17th July 2019 | Daily Answer Writing Enhancement

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Question 1)

Socialism grew out of the endeavour to improve the miserable condition of the working classes and seek to establish socio-economic equality between man and man just as democracy seek to establish political equality.

Question 2)

Reservation based on economic status violated constitutional Intention of reservation. Critically analyse.

Question 3)

What is 5G technology? How will it revolutionise communication sector?

Question 4)

You are a no-nonsense police officer. There is a day light murder of a politician in your area. One of your senior police officer is close relative of that murdered politician. After much investigation, you come to know that Naxalites have killed him as he was involved in land grabbing cases in remote areas. Local people hated that politician. After few days you managed to arrest one naxalite who was involved in this case. He was involved in some other gruesome murder cases also. In an ambush more than 50 security personnel were also killed and his name was also surfaced in that case. Your senior officer is putting pressure on you to kill that criminal as often these type of cases take much time due to the lack of eyewitness, as they enjoy local support and also villagers have fear. Home Minister of your state also wants to do the same as it will send a message in the public about handling of law and order problem with iron hands. Thus send filler through one officer that ‘if you do the same, you will get the full support of the ruling party in future also’. Answer the following questions: (a) In the above case which ethical dilemmas will you face and why will you call it an ethical dilemma? (b) Will you follow the order of your senior officer and Home Minister? Evaluate your decision from the ethical and legal point of view. (c) Which factors will guide you in this case?


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By Root

Caretaker @civilsdaily

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5 years ago

Q2. MOJO9615J00A46183569

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5 years ago

Hi Mohsin
Mandal Commission was formed in 1979 while reservation in India is since 1950 when the Constitution came into existence. Avoid such factual mistakes, that too in your intro.
Secondly, the reservation under EWS belongs to the general category and not “economically backward classes” as mentioned by you. Please work on these elements. Your basics have to be strong in your content.
A large part of your answer is devoted in discussing the demerits of such reservations but only couple of points supporting it. You have to have proper balance in the answers. Give arguments from both side and then weigh in your opinion.
Here are some of the points that could have been mentioned in the support of the reservation:

Why reservation shouldn’t be based only on caste and but also economic status:
As the reservation grows larger, it becomes a mechanism of exclusion rather than of inclusion. Because, nowadays, the previously advantaged communities has becoming disadvantaged to a large extent due to the reservation conundrum. Many upper castes are still plagued by poverty and illiteracy.
New reservation on the basis of economic background is based on moral duties which are implicitly part of the constitution.
Every person has right ‘not face any inequality on the base of any ground’ and, the directive principle of state policy (DPSP) is a moral obligation on the state to secure a social order for the promotion of the welfare of the people.
High economic class and lower economic class and higher economic class in SCs and STs defend a reservation for maintaining the status quo.
The same scenario is in socially and economically backward class also like Maratha, Jats, gurjars etc. is demanding reservation despite high living standard.
Reservation on the basis of economic background may pave the way for a casteless society which was initially purpose of Dr Ambedkar’s reservation system.

In the way forward, the point regarding judicial intervention is vague and not needed.

Your discussion in the main body regarding demerits of such reservation are good and exhaustive.
Good conclusion as well.
Some of the points in way forwards are good.

Marks: 2.5

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5 years ago

Q4. MOJO9615J00A46183569

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5 years ago

Good intro.
Do not write so small in your flowcharts. It should be readable to the examiner otherwise it defeats the very purpose of using a flowchart.
Good answer overall.
Language could have been better.
Structure is good.
Overall decent attempt.

Marks: 6

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5 years ago

Please review

Best Regards

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5 years ago
Reply to  Borne

Please ignore. I have posted individual answers separately

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  avani k

Hi Avani
Good but lengthy intro. You should have discussed the EWS reservation a bit early.
Points in the main body could be enlarged and more (and better) points can be added. Read the model answers for them.
But the direction of the main body in terms of content is good.
In the way forward mention the steps that should be taken in order to attain a society with no reservation. You can mention steps like educate children in schools about caste, ethnic, gender and regional diversities and the need for public policy interventions to make society more equal and fair. etc.

