1st July 2019 | Daily Answer Writing Enhancement

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Question 1)

What is Separation of Power? Examine the idea of separation of power enshrined in Indian Constitution with suitable examples? (250 Words)

Question 2)

There should be seismic changes in the way Indian government think about absolute poverty and its alleviation. In this context discuss shortcomings of present poverty alleviation measures. Also suggest what changes should be made to achieve zero poverty.(250 words)

Question 3)

The government is trying to enact a law to regulate the use of DNA technology in the country. Discuss the objectives and issues attached with the bill.(250 words)

Question 4)

The crisis of ethics in public life is more because of attitudinal problem of public servants rather than organizational ineffectiveness. Critically analyze. (150 Words)


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By Root

Caretaker @civilsdaily

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  avani k

Good overall approach, it gave me quite a few pointers. Your addition of federal power separation here is really good.
Maybe you can put similar pointers in a row for the 2nd header i.e. flexible separation of powers- Legislature (making of laws), executive (ordinances via president) and judicial activism
Also you can include independent constitutional bodies like Election commission

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5 years ago
Reply to  avani k

Hi Avani
If you are a paid member of the program program then always put the payment ID before your answer.
Very good discussion in all the parts of the answers.
Intro is quite decent.
Solid and crisp main part. Discussion is UPSC standard and all the dimensions have been covered.
Nothing to pinpoint in the answer.

Marks: 5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  avani k

Discuss the content of the statement of the question as your intro and link it with the concept of absolute poverty, That is a better way to approach your intro.
No need to give such a detailed flowchart regarding absolute poverty. Your idea ids good but this is not the topic of the main body of your answer so do not give so much time and space to this concept.
The discussion in the main body of the answer is gold standard.
Points are comprehensive and well discussed.
Presentation can be improved a little bit. Structure is excellent,
Some of the most relevant way forwards provided.
Keep writing

Marks: 6

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  avani k

You could have written at least 2 more lines giving more intro of the bill and why it is needed.
Overall answer is really good
But do not overuse flowcharts.
You have to have some kind of explanations in the answers. Your coverage of the points so far has been impressive but you have to explain a bit about them.
In the last part, you can add A P Shah committee, Law commission report etc.
All in all decent attempt.

Marks: 5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  avani k

Do not put pointers like i, ii or iii after each statement. That’s a wrong way of presentation.
The 1st part of the answer is good.
Good use of examples.
But do give some way forwards towards the end.

Marks: 4

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5 years ago

Q4 M0J09628G00A81713898

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5 years ago

M0J09628G00A81713898 Q1,2,3,4

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5 years ago

was unable to upload JPEG and JPG format , so uploaded PDF…..sorry for inconvenience

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5 years ago

Its alright vishwajeet. PDF will work. But never upload answers ion third party sites like google drive or google photos.

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5 years ago

I just checked your 1st question even though it contains many facts but the flow seemed missing. I liked Avani k’s answer, do have a look at it

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5 years ago

Hi Vishvjeet
You mentioned that Indian Const has given separation of power but its not true entirely. The Indian Constitution has not indeed recognized the doctrine of separation of powers explicitly in its absolute rigidity, Avoid such factually incorrect statements in the starting of your answer.
There was no proper structure or presentation in the answer. Points are not explained in apt manner and the direction of the answer is lacking.
Mention how the concept of separation of power is missing from the Indian const and how courts, through various rulings, identified the concept inherent in the Indian system and how it became one of the doctrines of basic structure of the const.
What are the issue in the functioning of the doctrine?
What should be done?
You were supposed to discuss all this.
read the model answers.

Marks: 1.5

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5 years ago
Reply to  Parth Verma

Thank u sir….i will try to improve……kindly review my other answers as well

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5 years ago
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5 years ago
Reply to  sourav singh

@Sourav please upload the answers here. Thanks

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5 years ago

Payment id-MOJO9612I00A26476355
Ans 1

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5 years ago
Reply to  vinod bansal

Hi Vinod
Work on your presentation and writing skills. Improve your hand writing and do not give so much space between your words. Its not an ideal way to approach the limited space in the mains answer writing.
Discussion is ok but last part needed better work.
What are the challenges to the functioning of this doctrine and what needs to be done to get it back on track.
Structure of the answer was decent and points comprehensive.

