13th November 2018 | Daily Answer Writing Enhancement

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Question 1)

What do you mean by stateless society? What are the political and social principles of stateless society? What is the role of state in stateless society and how it is different from modern society? (250 Words/ 15 Marks)

Question 2)

What is the mandate and structure of the Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO) of the UN? How has the nature of UN peacekeeping operations changed over the years? How can the operations be made more effective? (250 Words/ 15 Marks)

Question 3)

“The autonomy for the central bank, within the framework of the RBI Act, is an essential and accepted governance requirement”. Examine where does RBI stand in terms of autonomy? (150 Words/ 10 Marks)

Question 4)

Ethics Case Study: You are posted in a government office. Recently a peon was appointed in your office. Ever since his appointment he has been more of a burden than any help in the office. He doesn’t do any work and is always found to be talking with anyone he encounters. You have been receiving complaints about him from other staff members too that he is not obeying their orders in the office. The peon was appointed on sympathy grounds after his father’s death since his mother is ill. His income is the only source for his family after his father’s death. He was appointed by your predecessor on humanitarian grounds. You are very strict and disciplined in your office and you expect others to be the same. You have also observed that his behaviour is unfit to continue in his job. He appears to suffer from some psychological problem too. Identify your moral and professional responsibilities in this case study and explain how will you deal with the situation? (250 Words/ 15 Marks)


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Caretaker @civilsdaily

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Kunal Aggarwal
Kunal Aggarwal
6 years ago

Answer 4:

The officer needs to be sympathetic and compassionate. However, along with moral responsibilities towards the peon due to family’s dependency and mother’s illness, officer also has the responsibility to ensure efficiency and effectiveness in the office.

The peon is a public servant and has duty to help the officers and contribute towards a better work environment. The officer in current scenario has a difficult situation of balancing his moral and professional obligations.

– The peon needs to be doing his duty because the current situation will spoil the work culture in the organisation. It will breed complacency and inefficiency.
– Everyone deserves a second chance and thus, the peon should be warned and explained of dereliction of duty.
– The officer should try to understand peon’s situation on why he has not been working as expected. The two can discuss and ensure effectiveness.
– Clear timeline for response and change in behaviour should be decided so as to track improvements in peon’s behaviour.
– For a long term change, officer needs to ensure a healthy work culture where each employee is working efficiently.
– Training sessions, team building activities can be taken up to ensure that the organisation is well knit despite the discipline that is needed in the system.
– At the end, if he is not willing to improve, the officer should initiate appropriate disciplinary action as per legal process.

In an organisation, a healthy work culture is important to ensure effectiveness. The officer should take all short term and long term steps to ensure a well knit team who is motivated and inspired by willingness to serve.

Kunal Aggarwal
Kunal Aggarwal
6 years ago

Answer 1:
Stateless society is one where there is no state. People are not governed by a government but by the society itself. A stateless society is one without a government. Communism propounded by Karl Marx is one such society.

Political principles
– There is no government
– Government is run by people through discussions and deliberations in community
– Laws framed, enforced and adjudicated by people acting in concert

Social principles
– Deliberation and discussion are the core of such society
– Resources owned by society in common and not by state
– Classification of societies are based on kinship, language, regions etc. instead of nation states

Over time, state has been adopted as a central feature of modern organisation of society. State is the central authority in modern society which acts as a neutral arbiter and ensures smooth functioning of society. On one hand where there is not state in stateless society, in modern society, state is often very powerful with huge powers and resources.

In modern societies, the structure of power is well defined and is not diffused among the people unlike stateless society. State is the sovereign authority be it democracy or monarchy etc. State in modern societies perform diverse functions in politics, economics and society. It runs various enterprises, ensures better business environment, reforms society, frames laws, enforces them and adjudicates through judiciary.

Thus, state has extensive role in all fields in modern society whereas in stateless society, there is not state and all the functions are performed by people acting together through cooperation and conflict.