Marks: 4

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  avani k

Your first part of the answer is good but it went downhill once you started discussing socialism in Indian context. That was not required at all.
The second part’s demands were simple: discuss the importance of socialism and how it tackles socio-equality in the society. Mention few challenges towards the end regarding the challenges that has been faced by the socialism in its endeavor in creating a just world for everyone and give some suggestions.
Please read the questions carefully and do not move out of the periphery of the issue.

Marks: 1.5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Kunal Aggarwal

Hi Kunal
Good discussion
But you could have added few challenges towards the end regarding the challenges that has been faced by the socialism in its endeavour in creating a just world for everyone and give some suggestions.
Apart from that, very good discussion and structure.
The flow was good and language proper.

Marks: 5.5

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5 years ago
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5 years ago

Q 4 MOJO9611C00A14581096
Sir could u please guide me on how to improve my speed. As in the writing speed is fine but i still take more than 15 mintues to complete a question with all the thinking and subheadings and involved. If there is a diagram it takes longer. Is writing broken sentences in bullets a solution?

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5 years ago
Reply to  Varsha Chauhan

And can flow charts be used in case studies as well?

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5 years ago
Reply to  Varsha Chauhan

Hye Varsha
It will come gradually with more practice Varsha. Keep writing and keep revising syllabus. Subheadings are normal. You dont have to over think. In most of the questions’ mentor comments, we tell you how to approach a particular question. Hence you can take cue regarding sub headings from there.
writing broken sentences in bullets can be fine but you have to make sure it addresses the explanation and should not be seen as incomplete. And yes, flow charts can be used in case studies but try not to overuse them. Whenever there is a need for proper explanation, you should not use flowchart there.

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5 years ago
Reply to  Varsha Chauhan

In such cases, you can use and mention “Code of Conduct for Civil Servants” in such cases where you have to face dilemma regarding professional ethics and obedience.
Rest of the answer is good.
Read the model answer to see if you missed any angle.

Marks: 7

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5 years ago

Payment ID MOJO9611300N14575632

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5 years ago
Reply to  pranab prakash

Hi Pranab
Good intro.
The first part, specially the part where you were supposed to discuss the “how socialism tackles socio-equality in the society” is very weak and lacks depth.
You can add points like:

socialism believes that individuals are social animals, they love to work on groups, are ready to cooperate with each other and was critical of capitalist ideology which promotes individualism, market forces as solution to all and promote capital accumulation or greedy behavior.
• Socialism says that man should help man, whereas capitalism believes that man should seek solution in market. Thus socialism tries to create a bond of equality, brotherhood among individuals.
• The socialists wanted to distribute the profits of technological miracle more fairly.
• Thus it can be said that socialism wanted to establish socio-economic equality which was missing in the democratic political system based only on political equality.

Second part is decent and well handled.

Marks: 2.5

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5 years ago

Payment ID MOJO9611300N14575632

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5 years ago
Reply to  pranab prakash

Good answer all in all.
You have discussed the pros and cons in decent manner and content has proper depth and explanation.
Better way forwards would make this answer a perfect one.
Apart from that, nothing to pin point.

Marks: 5.5

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5 years ago

Payment ID MOJO9611300N14575632

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5 years ago
Reply to  pranab prakash

In the intro, do mention why the technology was in news recently. Do not start the answer right away.
Also 1st part of the answer should discuss 5G technology in more details.
For example:
5G is the fifth generation mobile network.
It is the next generation cellular technology that will provide faster and more reliable communication with ultra-low latency.
Latency is the amount of time data takes to travel between its source and destination.
A government panel report points out that with 5G, the peak network data speeds are expected to be in the range of 2-20 Gigabit per second (Gbps).
This is in contrast to 4G link speeds in averaging 6-7 Megabit per second (Mbps) in India as compared to 25 Mbps in advanced countries.
The standards for the usage of 5G are defined and driven by 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP).

