17th November 2018 | Daily Answer Writing Enhancement

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Question 1)

1857 revolt was something more than a sepoy mutiny, but something less than a national revolt. (150 Words/ 10 Marks)

Question 2)

While Regionalism is a major problem in Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and almost all of India’s neighbours, India has been able to maintain relative peace regarding regional violence, except Kashmir. Discuss. (250 Words/ 15 Marks)

Question 3)

Is it true that the Indian Economy has headed for a serious crisis or it’s just a myth? Analyse with respect to the Performance of Indian Economy Since 2008. Bring examples to support your points. (250 Words/ 15 Marks)

Question 4)

Corporate social responsibility makes companies more profitable and sustainable. Analyse. (150 Words/ 10 marks)

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Sandeep Goyal
Sandeep Goyal
6 years ago

Q2 CD TEST 20392comment image comment imagecomment image

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  Sandeep Goyal

Hi Sandeep,
-Introduction seem to be incomplete…Its more an ideology and political movement…seeking to address their separate grievances….
-Geographical factor…its more about physical terrain, proximity of development and availability of facilities….etc…and certainly not be influenced by hot and cold weather…(Narrow interpretation)…
-Under reasons behind regionalism….these points convey general ideas….Rise of Regionalism in India is more because of continuous neglection by govt., lack of economic growth of regions, poor or no infrastructure, absent of social expenditure, no job availability, ego centric issues like sharing of river water, language etc… are the specific reasons for growing regionalism in India…
-Regionalism in neighbouring countries – points need explanation…
Under how India succeeded to bring peace: instead of bringing negative point…mention constitution facilitated smooth devolution of resources all across the country helped in reducing the regional demand….and generated a common Indian demand…
-Under conclusion…what are the tactics which India devolved…need to explain with justification…don’t mention empty ideas and point without any base or evidence…
-Conclusion should contain your own views associated by true facts…

Your attempt seems very general…and shows lack of clarity regarding the topic…though you tried well…keep practicing…will improve for sure….
Keep writing…
Marks awarded: 4/10

Sandeep Goyal
Sandeep Goyal
6 years ago

Q4 CD TEST 20392comment imagecomment image

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  Sandeep Goyal

Hi Sandeep,
-You need to practice more writing on white paper as it seems you are not familiar with writing on white paper.
-never extend your letters of the words beyond margin…margin should be left blank….
-Good introduction….
-Point 1, 2, 3 under how CSR profitable are okay…but later points you have deviated from the demand of the question….You need to show more of profit for company…though you can mention other profits also, but you must show the profits for the company as well under the same points…
-Try incorporating more and examples……
Overall, good attempt…Continue focus on the question is what required while writing answer…
Nice approach…keep writing..,
Marks awarded: 4/10

Sandeep Goyal
Sandeep Goyal
6 years ago

Q3 CD TEST 20392comment imagecomment image

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  Sandeep Goyal

Hi Sandeep,
Suggestion: don’t write anything beyond margin…
Work to improve your handwriting further…
-Intro seems to be poor…There is problem in sentence formation in intro…’has been collapse immediately’…this does not convey complete meaning…Your introduction require more clarity…
-Your presentation seems to be okay…structure wise…but most of your content supports the current views only…
-The question demands to analyze since 2008 global crisis…
-Very few suggestions…in way forward…
-Overall, the answer is good but not complete…All aspects of the question need to be answered…need to focus more on question…
Keep practicing will improve for sure…

Marks awarded: 4.5/10

6 years ago

Answer 2
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Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  Kapiushon

Hello Kapiushon,
-Good introduction…
-Before going to neighbouring countries…mention the common regions of regionalism…in India itself…
-In second page…you have mentioned regionalism in India…but what are the burning reasons which gave birth to such regionalism….? need to identify the reasons of growing nationalism…Also we are united in diversity…we are more Indians…however, as per Gandhi Ji, regionalism is important to realise one’s origin, culture and basic tenets…
-The rest of the points are okay…okay…though quality would have been improved….
Overall, the ideas in answer are good…but lack logical arrangement as per the requirement of the question….
Though nice attempt…keep writing will improve for sure….
Marks awarded: 4/10

Shivani Sharma
Shivani Sharma
6 years ago

CDTEST20563 Ans-1comment imagecomment image

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  Shivani Sharma

Hi Shivani,
-There should be proper margins on both edges of the page and one line should not incorporate more than 5-6 words…It is recommended to practice on proper sheet of page…
-Never use shortcut for any words…even don’t write Govt. in short form…
-Nice introduction…and good way of presentation…
-But the points are too general…
-We need to analyse whether it was a sepoy mutiny? if not why…like interests of various stakeholders, Their prior issues with Britishers, ego of exploitations, participation from the different section such as peasants, rulers, civilians etc…etc…
-Also we need to analyse whether this was truly a national uprising? if not why?