6 years ago
Reply to  Kunal Aggarwal

ggrwlknl wrote

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

Question 4

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Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  Kapiushon

Hi Kapiushon,
-There is no introduction to your answer…
-Your answer is very general…
You haven’t identified what are the moral and professional responsibilities involved in this case…Also only two course of action is mentioned…

Here we need to analyze all the course of action available in such scenario….then, we choose which is more suitable to take with merits and demerits…

-There is no structure of this answer…There is different approach for writing case studies and it certainly should not be written like other general answers…

Follow the instruction given below the question itself for properly framing the answer…
Refer our model answer or other best answer reviewed for better clarity….

6 years ago

Question 1 comment image comment image

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  Kapiushon

Hello Kapiushon,
-In Marxism, Marx’s theory of the state considers that in a post-capitalist society the state, an undesirable institution, would be unnecessary and wither away. A related concept is that of stateless communism, a phrase sometimes used to describe Marx’s anticipated post-capitalist society…Marx was not against state, but capitalist state…
-Your introduction should certainly not talk about this….You should have explained the meaning of stateless society….like…a society with no centralized authority, no administration, no judiciary, no bureaucracy etc…
-Point 5 on first page…there is absent of equality in stateless society….
-We need to mention the political ans social principles separately…
-You have not provided any comparison of modern and stateless society….all what you have mentioned is the features of modern society…..

Though your attempt is good…More specific focus towards question is required…with more clarity in your concept…
Keep practicing…will improve for sure…
Refer our model answer or other best answer reviewed for better clarity….

6 years ago

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Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  Imgroot

Hi Imgroot,
-Good introduction…however, there is no proper territory or boundary of such stateless society…
-Political and social principles are okay…
-There is no concept of bureaucracy in stateless society…(point 1…under role of states)…all the points under roles are very general and seems irrelevant…
-Talk about absence of sovereignty, no bureaucracy role, separate social lineage according to village, feud selltlements, no concept of urbanization, and greater state role etc….
-The rest of the points are good with good conclusion as well….
Overall, nice attempt, except some points which should be more specific…the answer is good…
Keep practicing…will improve for sure…Keep writing…
Marks awarded: 5/15

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

Ans 1. Stateless societies are those which have no formal administrative and judicial machinery or say no formal government.
Ex. Nomads groups, village communities which are related to one another by various kinship and economic ties.

Different stateless socities are guided by different social and political principles which have evolved over time. Some of the principles are as follows:
Political principles:
1. Kinship rule
2. Society is united on the basis of loyalty and are brought together by some cause as protection of territory.
3. Symbolic head is considered supreme and obeyed.
4. Fear of mystical symbol/sacred cu stoms keep them united and legal system is also evolved from these customs.
social principles:
1. Oral and vernacular traditions are followed.
2. Society is segmented and alliance are made with kinship, marriage, descents etc.
3. Kinship plays good important role in social, political and economical organisation.

Role of state in stateless societies and difference from modern society:
The concept “state” includes physical territorial boundary governed by administrative authorities. Stateless society neither has defined territory boundary nor formal political authority so there is absence of state. They generally have hereditary ruler.

Modern societies has defined boundary and sovereignty is followed.
They have fixed ideology and bureaucracy structure.There is no such thing in stateless society.

Role of state is to thrive and work for economical, social and political development in modern society on the other hand no such development oriented attitude is seen in stateless society. Sustainment of culture and life is important.

