18th June 2019 | Daily Answer Writing Enhancement

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Question 1)

Temperature and vegetation in any region of earth is governed by multiple factors, latitude and altitude being the prominent ones. Comment.(250 Words)

Question 2

Monsoon is the lifeline of Indian Agriculture. In the light of this statement discuss ways to ensure food and farmer’s income security in case of a weak monsson.(250 words)

Question 3)

There is been an increase in occurance of zoonotic human infectious diseases are zoonotic . Give reasons for this. Also suggest ways to contain and decrease the frequency of such events.(250 Words)

Question 4)

What are the ethical concerns involved in gene editing technology. Discuss.(150 Words)

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Caretaker @civilsdaily

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5 years ago


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Vijay Ashok
5 years ago
Reply to  Kunal Aggarwal

Kunal can u pls let me know how to post answers?
File(jpeg or pdf) upload icon is not visible to me in mobile,iPad or Laptop

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5 years ago
Reply to  Vijay Ashok

The same problem happened to me. U can do it by deleting ur profile or using it in incognito mode as suggested by CD staff

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5 years ago
Reply to  Pooja

Thnx Pooja,It works for me now.

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5 years ago
Reply to  Kunal Aggarwal

this is what it looks like..camera icon for .JPG and attachment icon for other file types….pardon for the bad quality ….post your answers on this very page..you are probably opening the respective pages of the questions.

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Vijay Ashok
5 years ago
Reply to  Varsha Chauhan

Thanks Varsha Chauhan for reply,But cam,cam corder and file icons are not visible in my comment box.

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5 years ago
Reply to  Vijay Ashok

Drop mail at @Civils Daily.com">hello@Civils Daily.com

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5 years ago
Reply to  Kunal Aggarwal

Hi Kunal

Quite good intro.
Your discussion on the factors affecting temp is pretty decent and it covers mostly all the imp facets of the topic.
Good use of diagram.
Overall nice answer.

Marks: 4.5

Again good intro.
The main body of the answer has been attempted really well.
This is such a topic where you have to be economical with your approach and words given the vastness of the topic. And you were good with that. Language is not too technical and yet it was effective with all the imp keywords in it.

Marks: 5.5


Rather than using two separate paras, try using one and combine the first two paras to make an unified intro. That will suit your answer.

Nothing wrong in terms of content or direction in your main body of the answer.

Good way forward.
Marks: 5

Intro is good.
Subheading is missing before the bullet points.
The discussion is uni-dimensional because it is only talking about the cons of gene editing. You have to give other side of the argument as well. Discuss what are the pros (in terms of ethics) of gene editing.

Similarly, your conclusion needs to be balanced.

Marks: 2.5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago

There are upload issues
1. It automatically reverses the order of image
2. While editing, I can add image.
3. Also, automatically rotated the image

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5 years ago
Reply to  Kunal Aggarwal

Its working fine.
When we click on it, it gets enlarged and displays very well.

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5 years ago
Reply to  Er S

Rotation was an intermittent case. It was on this very post which I edited and reposted the answer. Thanks for addressing.

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5 years ago


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5 years ago

Q4 MOJO9611C00A14581096

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5 years ago
Reply to  Varsha Chauhan

Hi Varsha

Good intro and good use of diagram but try to make little bit clearer diagram to take maximum advantage out of it.

The discussion on pros and cons is decent with proper coverage of ethical question of gene editing.

Very good conclusion. It is balanced, appropriate and optimistic yet cautious. Keep it up.

Marks: 5.5

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5 years ago

Payment ID MOJO9618O00A99185820

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5 years ago

Hi Prakhar

Intro needs more and better content.
Rest of the answer is fine.
You should use diagrams in Geo related questions. That will get you better marks.
Overall, apart from intro, good attempt.

Marks: 4.5


Good intro

Before discussing ways to increase food and farmer’s income security, you have to briefly discuss the role and dependence of monsoon in Indian agri and give data about it.

