1st January 2019 | Daily Answer Writing Enhancement

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Reviews will be provided in a week. (In the order of submission- First come first serve basis)

*In case your answer is not reviewed in a week, reply to your answer saying *NOT CHECKED*. If Pritam Sir’s tag is available then tag him.  

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Question 1)

What are polymetallic nodules? What is their significance and distribution? Critically analyse India’s efforts to extract these. (250 W/15 M)

Question 2)

A judge may hold his court in Hindi, but he must speak in English when addressing the Supreme Court, as the CJI ruled recently inviting several criticism of being snobbish and elitist. Examine with justification whether the court has committed any wrong by its response in the above rulings. (200 W/ 12½ M)

Question 3)

Police reforms in India require structural changes making the establishment more independent and resistant to external influences. Comment. (150 W/ 10 M)

Question 4)

Economic Sanctions, conditional on the severity of the coercion, might cause significant civilian pain by worsening public health conditions, economic well-being, and physical security of the populace in target countries. Assess the morality of Economic Sanctions. (150 W/ 10 M)

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Caretaker @civilsdaily

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6 years ago

CDTEST22522 Answer 3comment imagecomment image

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  AB

Hello AB,
-There are very few information in your introduction…though the policing in governed by police act of 1861, they should certainly not represent fear and suppression rather they should be seen as maintaining discipline and just order…
-The ideas in 2nd para varies point wise…like they are unpaid, over worked, dependent on seniors etc…does not seem the relevant or most important reasons for bringing reforms…(Refer our model answer)
-The rest of the points seems good and well written…
Overall, good one…keep it up…keep writing…
Marks awarded: 5.5/10

6 years ago

CDTEST22496 Q4 comment image
comment image

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  lekha_27

Hi Lekha,
-Introduction seems poor…our intro should explain directly about economic sanction rather making plot of background…the 2nd para is like example…
-The rest of the points are good and well mentioned…Also bring conclusion…

Overall, well attempted…nice answer…keep it up…keep writing…

Marks awarded: 4.5/10

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  Roopak Sharma

Hi Ropak,
Please upload the image format…and upload the answers separately. try uploading again.

6 years ago

Ans 1comment imagecomment imagecomment image

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  dark_horse16

-Introduction seems okay…however, it should also mention where it is being found…like ocean bed…
-Under Distribution we need to talk about the areas identified for extraction and are supposed to have sufficient deposits…like the centre of the north central Pacific Ocean, the Peru Basin in the south-east Pacific Ocean and the centre of the north Indian Ocean at a depth of 4000 to 6000 meter…
-Points under significance seems okay…though you can be more specific here…like these are rare earth metals and are extremely useful for IT industry, electricals industry, also, the extraction of it will provide job opportunity in large amount etc.
-Don’t go in much shortcut way while writing answer…remember, the individual points should have to be complete in itself…(Point 4 under India’s effort)…
-Good ideas under challenges…elaborate more…
-Conclusion is absent…
-Overall, good attempt…have incorporated much of points…however, need to be more specific in points elaboration…

Keep writing…
Marks awarded: 5.5/15

6 years ago
Reply to  Pritam Kumar

Thanks sir
Will try to incorporate all these things

Viney Kumar
Viney Kumar
6 years ago

Ans 2 CDTEST22513comment imagecomment image

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  Viney Kumar

Hi Viney,
-Introduction is poor…there is no relevance of question mentioned here…talk about the language of SC and Article 348 directly without mentioning much background…
-Your answer contains much of your own ideas…that is good…however, we need to prove these ideas with examples…hence, need to mention about various cases and rulings of SC regarding the language to be used in Courts…like Madhu Limye’s Case and SC ruling….Munshi Ayyangar Formula which was adopted by our constituent assembly for 15 years and hence resulted for the formation of schedule VII…
-Overall, your attempt is good…need more improvement in content and subsequent proof by example…

Keep writing will improve for sure…
Marks awarded: 4/12.5

dhritiman das
dhritiman das
6 years ago

Ans3.comment imagecomment image

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  dhritiman das

Hi Dhritiman,
-Work on your handwriting asap…
-Your answer looks like rough work…too many underlines, arrows, directions, vertical lines…such diagrams are irrelevant and makes presentation very poor even if the good and valid points are mentioned…such presentation also creates obstruction in fluent reading…write in paragraphs with complete ideas…
-Poor introduction…the ideas here are incomplete and lacks clarity…the points are incomplete here…explain with details…
-Ideas are incomplete and not logically arranged…
Overall, below average attempt…bring completeness in individual points…

Refer our model answer for better clarity…

dhritiman das
dhritiman das
6 years ago

Cdtest21345comment imagecomment image Ans. 2.

