17 Sep 2017 | Target Mains | Question 12

Q.12 You are a senior functionary in rural development ministry of government of India and in course of your tour in the remote part of the country you want to have a first hand assessment of rural development programmes and their impact on the socio economic condition of people especially of BPL category. The district officials show you some of the houses constructed under rural housing schemes. You also talked to the people and local PRI representatives.

The officials gave you a brighter picture of the situation where as people in general were critical about the attitude and approach of the officials. You were sad when you found impact of the rural development programmes/schemes far from satisfactory.

(a) Bring out the ethical issues involved in rural development programmes.

(b) What would be your reaction after your above visit?

(c) What recommendations you propose to make so as to bring impact on rural development programmes.

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