Marks: 4

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5 years ago

Ans 2

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5 years ago
Reply to  vinod bansal

Discuss the content of the statement of the question as your intro and link it with the concept of absolute poverty, That is a better way to approach your intro.
What is absolute poverty?
What are the various programs started by GoI regarding poverty alleviation?
What are the specific short comings?
You failed to mention all these.
read the model answer to get hold of the discussion on these.
No need to mention the poverty line issue here.
Good way forward.

Marks: 3

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5 years ago
Reply to  Parth Verma


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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Ashok Reddy

Hi Ashok
Th discussion in the answer is exhaustive
Amazing language and great flow
Ideal for UPSC type answer
Coverage is comprehensive
Mentioning of article numbers are good. Keep it up.
There is nothing to pinpoint in the answer.

marks: 6

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5 years ago

(Payment ID: MOJO9619700A60843468) sir unable to post answers

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5 years ago

Write answer and click the image through camscanner app and upload in the comment section here

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Parth Ranjan

Lot of information and good facts, very helpful answer.
In addition to the three separation of power, you can include other independent bodies like EC and also talk about the federal separation of powers

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5 years ago
Reply to  Parth Ranjan

Hi Parth
Very good intro.
well presented
All the points are dimensions are covered and discussed in thorough manner.
language is superb and command on it is good.
ideal way to approach this answer.
Good answer overall
Conclusion is gold.

Marks: 6.5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Parth Ranjan

Good answer once again.
Well attempted.
You can add some more points in the shortcoming of the program discussion like unequal distribution of land and other assets; appropriation of the benefits by the non-poor; insufficient amount of resources allocated for these programmes; over dependence on government and bank officials for their implementation; ill motivated, inadequately trained, corruption prone and vulnerable to pressure personnel;
wastage of resources; non-participation of local level institutions in programme implementation; non participation of the poor etc.
Rest of the answer is fine and well covered. One of your best answer writing days since MGP program! Keep writing and approaching questions like this.
Marks: 6.5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Parth Ranjan

Again good answer.
All the parts are adequately covered and presented.
Language is short yet effective.
Nothing wrong in the answer.
Marks: 6.5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Parth Ranjan

Very good answer nicely framed and structure.
Suggestions at the end well mentioned
Language is again good.
Well constructed points and ideas.
Marks: 5.5

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5 years ago

Q1 paid

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5 years ago

Hi Prakhar
You can skip the flowchart related to USA.
Good and informative intro.
Good flowchart in the Indian context.
You van also mention the cases like Golaknath or Indira Gandhi where courts observed about SOP provisions.
What are the few shortcomings that we have witnessed in recent years? DO mention them before ending your answer.
rest of the discussion is fine

Marks: 5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago

What is the concept of absolute poverty?
What are the some of the schemes and programs for poverty alleviation in India?
Rest of the answer is fine.
Good way forward.
Marks: 4

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5 years ago


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5 years ago

You could have written at least 2 more lines giving more intro of the bill and why it is needed.
While you highlighted the bill, but what are the expected +ve outcomes of the bill?
Good answer apart from these issues.
Points are well explained and exhaustive.
Good way forward.
You can also mention A P Shah and Law Commisssions recommendations.

Marks: 3.5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago

All the parts are adequately covered and presented.
Language is short yet effective.
Nothing wrong in the answer.

Marks: 5.5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Ashok Reddy

Good intro.
Mention some of the schemes and the programs before you discuss their shortcomings.
While points are ok, you can also discuss other points like unequal distribution of land and other assets; appropriation of the benefits by the non-poor; insufficient amount of resources allocated for these programmes; over dependence on government and bank officials for their implementation; ill motivated, inadequately trained, corruption prone and vulnerable to pressure personnel; wastage of resources; non-participation of local level institutions in programme implementation; non participation of the poor etc.

Some of the points are over explained. Avid it.
Rest of the answer is fine.
Good way forwards.

Marks: 4

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5 years ago

Payment ID

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5 years ago

While you discussed many points, but their weightage is on the correct ratio.
First of all tell what is absolute poverty.
Do not over explain various programs and their highlights. Just mention them and discuss what are shortcomings.
Decent points in the shortcomings but you can also add points like unequal distribution of land and other assets; appropriation of the benefits by the non-poor; insufficient amount of resources allocated for these programmes; over dependence on government and bank officials for their implementation; ill motivated, inadequately trained, corruption prone and vulnerable to pressure personnel;
wastage of resources; non-participation of local level institutions in programme implementation; non participation of the poor etc.