In the second part, you were supposed to discuss the benefits for “communication sector”. But you discussed the “applications of 5G in various sectors”

What are the challenges faced by the sector in India regarding 5G? You failed to discuss this.
Good way forwards and conclusion.

Marks: 2

Pranab you have to start discussing the various dimensions involved in the questions. Right now your answers are quite superficial in terms of width and depth of the content and most of the times they are uni dimensional. Do not be in a hurry to end the answer. You have 3 pages to discuss the issue in 15 marks questions. So utilize the space efficiently.

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5 years ago
Reply to  Parth Verma

ok sir
Actually I had a prejudice that everything is to be squeezed up and put in 2 pages only. I will try to focus on more multi dimensional answer writing.


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5 years ago

kindly rate and review

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5 years ago

Hi Arohi
You have misunderstood the demands of the questions completely and discussed something which was on another tangent.
Always read the mentors comments for each question before attempting it in order to understand the genesis of the question and the approach that should be taken.
The demand of the question was simply:

“In a few introductory lines define the new reservation policy for EWS that came into effect recently.
The recent reservation policy brought about by introducing an amendment to the Constitution intends to reserve 10% of the total seats in higher education institutions, both private and public, and in government jobs exclusively for the EWS belonging to the general category.
Discuss what are the pros and cons of the policy.
Discuss the rationale behind it.
Suggest your opinion and conclude with fair and balanced conclusion.
Conclude with significance of such policies, yet suggest what more can be done.”

The whole premise of the question was based on the EWS reservation system and the inherent debate around it.

Read the model answers in it.
Your discussion is good but it doesn’t suits the demands of the question
Language and explanation are good.
Good quotation of various constitutional provisions.
Marks: 2.5

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5 years ago
Reply to  Parth Verma

Thank you sir

Shivangi Uliana
Shivangi Uliana
5 years ago

Q2. MOJO9710800D30462641

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5 years ago

Hi Shivangi
Your first part of the answer is good.
But in the discussion regarding challenges, keep the focus on communication sector and the challenges it will face in rolling out 5G services.
And while you gave certain challenges, hence their way forward was must.
So for these two aspects, please read the model answer.
In the main body, the content is good.

Marks: 3

Shivangi Uliana
Shivangi Uliana
5 years ago

Q3. MOJO9710800D30462641

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5 years ago

Half baked answer in terms of content, depth and structure.
In a few introductory lines define the new reservation policy for EWS that came into effect recently.
The recent reservation policy brought about by introducing an amendment to the Constitution intends to reserve 10% of the total seats in higher education institutions, both private and public, and in government jobs exclusively for the EWS belonging to the general category.
Discuss what are the pros and cons of the policy.
Discuss the rationale behind it.
Suggest your opinion and conclude with fair and balanced conclusion.
Conclude with significance of such policies, yet suggest what more can be done.

This was the expected mandate of this question.
Read the model answer.

Marks: 1.5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago

1 ans

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5 years ago

I dont think the answer reflects the demands of the questions.
You have discussed various elements of socialism and its background.
But the demand was:
In the intro discuss how industrial revolution as well as capitalism led to the worsening of the conditions of workers and how it led to the demand of the socio-economic justice.

In the 1st part, discuss the role of democracy in seeking political equality to all.

The second part will carry forward the discussion and will discuss the importance of socialism and how it tackles socio-equality in the society.

Mention few challenges towards the end regarding the challenges that has been faced by the socialism in its endeavour in creating a just world for everyone and give some suggestions.

Read the questions carefully.
And please upload the answers in clear manner.

Marks: 1.5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago

Hi Prakhar
Very good discussion.
But before discussing relationship of socialism and socio-equality in the society; you have to mention one more element which is: the role of democracy in seeking political equality to all.
Read the model answer for this.
Apart from that, good answer.
Discussion is good and explanation apt.
Good last part.