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  dhritiman das

Hi Dhritiman,
-Please read mentor’s comment before attempting for writing…your answer goes in different direction and not actually talking about the points of question…
-Your points are more in the form of analysis and not examining…in examine we must mention proof…
-There is no introduction in your answer…the lines of the quesstion has been repeated here…
-The points mentioned are not incoherent with the heading mentioned…why elitist and narrow…also the individual ideas does not clear the picture completely…
-Also, there is nothing mentioned about Article 348 which talks about the language of Courts in India…
-Overall, below average answer…keep writing and adhere to our instruction will improve for sure…

Refer our model answer for better clarity…

dhritiman das
dhritiman das
6 years ago
Reply to  Pritam Kumar

i experiment sir a lot..so no clarity ..thnk you

6 years ago

Ans 3comment imagecomment image

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  ROHIT

Hi Rohit,
-The points of the answer are good…however, there is problem with the structure…
-There should not be empty ideas in introduction…and must be written in paragraph only…we can mention the points like Policing in India is governed by Police Act of 1861 which is a British legacy…and with the changing nature of crime the reform is inevitable…
-Need to bring conclusion as well in order to bring completeness in answer…here conclusion is absent…
-Overall, good attempt…need to focus on intro and conclusion. The content is good…

Keep writing…
Marks awarded: 4.5/10

6 years ago

Ans 2comment imagecomment imagecomment image

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  ROHIT

Hi Rohit,
-Leave margin on both edges of the paper…one line should not contain more than 5-6 words…this is the recommendable way of writing any answer…
-The answer seems to be very general and more philosophical…
-Introduction seems to be going in different direction…there is no any reference of language of court…talk about Article 348 which exclusively talks about the language of the court…
-The way points are mentioned shows lack of conceptual clarity regarding the topic…

Overall, a below average answer…need more specificity…keep writing will improve for sure…

Refer our model answer for better clarity…

Marks awarded: 3.5/12.5

6 years ago

Ans 1comment imagecomment image

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  ROHIT

Hello Rohit,
-Ideas in introduction seems to be good and well written…
-More specific need to be while talking about distribution…though poly-metallic nodules are available all across the ocean bed however there are some points where significant amount is supposed to be present and extraction is possible…like three areas have been selected by industrial explorers: the centre of the north central Pacific Ocean, the Peru Basin in the south-east Pacific Ocean and the centre of the north Indian Ocean.
-They can occur at any depth, but the highest concentrations have been found between 4,000 and 6,000m.
-The last para of 1st page seems incomplete…why India has been in limelight…mention about India’s pioneering investment and allocation of a vast area in central Indian Ocean basin for extraction apart from other research and developmental activities…
The rest of the points seems good…

Overall, good attempt…need to focus on some of the important missing points in order to make the answer more qualitatively good…
Keep writing…will improve for sure…

-Refer our model answer for better clarity…

Marks awarded: 6/15

6 years ago

Ans 4comment imagecomment image

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  gk

Hi GK,
-Introduction seems to be good…
-However, the further points need clarity…
-Last three points of first page need further elaboration as it gives incomplete meaning…
-First point on 2nd page, its better than the war, however, it should not be imposed for coercive action rather it should be for just cause on utilitarian principle.
-The morality of economic sanction are judged on the basis of just cause, right intention, limited objective, last resort, discrimination like they must not target innocent people etc…
-Your points ‘viewed from an ethical angle’ seems very general and does not involve utilitarian ideas…
-Points of conclusion is good…

-Overall, good attempt…more specificity is what required in answer…
Refer our model answer for better clarity…

Marks awarded: 4/10

harsimran kaur
harsimran kaur
6 years ago
Reply to  gk

Hi! gk
You seems to be old user of this programme,can you please help me on whether they are providing reviews within 7 days or not?