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  Minakshi

Hi Minakshi,
-Very excellent answer….
-Good introduction with proper flow of ideas, well arranged political and social principles with beautifully arranged points…well done…keep it up…

Keep writing…
Marks awarded: 8/15

Zendagi_ migzara
Zendagi_ migzara
6 years ago

CDTEST 20496
Ans 4
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Pritam Kumar
6 years ago

Hi Priyadarshi,
-There is no introduction in your answer…
-Before ethical issues involved…mention about the stakeholders involved…
-You have identified professional and moral responsibilities very beautifully…but have not mentioned various options available with demerits and merits….
-In conclusion…where did you consider all the factors…??? its not written in your answer…
-Ideas in conclusion is good and your action is also good…but options need to be identified separately with merits and demerits followed by your course of action…

Overall, its an incomplete approach…
Though nice attempt…Keep practicing….will certainly improve further…
Refer our model answer or other best answer reviewed for better clarity….

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Abhinav Mathur
6 years ago

Answer 4.
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Abhinav Mathur
6 years ago

Answer 4
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Abhinav Mathur
6 years ago

Answer 4
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Abhinav Mathur
Abhinav Mathur
6 years ago

Answer 4.comment image comment image comment image

6 years ago
Reply to  Abhinav Mathur

Hey Abhinav, May I know how do you take print out like that ? Is there any attached pdf in that format ?

Abhinav Mathur
Abhinav Mathur
6 years ago
Reply to  Noah

Basically i am Samachar Manthan student of Civils daily so they provide PDF(with No questions written) but I edit those and take print out.

6 years ago
Reply to  Abhinav Mathur

oh okay

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  Abhinav Mathur

Hi Abhinav,
-Don’t write anything outside of margin…like bullet and numbering etc…
-There is no introduction…we need to introduce the case first…then mention about various stakeholders involved…
-Also, responsibilities should be mentioned separately…Moral, and Professional…
-Steps taken by you are good…but the process need to be changed…firstly, intimation is required to be furnished about his behaviour…to the peon…and threat for strict action…then persuade for training or psychological test….and still the problem persists then retraining with punishment like suspension…
-Also you have not analyzed that what would be the merits and demerits of his removal….
-The rest is okay…keep practicing…will improve for sure….
Keep writing…
Marks awarded: 5/15

Abhinav Mathur
Abhinav Mathur
6 years ago
Reply to  Pritam Kumar

Thank you sir for your much awaited reply!
May god keep you healthy always!

Abhinav Mathur
Abhinav Mathur
6 years ago

Answer 2
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Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  Abhinav Mathur

Hi Abhinav,
-Introduction seems to be okay…okay…though it could have been more improved…
-Mandate….you have brought only one…the rest of the mandates are what you have mentioned in structure…of DPKO Office…
-Under nature of change…few points are there…that too very general…Earlier there were no armed military…not there are armed troops, increased role of women whereas there were no women earlier, facilitate the political processes, protect civilians, disarm combatants, support elections, protect and promote human rights and restore the rule of law…etc..etc…are some of the changes in the nature of its work…
-Very general suggestions…
-Conclusion is absent…
Overall, the answer is average…need to be more specific towards question…
Keep practicing…will improve for sure…keep writing…
Marks awarded: 3/15

Refer our model answer or other best answers reviewed for better clarity…

Abhinav Mathur
Abhinav Mathur
6 years ago

Answer 1: Stateless society is one where there is no state. Society is governed by people through discussion and deliberation. Communism propounded by Karl Marx is one such society.
Political principles of stateless society are:
a) Society is governed by people through discussion, deliberation or b conflict.
b) There is no government.
c) Laws framed, adjudicate and enforced by the people in charge.
Social Principles of stateless societies are:
a) Deliberation and discussion are core of such society
b) Resources are owned by society in common and not by state.
c) Classification of society is based on Kinship, language, region rather instead of nation states.
Role of state in stateless society and it is different from modern society in following ways:
a) State is the central feature of modern society whereas in stateless society prominent people are the central feature.
b) In modern society state acts as neutral arbiter and ensures smooth functioning of society whereas in stateless society there is no state.
c) State is very powerful with huge resources whereas in stateless society community owned resources and power is exercised through people.
d) In modern society the power is well defined and not diffused among people whereas in stateless society power is diffused among people.
e) State performed various diverse functions from politics to economics, in stateless society it is diffused among people.
Thus, state perform various role in all fields in modern society whereas in stateless society, there is no state and all the functions are performed by people through cooperation and conflict.