Marks: 4.5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago

You have 3 pages to discuss the issue in 15 marks questions. So utilize the space efficiently.
I am saying this because while your discussion was very good in terms of structure and direction, but it lacked depth.
You have to give more points in the main body because this is a very important topic and has various dimensions attached to it. So it is better to have more points than what you have given.
Good way forward.

Marks: 5.5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago

In the intro, do mention why the technology was in news recently. Do not start the answer right away.
Also 1st part of the answer should discuss 5G technology in more details.
For example:
5G is the fifth generation mobile network.
It is the next generation cellular technology that will provide faster and more reliable communication with ultra-low latency.
Latency is the amount of time data takes to travel between its source and destination.
A government panel report points out that with 5G, the peak network data speeds are expected to be in the range of 2-20 Gigabit per second (Gbps).
This is in contrast to 4G link speeds in averaging 6-7 Megabit per second (Mbps) in India as compared to 25 Mbps in advanced countries.
The standards for the usage of 5G are defined and driven by 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP).

In the second part, you were supposed to discuss the benefits for “communication sector”. Therefore keep the focus on it only. No need to discuss the “applications of 5G in various sectors”

What are the challenges faced by the “communication sector” in India regarding 5G? You failed to discuss this.

All in all you veered away from the focus of the question which specifically asked for Communication sector.

Good conclusion.

Marks: 2.5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago

in (a) do mention that this is a case of ethical dilemma as no matter what course of action is taken by the police officer, some ethical principles will be compromised.

You can use and mention “Code of Conduct for Civil Servants” in such cases where you have to face dilemma regarding professional ethics, obedience, unlawful acts in the line of duty etc.
Good pointers in (b)
(c) could have been explained a bit more

Marks: 4.5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Kunal Aggarwal

In terms of discussion, explanation, content, direction, structure, nothing is wrong in the answer.
You have covered all the necessary angle without being over critical for any side.
One of the finest answer for this question.
Keep it up..
Marks: 7

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Kunal Aggarwal

Good attempt.
If only way forwards were little more comprehensive, then this would have been a near perfect answer.
The main body has all the necessary elements.
Decent coverage in the challenges part. You can also add points like Regulatory Restrictions; Technical Challenges etc.

Marks: 5.5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Kunal Aggarwal

Good intro.
There were other dilemmas as well in (a) like:
1. The police officer is receiving pressure from the senior as well as the Home Minister to kill that person in encounter. It will be unethical as the police officer need to be abide by the constitutional principles rather the external pressure. According to Law and Constitutional Principles, ‘Right to Defend’ one’s action is fundamental right of an individual (except in few cases).
2. On the other hand, if he does not follow the instructions from the above, he will face issues related to transfer and promotion policies.
3. This is a case of ethical dilemma as no matter what course of action is taken by the police officer, some ethical principles will be compromised.

Good points in (b)
You can use and mention “Code of Conduct for Civil Servants” in such cases where you have to face dilemma regarding professional ethics, obedience, unlawful acts in the line of duty etc.

Do not write lengthy paragraphs.

Marks: 5

Shivangi Uliana
Shivangi Uliana
5 years ago

Q1. MOJO9710800D30462641

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5 years ago

First of all….please do not write such lengthy paragraphs. When you are using paragraph style presentation then you should have proper breaks and gaps. This type of presentation is totally uncalled for.
You have exceeded words limit. Normally we dont look after word limits in this program if the demand of the question are met or the pages have not been exceeded but this is not the way to write answers. It is like you were making notes on socialism and not answering the question.
The point of political equality comes in the last part of the answer while it was supposed to come just after intro and the main body should have carried forward the discussion and discussed the importance of socialism and how it tackled socio-equality in the society.

