16th October 2020| Daily Answer Writing Enhancement

Important Announcement:  Topics to be covered on 19th October-

GS-1 Urbanization, their problems, and their remedies.

GS-2 Case Studies.

Question 1)

Discuss the landforms of wind erosion in general while explaining the salient features of Ayers Rock with special focus. 10 marks

Question 2)

Inter-connectedness among the various challenges the world faces need more coordination among the nation-states, but it is paradoxical that they are less willing to cooperate and collaborate in tackling them. In light of this, examine the common challenges and the reasons for declining cooperation at the international level. 10 marks

Question 3)

Examine the objectives of Phased Manufacturing Policy (PMP)? What are the issues with the Production Linked Incentive scheme launched under the PMP to transform Indian into a major mobile manufacturing hub? 10 marks

Question 4)  

Mahatma Gandhi fostered an attitude of encouraging multiple religious attachments in his discourse; in this context discuss what according to him constitutes practicing plurality? How can it be fostered? 10 marks

Reviews will be provided in a week. (In the order of submission- First come first serve basis). In case the answer is submitted late the review period may get extended to two weeks.

*In case your answer is not reviewed in a week, reply to your answer saying *NOT CHECKED*. If Parth Sir’s tag is available then tag him.

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