16 October 2018 | Prelims Daily with Previous Year Questions

Q.1) The Air Quality Early Warning System (AQEWS) was recently launched in Delhi. With reference to the AQEWS, which of the given statements is/are correct?

  1. The system has been developed by ISRO in collaboration with MoES.
  2. The system can predict extreme air pollution events 72 hours in advance and give necessary alerts.

Select the correct code:

a) Both 1 and 2

b) Only 1

c) Only 2

d) Neither 1 nor 2

Inspired by: [pib] Air Quality Early Warning System for Delhi launched


Q.2) With reference to the measures under the Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP) for improving air quality in Delhi, which of the following pairs is incorrectly matched?

a) Moderate to Poor category: Stopping Garbage burning

b) Very Poor category: Stopping Diesel Gen-sets

c) Severe category: Sprinkling water on roads

d) Severe Plus Emergency category: Ban on entry of all trucks

Inspired by: Emergency Action Plan for Delhi to kick in


Q.3) Consider the following statements with respect to Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP) aimed to curb Delhi’s air pollution:

  1. The plan is prepared and implemented by National Pollution Control Board (NPCB).
  2. The plan puts governments under the lens and holds out the promise of improvement in air quality.
  3. It suggests various measures to be undertaken at different AQIs.

Which of the given statements is/are correct?

a) All are correct

b) 1 and 2

c) 2 and 3

d) 1 and 3

Inspired by: Emergency Action Plan for Delhi to kick in


Q.4) With reference to the variations in Land Holding patterns in India from 1976-77 to 2015-16, consider the following statements:

  1. Number of farmers has significantly declined.
  2. The average farm size has almost halved from 2.28 hectares (ha) in to 1.08ha.
  3. With an average size of 5ha, Nagaland is home to India’s largest farms.

Which of the given statements is/are correct?

a) 1 and 2

b) 2 and 3

c) 1 and 3

d) All are incorrect

Inspired by: The land challenge underlying India’s farm crisis


Q.5) IGHF fair, world’s largest handicraft fair was recently held in New Delhi is organised by:

a) Export Promotion Council of India

b) Export Promotion Council for Handicrafts

c) Ministry of Textiles


Inspired by: MoS for Textiles inaugurates 46th edition of IHGF-Delhi Fair

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