Points are OK in the answer presentation, over explanation, veering away from the topic; all led to the poor marks in the answer.

marks: 1.5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Murari Jha

Good discussion.
You have covered all the major dimensions.
In terms of depth, you should have discussed the pros and cons of reservation on economic basis, a bit more, because that was the main theme of the question.
For that you could either remove or shorten the discussion prior to that.
Points in all parts are well discussed and placed.
Avoid too much cutting.
Decent forwards.

Marks: 5.5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Murari Jha

In the intro, do mention why the technology was in news recently. Do not start the answer right away.
Also 1st part of the answer should discuss 5G technology in more details.
For example:
5G is the fifth generation mobile network.
It is the next generation cellular technology that will provide faster and more reliable communication with ultra-low latency.
Latency is the amount of time data takes to travel between its source and destination.
A government panel report points out that with 5G, the peak network data speeds are expected to be in the range of 2-20 Gigabit per second (Gbps).
This is in contrast to 4G link speeds in averaging 6-7 Megabit per second (Mbps) in India as compared to 25 Mbps in advanced countries.
The standards for the usage of 5G are defined and driven by 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP).

Decent 2nd half.

Very good way forwards and conclusion.

Marks: 3

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5 years ago


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5 years ago

Hi Vishvjeet
Your direction of the answer is decent.
Points are OK too but better explanation and language is needed.
Link your intro with democracy as well….
Good main body.

Marks: 4.5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago

There are multiple angles which could be added in your body. It lacks depth right now. The points against EWS can be added are:
1. Reservation is intended not to be an anti-poverty programme. The government has many programmes which are, in principle, accessible to all poor people.
2. Reservation on caste basis exists because, in addition to being more likely to be poor than general castes, Dalits, backward Muslims, and Adivasis face social discrimination and exclusion that poor people from general caste backgrounds do not face.
3. The fact that the right to education, the right to own land, the right to conduct business, or to pursue a well-remunerated occupation has been reserved for men from high caste backgrounds for generations means that government must take steps to correct the unequal distribution of rights.
4. Economic backwardness may not be due to societal issues and may be due to bad decision making in business or bad investment etc. Hence there is no criteria to judge economic backwardness alone. On the other hand, societal backwardness has multiple dimensions which can be gauged before extending reservation to a particular caste.

Similarly in the pro argument, you can add:
As the reservation grows larger, it becomes a mechanism of exclusion rather than of inclusion. High economic class and lower economic class and higher economic class in SCs and STs defend a reservation for maintaining the status quo.
The same scenario is in socially and economically backward class also like Maratha, Jats, gurjars etc. is demanding reservation despite high living standard.
Reservation on the basis of economic background may pave the way for a casteless society which was initially purpose of Dr Ambedkar’s reservation system.

You did not mentioned the way forwards. What should be done from here on?

While discussing points in the main body, always try to give as many points as possible. That shows the depth and width of you content and will fetch more marks. Write as many points as you know but write only 1-2 line about that point. It’s always better to cover more points than to write few points in detail.
For first 6-7 tests dun focus on word limit and time.Your focus should be on writing a good answer. Word limit and timing is something which can be done in the next phase

Marks: 3.5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago

Your points are direction are good.
You have covered almost all aspects.
Do not discuss challenges in two separate headings.
Also do not say that there is lack of government support.
Infact when it comes to 5G, government has taken various steps like:

Recently approved, National Electronics Policy 2019 aims to position India as a global hub for Electronics System Design and Manufacturing and promotes early stage Start-ups in emerging technology areas such as 5G, loT, Artificial Intelligence etc.
Bharat Net project aims to provide digital infrastructure on a non-discriminatory basis by an affordable broadband connectivity of 2 Mbps to 20 Mbps for all households.
Indian government also initiated measures to introduce 5G technology via the National Telecom Policy (NTP), which aims to reach 100% teledensity, high-speed internet highways and delivery of citizen-centric services electronically.
The Department of Telecommunications set up a high-level forum to develop the roadmap for 5G services in India by 2020.
The government is also working on creating a corpus of Rs 500 crore for research and development for 5G technology in India.
The government has invited leading telecom companies to undertake pilot projects on spectrum allocated free of charge for a year.
India is making efforts to have its own Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) as a part of 5G global standards.
The auction for a broad range of spectrum bands for 5G, later this year, will set the stage for India to power the next generation mobile networks.