Point of forward linkage is not suited in rain related question. Avoid this kind of statement. Rest of the points in 1st part are good.

You have to discuss income security while keeping irrigation at the center. Right now it lacks that approach.

Marks: 2


Good intro.

More points are needed in the reason for rise of zoonotc disease. Points like changes in land use, forest fragmentation, intensification of agriculture, loss of biodiversity, migratory impacts on proliferation and adaptation of pathogens, rapid urbanisation bringing people, especially migrant populations that are immunologically naïve, in close contact with pathogens., Anthropogenic climate change etc.

Way forward suffers from the same issue. The answer is half baked with lack of content and depth therein.

Read the model answer for this question.

Marks: 1.5


Good intro. Mention why it has been in news recently.

While your ethical dilemma angle is good in the answer, but to balance it out, you have to discuss why gene editing is necessary for some ethical reasons. Avoid uni dimensional approach in answers. Discuss both sides of the argument.

Good conclusion.

Marks: 2.5

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5 years ago

Payment ID MOJO9611300N14575632

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5 years ago
Reply to  pranab prakash

Hi Pranab

Summarize the first two paragraphs to make one single intro.

More discussion on the reasons is needed. There many points which you can discuss here like changes in land use, forest fragmentation, intensification of agriculture, loss of biodiversity, migratory impacts on proliferation and adaptation of pathogens, rapid urbanization bringing people, especially migrant populations that are immunological naive, in close contact with pathogens etc.

Way forward and conclusion are covered nicely. Points are good here.

If writing reasons types of discussion, then avoid paragraph style and use bullet points to include maximum points. That way your coverage will widen.

Marks: 3

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5 years ago

Payment ID MOJO9611300N14575632

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5 years ago
Reply to  pranab prakash

Your direction of the answer is decent but you have to work on your presentation.
Avoid newspaper kind of presentation. Right now it looks (because of language too) a lot like newspaper editorial.
Your intro is good.
After intro, divide your main body in 2 parts: one discussing the scientific and ethical pros of gene editing and second for ethical cons of gene editing… try to use bullet point format. It will suit you. Plus you will be able to discuss more points there.

Conclusion is balanced and good.

Marks: 2.5

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5 years ago

Payment ID MOJO9611300N14575632

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5 years ago
Reply to  pranab prakash

Very good start to your answer.

Before discussing the steps needed to improve irrigation challenge for Indian agri, mention few issues that we face currently due to dependence on monsoon and rain fed agri practice. Give some data regarding the situation.

The main body of the answer is really good in terms of content, quality and structure. Only suggestion there would be to use subheading in each paragraph. Its important if you are writing in para style. That gives clarity as well as the idea of direction to the examiner plus it gives your answer good presentation.

Points are really good.

Conclusion can be made more balanced and optimistic.

Marks: 5

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5 years ago

Payment ID MOJO9611300N14575632

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5 years ago
Reply to  pranab prakash

Once again good intro.

Quite good answer overall.

Presentation structure, flow and content, all are really good.

The only suggestion here would be to use sub headings as mentioned in an above answer.

Conclusion is good.

Keep it up

Marks: 6

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5 years ago

Q1 MOJO9611C00A14581096

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5 years ago
Reply to  Varsha Chauhan

Hi Varsha

Good Intro

Good use of diagram and tabular form in attempting lengthy answer.

Content is good. Overall decent attempt.

Marks: 5.5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Chester

Hi Utkarsh

Main body of the answer is decent but your discussion in conclusion needs to be dealt separately rather then placing it there.

You can use the subheading of OTHER FACTORS and discuss these factors briefly like oceanic currents, flow of wind etc.

That will give your answer the necessary depth and width of coverage.

You can conclude your answer by summarizing all the discussion and emphasizing on latitude and latitude.

Marks: 4

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Chester

Good start to the answer.

To add weight to it, you can add data or points regarding dependence of farmers on rainfall in India and how it has been affecting the income and food security. You dont have to go deep in this discussion but briefly discuss this point.