Give more points in the way forwards, Its the most important part of the answer.
Read the model answer.
Language of the answer is good and presentation nice.

Marks: 3

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5 years ago

payment ID MOJO9614D0056022707
sir what is the difference between examine/discuss and examine/critically examine

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5 years ago
Reply to  noira khan

Hi Noira
One of the really good answers.
You have covered all the points and dimensions in comprehensive manner.
Nothing to pinpoint as always.
Language is amazing
Marks: 6.5

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5 years ago
Reply to  Parth Verma

1. Wen “critically” is suffixed or prefixed in a question, den u need to look at d good n bad of something n provide a reasonable judgement. Wen UPSC asks to comment in d question, den it is is usually followed by a statement made by some famous personality, or taken out frm a book or some document of govt or agencies. Wen u r askd to comment, u have to pick main points n give ur ‘opinion’ on dem based on arguments coming out from ur knowledge of d topic. ur opinion may b for or against, but u must back ur argument wid evidences.

2. “Discuss” is a very wide directive. u have to debate on paper by going through d details of d issues concerned by examining each one of dem. U have to give reasons for both “for” n “against” arguments.

3. Wen u r asked to “evaluate”, sound judgement is required about d validity of d given statement in d question or d topic based on evidences. u have an option of forming a personal opinion in dese types of question n appraise d worth of d statement

4. Wen u r asked to “examine”, u have to search deeper into d topic, get into details, n find out d causes or implications if any.
5. “Analyse” is a broader term den ‘Examine’. Wen asked to analyse, u have to examine logically d structure or nature of d topic by separating or dividing it into component parts n present dem as a whole in a summary. Its like dividing d question into various imp parts n den examining each part separately n den joining dem together to create a conclusion. In a simpler language, if u r asked to analyse, den examine each part of d problem.

6. If asked to “Critically Analyze” den u need to conclude wid a fair judgement, after “analysing” d nature of each component part n interrelationship between them.

7. “Critically comment” is also forming opinion on main points but in d end u have to provide a fair judgement.

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5 years ago
Reply to  Parth Verma

thanku so much sir @Parth Verma sir ,for giving such a detailed explanation,got yr point,will implement now

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5 years ago

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5 years ago
Reply to  Mahesh

Hi Mahesh
No. This is not absolute poverty. What you discussed as the ideal explanation of absolute poverty is not correct. Instead: “Also known as extreme poverty or abject poverty, it involves the scarcity of basic food, clean water, health, shelter, education and information. Those who belong to absolute poverty tend to struggle to live and experience a lot of child deaths from preventable diseases like malaria, cholera and water-contamination related diseases. ”

What is the status of poverty alleviation programs in India and mention some of the success after intro. Also mention few of these schemes and programs
You tried to give couple of shortcomings but discussion is not leading anywhere.
You can add points like unequal distribution of land and other assets; appropriation of the benefits by the non-poor; insufficient amount of resources allocated for these programmes; over dependence on government and bank officials for their implementation; ill motivated, inadequately trained, corruption prone and vulnerable to pressure personnel; wastage of resources; non-participation of local level institutions in programme implementation; non participation of the poor etc.

Good way forwards but your explanation and presentation needs lot of efforts and work.
Keep practicing and read the model answers.

Marks: 2.5

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5 years ago

paymentID MOJO9614D0056022707
can issues/challenges be approached in same way while writing an answer?

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5 years ago
Reply to  noira khan

Apart from the lack of a concluding paragraph, there is nothing wrong in the answer.
Good coverage.
You asked “can issues/challenges be approached in same way while writing an answer?”. I am sory i did not get you. Kindly clarify your doubt in the 2nd of July answers.
Coming back to your answers, your language was decent.
But do not use words from the sources as it is. Frame them in your own words.

Marks: 5

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5 years ago

payment ID MOJO9614D0056022707

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5 years ago
Reply to  noira khan

You can skip the details of DNA technology in the intro. Instead in just couple of lines mention that GoI has reintroduced the bill in the parliament and why it wants to bring a law in this regard. That’s it.
Rest of the answer is approached in correct manner.
Good that you mentioned law commission as well as A P Shah commission recommendations.
Points are comprehensive and explanation decent.
Just remove couple of things from the 1st part of your answer.