hence, avoid general statements that are either false or not backed with good data.
Similarly, your way forward is general. Never mention that government should delay the auction of 5G spectrum. That shows the inability on the part of the government and makes conclusion pessimistic.
Instead, better way forwards are:

Need to align Digital India with 5G technology.
Incentivise design and manufacture of 5G technologies, products and solutions in India.
Allocate funds and incentivise local technology and telecom firms to develop their internal capacities which would in turn help 5G technology succeed in the country
Promote 5G start-ups that enable this design and manufacturing capabilities.
Promote generation of IPR backing the above designs.
Manufacture of 5G chipsets, this may require massive investments.
Appropriate test-beds and technology platforms to enable and help Indian technical ecosystem to have an edge in 5G.
Accelerated deployment of next generation ubiquitous ultra-high broadband infrastructure with 100% coverage of 10 Gbps across urban India and 1 Gbps across Rural India.
Coverage, reliability, and scalability must be optimized and seamless mobile networks will require a unified management policy to ensure consistent standards

Avoid general statements Vishvjeet. It will not help in fetching marks.

Marks: 3.5

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5 years ago

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5 years ago
Reply to  Borne

Hi Mud Borne
There are multiple issues with the answer.
1st is direction of the answer. You should have focused on the mentors comment given under the question. The demand :

In the intro discuss how industrial revolution as well as capitalism led to the worsening of the conditions of workers and how it led to the demand of the socio-economic justice.

In the 1st part, discuss the role of democracy in seeking political equality to all.

The second part will carry forward the discussion and will discuss the importance of socialism and how it tackles socio-equality in the society.

Mention few challenges towards the end regarding the challenges that has been faced by the socialism in its endeavour in creating a just world for everyone and give some suggestions.


You discussed something different.

2nd: Work on your presentation. If writing in paragraph then do give proper space between changing paragraph otherwise it will look like a big paragraph shaped answer.

3rd: Structure: There was no flow in the answer. Points were haphazardly placed. Plus there were no sub headings.

4th: The 2nd part of the answer is too India centric which is not the demand of the question.

Marks: 1.5

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5 years ago

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5 years ago
Reply to  Borne

Answer lacks content, depth and structure.
Remember once again: You will have roughly 3 pages for 15 markers and hence try to utilise all the given spaces.
While discussing points in the main body, always try to give as many points as possible. That shows the depth and width of you content and will fetch more marks. Write as many points as you know but write only 1-2 line about that point. It’s always better to cover more points than to write few points in detail.
For first 6-7 tests dun focus on word limit and time.Your focus should be on writing a good answer. Word limit and timing is something which can be done in the next phase
The demand of the question was:

In a few introductory lines define the new reservation policy for EWS that came into effect recently.
The recent reservation policy brought about by introducing an amendment to the Constitution intends to reserve 10% of the total seats in higher education institutions, both private and public, and in government jobs exclusively for the EWS belonging to the general category.
Discuss what are the pros and cons of the policy.
Discuss the rationale behind it.
Suggest your opinion and conclude with fair and balanced conclusion.
Conclude with significance of such policies, yet suggest what more can be done.

You completed all the discussion in a single page while only discussing the cons of EWS Quota. Infact there was no mentioning of EWS quota in the answer.
Write wholesome answers.