While the discussion in the main body is good, but to make it more substantial you should give contemporary examples like practice in Israel or Telangana regarding better water management. Make it a habit of giving examples wherever you can in these static yet current related questions.

Conclusion is good.

Marks: 5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Chester

Before discussing the reasons for the increase in zoonotic disease, you should briefly discuss its negative impact on human as well as animal ecosystem. Even if the question has not specifically asked about it, always try to showcase that you have the width and coverage of the issue in hand. This helps you a lot in UPSC mains. Detailed discussion is not needed. Just brush the issue and move to your main body of answer.

Main body and conclusion are dealt nicely. Content and coverage are good. Its balanced. Keep writing.

Marks: 4.5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Chester

Your answer lacks balance.

Avoid one dimensional answer. Always give arguments for both sides: pros and cons, even if it is not explicitly asked in the question. Your answer has to be multi dimensional.

Your discussion on ethical cons of gene editing is good.

After intro, divide your main body in 2 parts: one discussing the scientific and ethical pros of gene editing and second for ethical cons of gene editing.

Good conclusion.

Marks: 2

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5 years ago

Q3 MOJO 9611C00A14581096

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5 years ago
Reply to  Varsha Chauhan

Combine the first two paragraphs. Unified intros are better than fragmented ones.

Good use of diagram. Keep it up.

Very good main body of the answer.

Your division of measures needed to tackle these diseases intro three sub headings is apt and well suited. Points there are also decent. This reflects that student has that necessary depth and coverage of the issue. Keep it up.

A better conclusion would have been icing on the cake. Work on it.

Marks: 5.5

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5 years ago

A1) Multiple factors affect the temperature and vegetation of any place on earth. The most notable among those are as follows:

a) Latitude: Latitude defines the amount of sunlight a place gets, which is the most important factor in the determination of temperature – places closest to the equator have high temperatures, while poles are the coldest. Due to that, lush tropical forests are found at the equator, with vegetation thinning out and turning non-existent at the poles.

b) Altitude: Temperature decreases at a rate of about 6 degrees Celsius for every 1 km height (normal lapse rate) till the tropopause. For that reason, most lush forests are found near the sea level, while alpine forests adapted to the harsh cold are found at greater heights.

c) Distance from large water bodies: Large water bodies like bays, seas and oceans exert a moderating influence on the temperature of landmasses. Temperature extremes and hardy vegetation are mostly found on the interior of continents, while tropical and temperate vegetation occupies distances closer to the coastline.

d) Global wind and ocean circulation: Caused by the rotation of the earth and atmospheric pressure, these circulation a help on guiding hot and cold masses of water and air around the world and respectively, increase and decrease temperatures.

e) Insolation: Guided mainly by latitude, high amounts of solar radiation help in increasing temperatures and help in the development of tropical and temperate forests.

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5 years ago
Reply to  Utkarsh Singh

Hi Utkarsh

Your main body is ok but it seems your answer ended abruptly.

Proper conclusions are necessary for soft landing of your answer. Try to summarise your discussion in the end if you are not getting points for your conclusion. That will work too.

Marks: 2.5

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5 years ago

A4) In light due to the recent discussions on Bt Brinjal and Bt Cotton, gene editing is the process of altering the DNA in the genome of an organism, thereby altering its external properties.

The pros related to this process are:

a) Gene editing can help in increasing yield of plants, thereby feeding an ever-increasing number of people.
b) Currently incurable diseases can be detected and treated early in life with this process, making people’s lives better.

The cons for gene editing are:
a) Long-term impacts of genetically modified plants on human and environment health are still unclear, making it potentially dangerous.
b) Gene editing will be more available to the more affluent sectors of society, widening the rift between the rich and the poor.

A scientifically informed public debate, accompanied by scientists and social experts studying short and long-term health and social impacts of gene therapy will help in finding a consensus over the use of gene therapy.