Marks: 4.5

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5 years ago

payment ID MOJO9614D0056022707

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5 years ago
Reply to  noira khan

While you did discussed issues and their solutions regarding attitudinal problem, but you have to discuss points in keeping ethics in mind.
Use ethical terminologies in your 1st part of the answer.
Rest of the answer is fine.

Marks: 3.5

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5 years ago

Payment ID

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5 years ago
Reply to  Mahesh

Direction of the answer is decent but explanation needs more work.
You have to talk a bit more about these points.
Also mention the design of SOP through various judgments like Golak Nath, Indira Gandhi, Keshavnanda.
Also mention some of the provisions in const like art 50 etc which talk about SOP.
Good last part.
Work on your presentation skills.

Marks: 3

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Kunal Aggarwal

Hi Kunal

Nice way to address both attitudinal problem and organizational ineffectiveness.
Can give couple of examples as well to improve the weightage of your points.
You can mention how despite having an excellent officer like Mr Lohani at the helms of Air India, the organizational ineffectiveness could not be removed because of legacy issues.
In the end can suggest some solutions for both the issues.
Rest is fine
Language, structure and coverage is quite comprehensive.

Marks: 3.5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Kunal Aggarwal

Very good intro.
All the parts are adequately covered and presented.
Language is short yet effective.
The only suggestion would be that after discussing salient features of the bill, mention what are the expected benefits from the bill. You have briefly discussed them in the intro,. Move them here for better structure and flow.
Apart from that nothing wrong.
Keep writing

Marks: 5.5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Kunal Aggarwal

Few suggestions.
Summarize the 1st three paras and make couple of paragraphs out of them and use them as your intro. Right now they are bit lengthy.
Secondly, instead of discussing one programs and its shortfalls separately, just mention some of the programs and schemes that government brought and then in next part, discuss overall failures and reasons for those failures of these schemes. That way, you will have better coverage of the issue. Right now you covered only 3 4 issues but there are multiple issues like unequal distribution of land and other assets; appropriation of the benefits by the non-poor; insufficient amount of resources allocated for these programmes; over dependence on government and bank officials for their implementation; ill motivated, inadequately trained, corruption prone and vulnerable to pressure personnel; wastage of resources; non-participation of local level institutions in programme implementation; non participation of the poor etc.
The coverage and depth is very important in UPSC answers. Rather than 3 well explained points, its better to have 6 7 points which are moderately covered.
Way forward is better and nicely explained.

Marks: 4.5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Kunal Aggarwal

Good discussion in the answer.
There are couple of points that you can add in your answer.
1st is the couple of points on how court rulings helped frame the concept of SOP in better and clear ways like Golak Nath, Indira Gandhi, Keshavnanda Bharati cases etc. These cases led to the shift of SOP towards basic structure doctrine.
Secondly, briefly discuss the issues in this lose compartmentalization that has come to fore in recent years and what should be done. This should be your last part of the answer.

Marks: 4.5

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5 years ago

Payment ID MOJO9611300N14575632

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5 years ago
Reply to  pranab prakash

Hi Pranab

Lengthy intro.
Statements are quite lengthy. Avoid it.
Discuss briefly on the concept of checks and balances and how it is similar to the concept of SOP in India.
There are couple of points that you can add in your answer.
1st: how court rulings helped frame the concept of SOP in better and clear ways like Golak Nath, Indira Gandhi, Keshavnanda Bharati cases etc. These cases led to the shift of SOP towards basic structure doctrine.
2nd: briefly discuss the issues in this lose compartmentalization that has come to fore in recent years and what should be done. This should be your last part of the answer.
Rest of the discussionis fine

Marks: 3.5

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5 years ago

Payment ID MOJO9611300N14575632

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5 years ago
Reply to  pranab prakash

Good start
Mention few programs and schemes related to the poverty alleviation initiatives.
Points mentioned in the shortcomings of the schemes are gernal in nature. You can add points like You can add some more points in the shortcoming of the program discussion like unequal distribution of land and other assets; appropriation of the benefits by the non-poor; insufficient amount of resources allocated for these programmes; over dependence on government and bank officials for their implementation; ill motivated, inadequately trained, corruption prone and vulnerable to pressure personnel; wastage of resources; non-participation of local level institutions in programme implementation; non participation of the poor etc.