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  harsimran kaur

Hi Harsimran, Please start writing answers, Your answers will be reviewed for sure…

harsimran kaur
harsimran kaur
6 years ago
Reply to  Pritam Kumar

Sir please review questions,its more than 20days.its request

harsimran kaur
harsimran kaur
6 years ago
Reply to  Pritam Kumar

Good morning sir!
Sir even my single answer has not been reviewed even after 12days..this is not prompting me to write and this way cant enroll further.
Please atleast review within 7days.

harsimran kaur
harsimran kaur
6 years ago
Reply to  Pritam Kumar

Ok sir Thank you for this assurance.
But i joined it day before,so if i start from First day of Jan,will i get reviewed on that too?
Or should start from current day?

6 years ago
Reply to  harsimran kaur

Hlo Harsimran!!
Reviews are a bit late like 2-2.5 weeks but something is better than nothing.

harsimran kaur
harsimran kaur
6 years ago
Reply to  gk

May b you are right,but thing is should get reviews.
And one thing more is it okay if we are not attempting all 4 questions,will they review than also?
As am just covering ethics now,so problem arises in attempting ans

6 years ago

Ans 3comment imagecomment image

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  gk

Hi GK,
-The answer is good…
-Good introduction…
-Points are mentioned in good way with a beautiful conclusion….well written…

Keep writing…
Marks awarded: 6/10

6 years ago

Ans 2comment imagecomment image

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  gk

Hi GK,
-Your answer seems very general…
-Good ideas in introduction…however, mention about Article 348 here itself which exclusively deals with language of court…
-The points under defects are irrelevant…and holds narrow view…
-With much discussions and debate the Constituent Assembly decided to keep official language English in order to maintain unity and integrity throughout nation across all states.
-Also bring Munshi Ayyangar Formula which resulted into the inclusion of schedule VIII.
-Also talk about Madhu Limye’s case where supreme court ruled that the official language should be English…
-Poor conclusion as well…
-Overall, this is an average answer. need to incorporate more examples to support the relevant points…keep writing will improve for sure…

Refer our model answer or other best answer reviewed for better clarity…

Marks awarded: 4/12.5

6 years ago

Ans 1comment imagecomment imagecomment image

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  gk

Hi GK,
-Good points in intro…however, the last line should talk about its uses in short rather than race in extraction…this would have made the intro more effective…
-The ideas on 2nd page are mixed up and not arranged in logical order…need to bring sequence in points…
-conclusion seems okay…okay, not much attractive…
Overall, the answer is okay content wise…however, the content need logical arrangement with wider view…keep practicing will improve for sure…

Marks awarded: 4.5/15

Refer our model answer or other best answer reviewed for better clarity…

6 years ago

CDTEST22496 Q3comment image comment image

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  lekha_27

Hi Lekha,
-Please leave margin on both edges of the page…one line should not contain more than 5-6 words…
-Please pay attention to world limit…as this answer exceeds the word limit of 150 words…
-Introduction is very good…
-Good points under deficiency…and well explained analysis…

-The points and ideas in answer is good…however, exceeding word limit will cost negatively…so please restrict yourself to word limit…the rest is okay

Overall, nice approach…well arranged ideas…keep writing…practice makes perfect…

Marks awarded: 4.5/10

Viney Kumar
Viney Kumar
6 years ago

Ans 3 CDTEST22513comment imagecomment image

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  Viney Kumar

Hi Viney,
-Points of answer are very general…
-Introductory line is okay….however, the 2nd para should contain why such reforms needed…like changing nature of crime, increased cyber crime, use of tech in crime, insensitive way of investigation, lack of modern equipments to deal with the cases etc…
-The perception of police have become bad in front of common masses due to insensitive dealings and inappropriate delay in investigation and filing chargesheet etc…

Overall, good attempt…need to be more specific in points and ideas arrangement…the rest is okay…keep writing will improve for sure…

Marks awarded: 3.5/10

Refer our model answer or other best answer reviewed for better clarity…

harsimran kaur
harsimran kaur
6 years ago
Reply to  Viney Kumar

Are you paid subscriber?
Please help on whether they are providing feedback or not,or any info on their reviewing part

Viney Kumar
Viney Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  harsimran kaur

Paid but no reviews yet. They asked a weeks time. Fingers crossed

harsimran kaur
harsimran kaur
6 years ago
Reply to  Viney Kumar

I was going to enroll today,please do notify me whenever you get..
Also are they providing model answers daily??