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5 years ago
Reply to  Utkarsh Singh

While the direction and the balance of the answer is good, but you need to have more points in your answer.

Intro and conclusion are decent.

Give more points in the arguments for and against gene editing.

Marks: 3

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Pankaj Lalwani
5 years ago

Please find below the link of google drive, as I am unable to upload the images in discussion box.

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Pankaj Lalwani
5 years ago
Reply to  Pankaj Lalwani

OrderID =CDTEST26218

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5 years ago
Reply to  Pankaj Lalwani

Hye Pankaj

Please try to use PDF mode if images are not being uploaded. Avoid google drive method.

There are certain issues with the answer.

Try to maintain a flow in the answer. Right now its start stop type of flow. Your direction is good but structure and presentation needs better work. Try to place your points in more lucid way.

Use of diagram is good. Keep it up.

After your discussion on the altitude and latitude, briefly discuss what are other factors that affect vegetation. This can be your conclusion but it will be better if you discuss this briefly before conclusion.

Marks: 2.5


Good intro.

While your discussion is in right direction in the main body, but try to revolve it around the main theme of the question which is food and farmer’s income security. You can use these subheading for this purpose. This will add weightage to your answer.

Good conclusion.

Marks: 4.5


Your answer lacks balance.

Avoid one dimensional answer. Always give arguments for both sides: pros and cons, even if it is not explicitly asked in the question. Your answer has to be multi dimensional.

Your discussion on ethical cons of gene editing is good.

After intro, divide your main body in 2 parts: one discussing the scientific and ethical pros of gene editing and second for ethical cons of gene editing.

Good conclusion.

Marks: 2

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5 years ago

Citrus Reference Number: 011906024648833
Kindly review

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5 years ago

Hi Rahul


Good use of diagrams. Keep it up.

Main body is decent but answer ends abruptly.

After your discussion on the altitude and latitude, briefly discuss what are other factors that affect vegetation. This can be your conclusion but it will be better if you discuss this briefly before conclusion.

Marks: 2.5


Good intro.

Answer suffers from lack of proper depth.

Remember that UPSC will give you more than 2 and half pages for 250 words question. Hence use it to your advantage.

Your answer ended in less than a page on a topic which is quite huge and you can have plethora of points.

Bring more depth in your answer and work on your structure.

Good conclusion.

Marks: 2


Before discussing the reasons behind the increase in zoonotic diseases, briefly discuss what are the effects of this increase on humans as well as animals

Points in the main body of the answer are good.

Conclusion is good.

Marks: 4

While you discussed some points on pros of gene editing, but avoid one dimensional answer. Always give arguments for both sides: pros and cons, even if it is not explicitly asked in the question. Your answer has to be multi dimensional.

Your discussion on ethical cons of gene editing is good.

After intro, divide your main body in 2 parts: one discussing the scientific and ethical pros of gene editing and second for ethical cons of gene editing.

Marks: 1.5

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5 years ago

Payment ID : MOJO9618F00D99209532

Posting the Google Drive link, as I’m unable to upload photos / PDFs here:


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5 years ago

Hye Shantanu

Please try to use PDF mode if images are not being uploaded. Avoid google drive method.


Good answer.

All the necessary points are more or less covered.

Good use of diagrams

Work on your conclusion. It needs to be better and effective than the one you have used right now!

Marks: 3.5


Good start to the answer.

Its good that you discussed the status of monsoon on Indian ari. Keep it up

Once again, coverage of the answer is good and satisfactory.

Work a bit on your presentation. Try to write in clear writing. It will help you fetch more marks in the mains exam.

Overall structure and content of the answer is good.

Marks: 4.5


Before discussing the reasons behind the increase in zoonotic diseases, briefly discuss what are the effects of this increase on humans as well as animals

Good division of points in various relevant sub headings. This is quite good.

More coverage (points) is needed in way forward.

Marks: 4.5


Your answer lacks balance.

Avoid one dimensional answer. Always give arguments for both sides: pros and cons, even if it is not explicitly asked in the question. Your answer has to be multi dimensional.