Rest of the answer is fine and well covered.

Marks: 3.5

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5 years ago

Payment ID MOJO9611300N14575632

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5 years ago
Reply to  pranab prakash

Do not discuss all this details in the intro. Just mention that bill has been reintroduced in the parliament and give just 2 more lines giving more intro of the bill and why it is needed. Thats it. No need to go in details of the technology of DNA.
Good discussion in the main body.
But there is scope of improvement in all the parts. After mentioning the highlights of the bill, briefly mention why this bill is important and what are its expected outcomes (+ves).
Never give just a passing by reference in way forward. You said “government should plug these loopholes…” but failed to mention HOW? Your ending or solution should be concrete and not generic. Give proper way forwards.

Marks: 3.5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Chester

Hi Utkarsh

Intro is ok in terms of discussion but bit lengthy. Avoid it.
(It was section 377…not article 377…do not commit these factual and basic errors in the starting of the answer)
Overall discussion is quite general and lack depth.
What is the difference between concept of SOP in India and America?
What is the Indian concept of Checks and Balances and how close it is to to SOP?
What are the important articles in India that give little bit of idea for SOP?
What are the various court rulings that shaped the doctrine of SOP and how it became a member of basic structure of Const club?
What are the challenges that this doctrine has faced recently and what should be done to make the situation better?

These were the directions and expected structure of the answer. read the model answer.

Marks: 1.5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Chester

Content is on the right track but they lack depth.
There are various other imp schemes and programs that you have to mention like:
-Mahatma Gandhi Rural Guarantee Employment Act (MGNREGA)
– National Rural Livelihood Mission
– Indira Awaas Yojana
– Pradhan Mantri Awaas Yojana
– National Urban Livelihoods Mission
– National Food Security Mission
– Right To Education
– Integrated Child Development Services

Points mentioned in the shortcomings of the schemes are gernal in nature. You can add points like You can add some more points in the shortcoming of the program discussion like unequal distribution of land and other assets; appropriation of the benefits by the non-poor; insufficient amount of resources allocated for these programmes; over dependence on government and bank officials for their implementation; ill motivated, inadequately trained, corruption prone and vulnerable to pressure personnel; wastage of resources; non-participation of local level institutions in programme implementation; non participation of the poor etc.

Better way forwards. Points there are relevant and to the point.
read the model answer on how to best approach this question.

Marks: 2.5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Chester

Once again your answer is on right track but ends abruptly because of the lack of depth in the content.
Points in the 1st half are good.
But in the 2nd half, you should have discussed the intermingling relationship between personal ethics and organizational effectiveness and how both are important.
You can mention how despite having an excellent officer like Mr Lohani at the helms of Air India, the organizational ineffectiveness could not be removed because of legacy issues.
In the end can suggest some solutions for both the issues.
Rest is fine

Marks: 3

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5 years ago

Payment ID

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5 years ago
Reply to  Rohi

Hi Rohi
Quite fragmented intro. Points are not coherent to one another. Avoid such general start to your answers.
Answer is very lengthy in terms of words, space and content.
Quality of the answer is not very good and it needs proper structuring and presentation.
You dont have to mention all the article numbers line by line.
The ideal structure of the answer would have been this:
-What is the difference between concept of SOP in India and America?
-What is the Indian concept of Checks and Balances and how close it is to to SOP?
-What are the important articles in India that give little bit of idea for SOP?
-What are the various court rulings that shaped the doctrine of SOP and how it became a member of basic structure of Const club?
-What are the challenges that this doctrine has faced recently and what should be done to make the situation better?
Points are repetitive in nature and needs better framing and good language.
You can do better than this.

marks: 1.5

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5 years ago

Payment ID
2nd answer

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5 years ago
Reply to  Rohi

Never use bullet points in your intro. Your intro should be the window for your and it should reflect what to expect in the coming main body of the answer.
So discuss the theme of the question in the intro and if there is any statement in the question, then simply decode it. For example you could have started like this:

“Despite various strategies to alleviate poverty, hunger, undernourishment, illiteracy and lack of basic amenities continue to be a common feature in many parts of India. Though the policy towards poverty alleviation has evolved in a progressive manner, over the last five and a half decades, it has not undergone any radical transformation. You can find change in nomenclature, integration or mutations of programmes. But the failure of these programs stems to the fact that how government thinks about absolute poverty and its alleviation.”