harsimran kaur
harsimran kaur
6 years ago
Reply to  Viney Kumar

Ok you are new user means?
Enrolled now in jan month?
Actually i feel enrolling just because of getting reviews,otherwise cant waste or experiment

6 years ago

CDTEST22533 ans 3comment imagecomment image

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  Rahul

Hi Rahul,
-Poor introductory line…it seems you are confined to Delhi only…make it universal in Indian context…
-Though rest of the points are very good and well articulated…with a beautiful conclusion…well approached…
-However, you have exceeded the word limit….Please pay attention to word limit…

Overall, good attempt…need to improve the intro…the rest is very good…keep it up…keep writing…

Marks awarded: 6/10

6 years ago

Ans 4
comment image

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  Rahul

Hi Rahul,
-Introduction seems to be okay…
-The points are good in general sense…but there are very less moral factors in your answer…also while doing moral analysis don’t mention the suggestion (like Vasudev Kutumbkam and live and let live etc.)
Economic sanction can be of two types…positive and negative…while analysing its morality we need to mention keeping in mind the both.
-The simple way of analyzing its morality is based on JUST CAUSE, RIGHT INTENTION, LIMITED OBJECTIVE, LAST RESORT, PROPORTIONALITY AND DISCRIMINATION etc. Though you have mentioned some of these points but need to incorporate moral aspects…like sanction should be imposed only when it serves utilitarian principles…protecting human rights, targeting only those which are unjust and not involving all, they must not affect innocent people, the intention should be right like maintaining integrity, unity, dignity etc.
-Overall, good attempt…your ideas are good…need to go a bit more micro level… the rest is good and well written…Keep writing…
Marks awarded: 5/10

6 years ago

CDTEST22496 Q2comment image

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  lekha_27

Hi Lekha,
-Please leave margin on both edges of the page…and also ensure that one line should not contain more than 5-6 words. this is the recommended way of writing any answer. Form small para…
-Poor introduction…as nothing is mentioned about the language of court…the introduction should start by mentioning Article 348 and related cases…and the point “part XVII” should follow the intro…
-The rest of the points seems good…however, we also need to mention about the Munshi Ayyangar Formula which resulted in the formation of schedule VIII. Madhu Limye’s case etc. as example to support our points…
-Bring more clarity in concluding points…
Overall, good attempt…need to have more logical arrangement of ideas with clarity in it…though good…keep writing…

Marks awarded: 4.5/12.5

6 years ago

comment image comment image
CDTEST22496 Q1

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  lekha_27

Hi Lekha_27,
-First of all, the entire page is not for writing…please leave the margin on both edges of the page…one line should not contain more than 5-6 words…(As per the format of UPSC…)
-The points mentioned seems to be good and well arranged…
-However, under significance we need to be more specific…like extraction of rare earth materials will enhance high tech industries, will generate employment etc. apart from other applications…and your points here needs justification in order to have a bit more clarity…
-The rest of the points are good with a beautiful conclusion…

-Overall, good approach and well written answer…
Keep it up…keep writing…

Marks awarded: 7.5/15

6 years ago
Reply to  Pritam Kumar

Thank you for the review! I will keep in my mind the points you highlighted. Awaiting review on my other answers too.

Stevie G
Stevie G
6 years ago

comment image comment image

Answer 3 . ID : CDTEST22553
Apologies I just realised its a 150 word answer, I wrote 250.

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  Stevie G

Hi Stevie G,
-The answer seems to be very good…Ideas are well written and beautifully arranged…
-However, add an idea of why such reforms are necessary…points like modernization of crimes, increasing terror activities and internal security challenges, sensitization towards dealing with peoples especially in remote areas, the advent of modern means of crimes like Cyber Crimes and attack etc…requires our policing to become more smart…

-The rest is very good and well approached….keep it up…
Keep writing…
Marks awarded: 6.5/10

Stevie G
Stevie G
6 years ago

comment image comment image

Answer 1 Id: CDTEST22553

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  Stevie G

Hi Stevie G,
-The ideas in introduction seem good…however, intro should not be in points…Here in this answer first three points constitute the introduction…hence it should and must be in one para…

-Under significance…2nd point…what is engg challenge??? Never mention abbreviation, always write the word in complete sense…

-Under significance…also bring the points which involves application of polymetallic nodules…like use in high tech industry, economic significance, employment generation in huge etc…

-Avoid diagrams…even if you mention diagram the same you need to mention in para point wise…so the points of distribution need to be mentioned in sequence together…and certainly not in diagram…(use language to write…not symbol.)

