harsh Mander v. Union of India and Karnika Sawhney v. Union of India Judgments are related to which of the following issue?

a) De-criminalizing begging

b) SC/ST reservations in Promotion

c) Continuance of Reservation for SCs and STs

d) Against Mob Lynching

Inspired by: [op-ed snap] Undoing a legacy of injustice



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