Never fragment your intro into bits and pieces.
You do not have to mention current level of poverty and global hunger index. these are not related to the demands of the question.
Points in the failure discussion are very good.
Good way forwards.
But answer again is very lengthy and it is because you are discussing various things which are not required in the answer. this is taking time and space. Avoid such habit.

Marks: 2.5

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5 years ago

Payment ID
3rd answer

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5 years ago
Reply to  Rohi

In your intro, just mention that bill has been reintroduced in the parliament and give just 2 more lines giving more intro of the bill and why it is needed. Thats it. No need to go in details of the technology of DNA.
Good discussion in the main body.
But there is scope of improvement in all the parts. After mentioning the highlights of the bill, briefly mention why this bill is important and what are its expected outcomes (+ves).
Never give just a passing by reference in way forward.
Your ending or solution should be concrete and not generic.
Give proper way forwards.
Yes the bill is good and indeed is the need of the hour but how to plus the loopholes? Always remember that way forwards reflect your solutions which is something UPSC is looking forward to because problems are something that everyone knows but what are the solutions!

Marks: 3

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5 years ago

Name: Thalla Pavan Kumar
Payment I’d : MOJO9613D00N10949221
Date: 01.07.2019

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5 years ago
Reply to  Pavan Thalla

Hi Pavan
Please upload the answers separately and not combined.

Intro is good and you have started really well.
But overall discussion is quite general and lack depth. What is the difference between concept of SOP in India and America? What is the Indian concept of Checks and Balances and how close it is to to SOP? What are the important articles in India that give little bit of idea for SOP? What are the various court rulings that shaped the doctrine of SOP and how it became a member of basic structure of Const club? What are the challenges that this doctrine has faced recently and what should be done to make the situation better?

These were the directions and expected structure of the answer. read the model answer.
You did discussed some of these elements but more depth was required. Good conclusion. language is decent and explanation crisp. Work on the structure as i mentioned above.

Marks: 2


In the intro, give a little bit of insight on the statement of the question. Never start the question right away. briefly discuss the statement and give intro as a window to your answer.
Your points are good but you can also add points like unequal distribution of land and other assets; appropriation of the benefits by the non-poor; insufficient amount of resources allocated for these programmes; over dependence on government and bank officials for their implementation; ill motivated, inadequately trained, corruption prone and vulnerable to pressure personnel; wastage of resources; non-participation of local level institutions in programme implementation; non participation of the poor etc.

Way forwards are decent but answer ends abruptly without a conclusion. Make a habit of writing proper conclusion to your answers because this gives soft landing to your answers.

Marks: 3.5

Decent intro.
Good discussion in the highlight of the bill.
But while you highlighted the bill, but what are the expected +ve outcomes of the bill?
Way forwards are lacking and conclusion is missing. Answer ends abruptly. This is not the ideal way to discuss any scheme, bill, act pr program of GoI. Always you have to give solutions and way forwards to plug the loopholes. This reflects your insights on the issues at hand and your in depth knowledge.

Marks: 2

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5 years ago

MOJO9611C00A14581096 Q1

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5 years ago
Reply to  Varsha Chauhan

Overall decent answer.
Points are good and well explained.
But work on the structure of your answer. Sometimes points are coming in haphazard manner.
Do not give all the article numbers of the const that deal with SOP.
Good conclusion to your answer.
All in all nice discussion barring few issues here and there.
Keep writing.

Marks: 3.5

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5 years ago

MOJO9611C00A14581096 Q2

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5 years ago

MOJO9611C00A14581096 Q4

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5 years ago
Reply to  Varsha Chauhan

Quite an amazing answer in terms of all the departments and dimensions.
Discussion is in-depth and yet never seemed like you indulged in over explanation.
Coverage of the topic was exhaustive and you presented all the angles and relationship between both the facets of ethics.
All in all excellent answer in terms of content, explanation, presentation, structure.
Perfect ending.
Keep it up

Marks: 6

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Varsha Chauhan

Presentation is extremely good.
Diff schemes are included and their overall reasons for failures are also discussed in apt manner.
Writing skill and structure are good as well.
Nothing wrong in the answer.
Keep writing

marks: 6.5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago

Q3 payment I’d : MOJO 9616600D12527703



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