Marks: 1

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5 years ago

Please review

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5 years ago
Reply to  Borne

Once again you missed to discuss the demand of the question.
The question is in the backdrop of recent debates over the Huawei’s role in the 5G network rollout in India continues. This comes at a time when the government has made its intentions clear to start with the 5G trials soon.
Explain in detail the 5G technology, its benefits and applications and what are the challenges currently India is facing in implementing it.
Explain in brief what you understand by 5G technology.
In the main body, explain the following points –
5G – It is the next generation cellular technology that will provide faster and more reliable communication with ultra-low latency.
Its benefits – It will revolutionize the mobile experience; consumers will be able to download data heavy content such as 8K movies and games with better graphics in just a few seconds. But once 5G becomes commercial, users will be required to change their current devices in favor of 5G-enabled ones.
However, it is likely that the primary use of the technology will go beyond delivery of services on personal mobiles devices.
Discuss how will it revolutionize communication sector.
Discuss the various challenges being faced in incorporating the technology in India.
Conclude by reasserting the significance of such a technology.

Coming to your answer, 1st part of the answer should discuss 5G technology in more details.
For example:
5G is the fifth generation mobile network.
It is the next generation cellular technology that will provide faster and more reliable communication with ultra-low latency.
Latency is the amount of time data takes to travel between its source and destination.
A government panel report points out that with 5G, the peak network data speeds are expected to be in the range of 2-20 Gigabit per second (Gbps).
This is in contrast to 4G link speeds in averaging 6-7 Megabit per second (Mbps) in India as compared to 25 Mbps in advanced countries.
The standards for the usage of 5G are defined and driven by 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP).

In the second part, you were supposed to discuss the benefits for “communication sector”. Therefore keep the focus on it only. No need to discuss the “applications of 5G in various sectors”

What are the challenges faced by the “communication sector” in India regarding 5G? You failed to discuss this.

All in all you veered away from the focus of the question which specifically asked for Communication sector.

Good conclusion.

Marks: 1.5

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5 years ago

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5 years ago
Reply to  Borne

A decent intro is necessary where you can briefly mention the actors involved in the case.

There were other dilemmas as well in (a) like:
1. The police officer is receiving pressure from the senior as well as the Home Minister to kill that person in encounter. It will be unethical as the police officer need to be abide by the constitutional principles rather the external pressure. According to Law and Constitutional Principles, ‘Right to Defend’ one’s action is fundamental right of an individual (except in few cases).
2. On the other hand, if he does not follow the instructions from the above, he will face issues related to transfer and promotion policies.
3. This is a case of ethical dilemma as no matter what course of action is taken by the police officer, some ethical principles will be compromised.

In (c) your discussion is good and explained in nice manner.

In (b) you have to categorically deny any idea of dilemma. AS SIMPLE AS THAT. You should not even mention that you are “stuck in conundrum”. This reflects poorly on your decision making as a police officer because it is simply not allowed to take law in your hands. Instead your line of discussion should be:

In the above case, the order of senior officer and Home Minister cannot be followed as it is unethical and it violates the principle of equality and fair trail enshrined under the Constitution. The fake encounters for complete personal gains is unethical.
• Legally also under the Code of Conduct for Civil Servants, every officer has to:
a) Commit himself to and uphold the supremacy of the constitution and democratic Values.
b) Promote the principles of merit, fairness and impartiality in the discharge of duties.
c) Follow the instructions from the seniors which are ordinarily be in writing. Oral direction to subordinates shall be avoided, as far as possible. Where the issue of oral direction becomes unavoidable, the official superior shall confirm it in writing immediately thereafter.
• Thus the above case is against the Code of Conduct as well as morality. As stated by the Senior Police officer, the case usually lacks eyewitness, so the criminal procedure should be enhanced so that guilty can get punishments for one’s act in time under law.

Remember, in cases where you have to chose between good and bad, always chose the good because a slightest of hint of your inhibition will make you lose all the marks and will reflect poorly on your decision making.

You can use and mention “Code of Conduct for Civil Servants” in such cases where you have to face dilemma regarding professional ethics, obedience, unlawful acts in the line of duty etc.

Marks: 4


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