-Points under India’s effort is good…the challenges mentioned are also good…

-Ideas in conclusion seems incomplete…You have mentioned about future potential, however, need more clarity…

Overall, good attempt…by involving the above suggestion the answer can be made more better in quality…though nice approach…keep writing will improve for sure…

Marks awarded: 6.5/15

Stevie G
Stevie G
6 years ago
Reply to  Pritam Kumar

Understood. Thanks a lot ! .

Stevie G
Stevie G
6 years ago

comment image comment image Answer 2 TestID : CDTEST22553

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  Stevie G

Hi Stevie G,
-Introduction given by you seems going in different direction…its more about proving the unity of India…however, we need to mention about the language of SC…
-Also write the points in paragraphs rather than showing with the help of diagram and flowchart…(Points under main body)…
-The last two points on the 2nd page including conclusion seems incomplete and are not in coherent with the previous points…linkages are very important…
-In intro para we can mention about the diversity of India and link to the cases coming to SC (being apex court) from all across the country with different linguistic areas and hence to maintain the coherency as well as unity the constituent assembly decided to have English as a language to be used in Supreme Court.
-Further in the main body bring justification…mention Munshi Ayyangar formula in details, also Madhu Limye case where SC rejected to hear the argument any other language then English…

Overall, such attempt is an average one…need to have more focus on question and need to mention points accordingly…
Keep writing will improve for sure…

Marks awarded: 4/12.5

Refer our model answer for better clarity…

Viney Kumar
Viney Kumar
6 years ago

comment imagecomment imagecomment image
Ans2 CDTEST22513

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  Viney Kumar

Hi Vinay,
-The introductory para together with 4 points seems to be okay….However, more clarity would have been brought by mentioning what actually the sanction is? (refer our model answer)…
-Under influence on 2nd page…point 2 and 3 seems incomplete…need further elaboration…also there are only examples mentioned here…talk how in actual sense it brings vulnerability to the situation…social, economic, political…
-Also the points of concluding para need clarity and justification…you have mentioned sufferings in various spheres…bring examples (real or hypothetical) to support the arguments…like the ban on supply of food items will leave many starved and may result to huge deaths if continues for long, ban on import and export will lower the economy of the nation and later will affect on the lower strata of society in terms of inflation, unavailability of goods etc…the micro level linkages needed under influence…

Overall, you have attempted good, but with more micro linkages the quality of the answer can be made further better…

keep writing…will improve for sure…

Marks awarded: 4,5/10
Refer our model answer for better clarity…

Viney Kumar
Viney Kumar
6 years ago

comment imagecomment imagecomment image
Q1. CDTEST22513

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  Viney Kumar

Hi Vinay,
-Introduction seems to be okay…however, more organized arrangement of ideas can be brought here…
-Under significance, (Add)…..the polymetallic nodules are rich in iron and manganese content as well as high grade of nickel, copper and cobalt…extraction of such elements will prove economic significance apart from other importance…Due to rare earth metal contents, it has the potential to fast pace the high tech industry, Also the rare earth minerals are great source of valuable minerals like gold, silver and zinc…etc…
-Points are okay…under India and polymetallic nodules…however, while talking about India we must mention the tentative possession by India in Indian Ocean, recent deep sea exploration ‘Samudra Ratnakar’, it will boost coastal and national economics, has huge potential to fulfill India’s energy needs, presently India is dependence on huge imports etc….etc….
-We also need to mention challenges in extraction, required technology, holistic approach in deep sea mining, also the concern of marine species etc…
-Conclusion seems to be okay…

-Overall, good attempt…however, all dimensions need to be mentioned here…structure wise the answer is good…however, add some of the points mentioned above…keep writing…will improve for sure…

Marks awarded: 7/15

6 years ago
Reply to  Viney Kumar

Hey Vinay bro. I am totally new to this platform. How to write answer and upload here.i am a paid user

Viney Kumar
Viney Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  Rahul

The way u replied me. Simply attach images alongwith ur purchaseID.


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