Your discussion on ethical cons of gene editing is good.

After intro, divide your main body in 2 parts: one discussing the scientific and ethical pros of gene editing and second for ethical cons of gene editing.

Good conclusion.

Marks: 2

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Ashok Reddy

Hi Ashok

Before discussing ways to increase food and farmer’s income security, you have to briefly discuss the role and dependence of monsoon in Indian agri and give data about it.

While your discussion is in right direction in the main body, but try to revolve it around the main theme of the question which is food and farmer’s income security. You can use these subheading for this purpose. This will add weightage to your answer.

Good conclusion

Marks: 3.5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Ashok Reddy

This should be your intro of the answer:

What are zoonotic diseases? Before discussing the reasons for the increase in zoonotic disease, you should briefly discuss its negative impact on human as well as animal ecosystem. Even if the question has not specifically asked about it, always try to showcase that you have the width and coverage of the issue in hand. This helps you a lot in UPSC mains. Detailed discussion is not needed. Just brush the issue and move to your main body of answer.

Points in the main body of the answer are good but do not over explain. Try to be short simple and crisp with your points. It will help you cover more points in the limited space and time.

Conclusion is missing.

Marks: 3

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  noira khan

Hi Noira


Your discussion on the factors affecting temp is pretty decent and it covers mostly all the imp facets of the topic.
Structure and presentation is of good class. Keep it up.
Good use of diagram.
Overall nice answer.

Marks: 5.5


Again good intro.
The main body of the answer has all the necessary arguments and points.
Its good that you have separately discussed Indian monsoon and agri before going to the main body of the answer.

You were supposed to be economical with your approach and words given the vastness of the topic and you did it amazingly well.

Language is not too technical and yet it was effective with all the imp keywords in it.

One of the better attempted answers so far. keep it up.

Good conclusion.

Marks: 6


This should be your intro of the answer:

What are zoonotic diseases? Before discussing the reasons for the increase in zoonotic disease, you should briefly discuss its negative impact on human as well as animal ecosystem. Even if the question has not specifically asked about it, always try to showcase that you have the width and coverage of the issue in hand. This helps you a lot in UPSC mains. Detailed discussion is not needed. Just brush the issue and move to your main body of answer.

Main body of the answer is good. All the points are nicely placed and covered.

Good use of flowchart.

When you discussed ways to contain frequency of disease, you dont have to separately write way forward. Way forward means solutions which you have already given. Instead, whatever you have written under the heading of way forward can be continued in the second of the part of the answer and separately write proper conclusion.

Marks: 4


Quite good coverage of the discussion on ethical cons of gene editing but answer lacks balance.

always give arguments for both sides: pros and cons, even if it is not explicitly asked in the question. Your answer has to be multi dimensional.

Your discussion on ethical cons of gene editing is good.

After intro, divide your main body in 2 parts: one discussing the scientific and ethical pros of gene editing and second for ethical cons of gene editing.

Good conclusion.

Marks: 2.5

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5 years ago
Reply to  Parth Verma

Keep writing. One of the best attempts so far in the program. Keep it up

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5 years ago

Payment ID: MOJO9618H00A99184118

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5 years ago
Reply to  Pooja

Hi Pooja

Good intro but before jumping to the main body of the answer, briefly discuss effects of these disease on humans and animals.

Keep you points short and simple. Your direction of the points is good but it suffers from over explanation in many cases. Keep it crisp and do not use, in normal cases, more than two statements for a point in explanation.

This will give more space and time for rest of the answer.

While you discussed the first part of the question, but failed to discuss second part which was : Also suggest ways to contain and decrease the frequency of such events.

Read the model answer for this part.

Use the diagram in the main body of the answer. It will be better suited there.

Marks: 2.5

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5 years ago

Payment ID- MOJO9617P00D58497630

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5 years ago
Reply to  Sravya

Sir can u please correct my answer. I submitted before 30 itself

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5 years ago




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