19 Oct 2016 | GS1 | What are the reasons for increasing demand of reservation by middle castes such as Jats, Kapus, Marathas and Patidars? In this context, discuss problems with Indian reservation policy and analyse if India needs to review its reservation policy?

GS1 (Indian society)

What are the reasons for increasing demand of reservation by middle castes such as Jats, Kapus, Marathas and Patidars? In this context, discuss problems with Indian reservation policy and analyse if India needs to review its reservation policy?

Best answer

Kunal Aggarwal wrote the best answer for this question and got a score of 4.5/10 (if the best answer is an image, it cannot be uploaded here, hence scroll down to see those). The answer is being reproduced below for everyone’s convenience. Of course these answers can always be improved. (Best answer  of a particular only involves those given on that day, later answers may not have been checked)

We have increasingly seen demand of reservation by middle castes. Jats agitation in Haryana, Patidars in Gujarat, Kaputs in AP, Marathas recently in Maharashtra are demanding reservation for their communities.

The demand for reservation has increased because:
– Lack of employment opportunities in private sector
– Less growth of agriculture and rural economy in recent years couples with droughts
– Increasing pressure on educational institutions and limited seats expansion

Reservation in India was given to socially deprived communities who were mistreated by majority for years before Independence. This was proposed to bring them on equal footing with other communities. Initially proposed for 10 years, reservation has continued for decades of Independence.

Problems with existing policy:
– It is being used by well-off with in deprived communities
– Politicisation for electoral gains
– Economically deprived people are not considered for reservation

India needs to review its policy. Reservation should be a temporary measure to improve the situation and should not be a permanent solution to discrimination.
– Phase out should be planned starting from the economically well-off (as in case of creamy layer OBCs) in already reserved communities
– The decision of reservation should be handed over to constitutional bodies rather than ministers

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