13th December 2018 | Prelims Daily with Previous Year Questions

Q.1) With reference to the UN Panel of External Auditors, consider the following statements:

  1. It is the only UN panel to ensure a transparent and accurate basis for the financial decisions made by the United Nations and its Specialized Agencies.
  2. India is the only Asian member of this Panel.

 Which of the given statements is/are correct?

a) Only 1

b) Only 2

c) Both 1 and 2

d) Neither 1 nor 2

Inspired by: CAG of India gets Vice-Chair of UN Panel of Auditors


Q.2) Consider the following statements with respect to National Pension Scheme:

  1. Central and Government Employees, as well as all citizens between the age of 18 to 60 can join the NPS.
  2. Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation is the nodal body for administration of NPS.
  3. The accounts of NPS are monitored through Universal Account Number (UAN) number.

Which of the given statements is/are not correct?

a) Only 2

b) Only 3

c) Both 2 and 3

d) All of the above

Inspired by: Cabinet notifies new changes in National Pension Scheme


Q.3) Consider the following statements:

  1. A sea state is the general condition of the free surface on a large body of water—with respect to wind waves and swell at a certain location and moment.
  2. For a given area the sea state is always constant.

Which of the given statements is/are correct?

a) Only 1

b) Only 2

c) Both 1 and 2

d) Neither 1 nor 2

Inspired by: Indian Navy inducts its first Deep Submergence Rescue Vehicle


Q.4) With reference to the governance of E-commerce in India, consider the following statements:

  1. Presently there is no law capable of governing e-commerce in India except the FDI regulations.
  2. The Consumer Protection Act, 1986 protects the interests of the consumer’s grievances in e-commerce.

Which of the given statements is/are correct?

a) Only 1

b) Only 2

c) Both 1 and 2

d) Neither 1 nor 2

Inspired by: [pib] Various policies for regulation of E-Commerce


Q.5) Which among the following events happened earliest?

a) Swami Dayanand established Arya Samaj

b) Dinabandhu Mitra wrote Neeldarpan

c) Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay wrote Anandmath

d) Satyendranath Tagore became the first Indian to succeed in the Indian Civil Services Examination

Inspired by: CSP 2018



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