Overall, an average answer…need to bring more specific points in it…
Keep writing…will improve for sure…
Marks awarded: 4/10

6 years ago

Answer 1
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Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  Kapiushon

Hello Kapiushon,
-Poor Introduction…
-Though points mentioned are good…with good presentation…and arrangement….
-Poor conclusion as well…
Overall, the answer is good…except intro and conclusion….
-Well attempted…keep writing…
Marks awarded: 4.5/10

Shivani Sharma
Shivani Sharma
6 years ago

CDTEST20563 Ans-4comment imagecomment image

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  Shivani Sharma

Hi Shivani,
-Your answer is incomplete…as you have only explained about the CSR and its activities…You have not mentioned how companies get profit by maintaining social responsibilities…

Read the question carefully, and interpret the ideas asked in it…More focus on the question is what needed…

Though nice attempt…keep practicing will improve for sure…

Refer our model answer or other best answers reviewed for better clarity….

6 years ago

Answer 4
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Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  Kapiushon

Hi Kapiushon,
-Good introduction…
-Good examples of CSR mentioned…
-Under advantages also points are okay…but missed important points….like company gets tax relaxation, CSR helps the employees understand the values of RESPONSIBILITY, ACCOUNTABILITY, SELFLESSNESS, COOPERATION & ENVIRONMENTAL ETHICS which help in the sustainability of the company etc…etc…etc…
-Though conclusion is good…
Overall, the answer is good…nice approach…well done…keep it up…
Marks awarded: 5.5/10

Puru Rajput
Puru Rajput
6 years ago

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Puru Rajput
Puru Rajput
6 years ago

ANS1 CDTEST20453comment image comment image comment image

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  Puru Rajput

Hi Puru Rajput,
-Introduction seems to be okay…though there are problems in sentence formation…
-No need to mention the different storm centers separately…incorporate into one para…
-Points are good…but presentation need more clarity…like due to absent of mass support from big power holders and their resistance…it can be said that the revolt was not on the line of national movement…
-The rest of the points are good…though conclusion could have been better…

Overall good attempt…The need is to mould the ideas, sentences, and points as per the language of the question…Articulation of language is what required…
However, well approached answer…keep practicing…
Marks awarded: 4.5/10

Puru Rajput
Puru Rajput
6 years ago

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Puru Rajput
Puru Rajput
6 years ago

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Puru Rajput
Puru Rajput
6 years ago

CDTEST20453 ANS3comment image comment image comment image

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  Puru Rajput

Hi Puru Rajput,
-Answer is good…but you have exceeded the word limit…
-Introduction seems to be good…however, its a bit long…could have been in sync form…though okay…
-Points and ideas brought are very good and well arranged….
-Beautiful idea in conclusion as well…
Overall, nice attempt….well written…well done….
Focus on your handwriting, make your handwriting more attractive…though good approach…
Keep writing…
Marks awarded: 6/10

Puru Rajput
Puru Rajput
6 years ago


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Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  Puru Rajput

Hello Puru Rajput,
-Ideas in introduction is good….Though there is problem in sentence formation…some of the sentences are incomplete…Also avoid using colloquial language…(try to bring maturity in language)
-Benefits mentioned are good…though missed some important one…like…by maintaining CSR, Company get tax benefits, CSR helps the employees understand the values of RESPONSIBILITY, ACCOUNTABILITY, SELFLESSNESS, COOPERATION & ENVIRONMENTAL ETHICS which help in the sustainability of the company etc…etc…etc…(apart from the points what you have mentioned)…
-Conclusion could have been much better…

-Overall, good attempt….need to work on presentation more…avoid overwriting in page…proper separation of framework…like intro…main body…and conclusion…etc…etc…

Rest, your approach is good…keep writing…will improve for sure…
Marks awarded: 4/10

Puru Rajput
Puru Rajput
6 years ago
Reply to  Pritam Kumar

Pritam one economics answer is left unchecked

Shefali kashyap
Shefali kashyap
6 years ago

CDTEST21004 answer 1comment imagecomment image


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