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  Abhinav Mathur

Hello Abhinav,
-Introduction seems incomplete…as you have mentioned the half meaning of stateless society…Stateless societies were those that had no centralized authority, no administrative machinery and no courts of justice…absence of any kind of pyramidal structure of power…. (apart from the points brought by you)…
-Political principles are good…though you could have brought more points in it…
-Social principles are also good…and well written…
-Good conclusion as well…
-Overall, very good attempt…except intro…
-Nice approach…
Keep writing…
Marks awarded: 6/15

Abhinav Mathur
Abhinav Mathur
6 years ago

Answer 3: Disagreements and differences between the central bank and the centre are traditional and often seen as inevitable. But in recent time it has sparked a debate on the autonomy of RBI.
Need for autonomy of RBI
• Government tend to be influenced by short term political consideration and hence can take bad monetary decision.
• Increase credibility: as people have more confidence in central banks.
• Can use its power of money creation prudently and without influence.
• Turkey example of where government interference in the work of central bank lead to significant heating which now requires painful adjustments.
Issues between government and the RBI
1. Demand of easing PCA norms by government
2. More dividend demanded by government under section 47 of RBI –
3. Easing NPA norms.
4. Government want 3.6 lakh crore from RBI out of its surplus: Recommended by Y.H. Malegam committee to transfer entire surplus to government.
Section 7 of the RBI act allows government to consult with or give instruction to the RBI governor on the issues it believes are serious and in public interest.
In a democracy no institution can be so independent where it is not accountable to the people. RBI is accountable to the government which in turn accountable to the people.

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  Abhinav Mathur

Hello Abhinav,
-Introduction appears poor…as ideas are not properly arranged in your answer…
-What you have written in introductory para…should be followed by…Issues between government and the RBI…(You have to mention why the autonomy is in question?)
-Need for autonomy should come later….
-Also, you have not shown the position of RBI autonomy…which is the demand of the question….
-Overall, the answer is incomplete…Though your attempt is good…
Refer our model answer or other best answer reviewed for better clarity…

Kindly write on the sheet of paper and upload the same…practicing on paper is more convenient and is recommendable to get prepared for actual exam…

6 years ago

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Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  Imgroot

Hello Imgroot,
-Introduction is good…and presentation of DPKO structure is very good…
-Nicely mentioned ideas and well arranged points….
Overall the answer is excellent….well done….Keep it up…
Marks awarded: 8.5/15

6 years ago

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Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  Imgroot

Hello Imgroot,
-You are not introducing the case….there is no introduction….you have directly started from conflict involved….
-When the person is too much talkative…somewhere in some degree its the problem of his psychology…he should be given proper treatment…
-The point like family responsibility….this should make him work even harder with discipline….
-Option 4 on third page…won’t work…he refuses to obey….
-step 5…Your Action…point 3 will be that you are working without compassion and are not considering his family…What you have said in conclusion that sailing through the adverse situation is the duty of leader…The third point is contradictory to your idea…

Your answer seems to be complex….as you have mentioned many steps,options etc…need to arrange them…step is what we tend to take…when we analyse the issue or case that is just the process work and should not be considered as step…so the word ‘step’.
-The ideas mentioned are good…just need arrangement….

Nice attempt…keep writing…will improve…
Marks awarded: 6/15

6 years ago

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Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  Alkapoddar

Hello Alka,
-Introduction is poor and conveys half idea….Don’t copy the sentences as it is….mould them as per the demand of the question….
-The rest of the points are good…with a beautiful conclusion…good one…
-Overall, the answer is good…a bit change in intro will improve the quality of this answer….
Keep writing….
Marks awarded: 6.5/15


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