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Question 1)
Question 2)
Question 3)
Question 4)
Shefali kashyap CDTEST21004 answer 2

Hello Shefali,
-Your introduction is poor…The question is asking about construction of toilets and perception of people…and changing the mind set…your introduction is only confined to construction…and missed the other two aspects…
-Points in problems and ways to change mindset are good…
-There is no conclusion…way forward is of only one line…
Overall, points in main body are good…but need to work in intro and conclusion….
Good attempt…keep writing…will improve for sure…
Marks awarded: 3.5/10

Ans 1
Hello Imgroot,
-Introduction seems to be good…
-Points and ideas are good and well presented…try to attach application with each idea in short…we got ideas of various natural phenomena and accordingly we planned settlement…construction of beautiful buildings near see-shore as well…etc…etc…
-The rest approach is good with a beautiful conclusion…Keep it up…well done…
Marks awarded: 5.5/10
Answer 1
Hello Kapiushon,
-It seems you have exceeded the word limit…
-Introduction seems to be okay….though it could be more better….
-Connectivity between first two paragraphs is missing…After intro you suddenly started next point with the sentence in between….
-The rest of the points are very good and mentioned in well manner…
Conclusion too is good…
Overall, very good answer…well approached…well done…keep it up…
Marks awarded: 6.5/10

Answer 4
Hello Kapiushon,
-There is no introduction…
-Your most of the points revolve around deterrence policy only…and you have justified that if there is deterrent it is ethical to possess N-weapons….
-Points of justification are good…and mentioned in well order…
-Beautiful conclusion as well…
-Overall, points in answer is good…except introduction…nice approach…keep it up….
Marks awarded: 5/10

Ans 2
Hi Imgroot,
-Introduction seems to be okay…
-Points of argument are good…and well written…
-Points under changing mindset seems good…though more specific points can be brought…like…use of famous personalities to promote the use of latrines…like celebrity campaign…
-sensitizing through various activities…like nukkad nataks, road shows, short films etc…
-Making cleanness as a culture and otherwise a taboo socially.. etc..
Overall, your answer is good…including more specific points may improve its quality….though good attempt….nicely written…keep it up…
Marks awarded: 5/10
Hello Anita,
-Its a humble request that kindly upload answers one by one and not all the answers together…
-Your answer is not on proper sheet…at least draw line on both edges of the page as a margin, so that it will be visible to us clearly….
Also the quality of resolution is poor…and hence reviewing accordingly…
Q 1.
-Introduction seems to be okay…
-Presentation is poor…and not at all attractive…need to work on handwriting as well asap…
-However, there is no clarity in points and points lack justification…
-Too general ideas in answer…bring completeness in points…like movement caused lava eruption which is rich in various nutrients, and thus providing support to plants life as well as humans or other living organisms…so we come to know there is liquid at the bottom of crust…further, earth quake, mountain building at the edges of continental boundaries, folding, faulting etc….these points need to be presented with justification…
Overall an average answer…keep practicing…will improve for sure….
Nice attempt…keep writing…
Marks awarded: 3.5/10
Q. 2
Poor introduction…poor presentation…
Toilet or sanitation is of personal business rather part of socio-economic infrastructure…incomplete idea in intro…
-Use of colloquial language makes the point irrelevant or of lesser importance…
-Also ideas are not arranged in logical order…
-You have no where mentioned about the perception…why there is such perception among people for not using toilet…? and also very few points in changing mindsets…
Overall, an average presentation….keep practicing…will improve for sure…
Refer our model answer or other best answer reviewed for better clarity….
Q. 3
-poor introduction…poor presentation…poor content…poor language…
-Sentences are incomplete…points are not arranged in logical order…
-Overall, below average presentation with too much of general ideas…
-Keep practicing…will improve for sure…
Refer our model answer or other best answer reviewed and observe the pattern of presentation….
Q. 4
-Language is too poor…
-There is no concrete point in your answer…Poor presentation with haphazard points no logical arrangements, and incomplete sentences…
Observe the pattern of writing answer and how it should be presented…mere writing will not serve the purpose…
Refer our model answer or other best answer reviewed for better clarity….
Okay sir.

Ans 4
Hello Imgroot,
-Introduction is good…subsequent points are also mentioned in well order…good points in my opinion and good conclusion as well…
Overall, a good answer, well presented…
Keep it up…keep writing…
Marks awarded: 6/10
cdtest00000 qs 1

Hello Dhritiman,
-Work on your handwriting…asap…
-More clarity in introduction required…
-The points mentioned are too general…incomplete…and lack clarity…
-Too immature language and poor presentations…
-Overall, its below average answer…
Keep practicing…will improve…
Refer our model answer or other best answer reviewed for better clarity….
qs 2.


Hello Dhritiman,
-Introduction is poor …it should address the points or question properly in very short…means what actually has been asked in question and what you are going to present…introduction should show the direction of your answer….
-point 1 (1st page)….there is no justification…
-Neither language nor handwriting is understandable in point 2 (1st page)…
-Point 4 (1st page) incomplete sentence with incomplete ideas…
-Your way of presentation…poor language associated with incomplete ideas and poor handwriting…make this answer below average….there is no logical arrangement of ideas…No structure for answer….
-Observe the pattern how others used to write…and present their ideas….repeating the same mistakes again and again will not serve the purpose of writing….kindly consider my points seriously…
-Refer our model answer or other best answer reviewed for better clarity…
qs 4.

Hi Dhritiman,
I can only see the 2nd page as the first page link is not working…and hence the answer is incomplete…
Kindly upload again…
Q1 CD test 20392

Hello Sandeep,
-Few suggestion:
-One line should not contain more than five or six words…
-write within the margin provided…otherwise what is the purpose of separating with the margin on page…
-Some of the ideas in introduction is not required…like no need to mention who proposed this theory…no need to mention the names of major and minor plates…they are like killing your words…
-Also no need to mention about divergent and convergent plates in much details…
-Sandeep, answer is not at par with the question asked…I think you didn’t get the question properly…
The answer should focus more on our observations from plate tectonics and subsequent behaviour…rather explaining about the theoretical aspects…
Refer our model answer or other best answer reviewed for better clarity….
CDTEST20324- Ques 2
Hello Prafull,
-The answer exceeds the word limit…we need to be within 150 words…
-Words should be written properly otherwise it conveys different meaning…its defecation and not defection…
-Introduction is too big…you took two para to introduce the topic…
-Points and ideas mentioned are very good…presentation and structure of the answer is also good…however, need to sync the points and maintain word limit…Have improved much from earlier answers…keep writing practice will make you shorten your length of sentences…
-Marks awarded: 6/10
What is meant by syncing points ? Should i create flow in points mentiomed or something else ?
Hello Prafull, Sync is Synchronization of Points means reducing the word without change in meaning.
Flow of points should be there but at the same time we should adhere to the word limit. UPSC checks our expertise in writing many things in few words. However, this is a matter of practice, will sure happen. Keep writing…):

Answer 1
Hi Abhinav,
-Introduction seems to be okay…
-Mesosphere we find in atmosphere…the region of the earth’s atmosphere above the stratosphere and below the thermosphere, between about 50 and 80 km in altitude….and not below the earth’s crust…
-Diagram depict wrong idea…and this point is not relevant to the question asked…
-Your answer is not at par with the demand of the question…You missed to get the gist of the question…
-Abhinav, The answer should focus more on our observations from plate tectonics and subsequent behaviour…rather explaining about the theoretical aspects…
Refer our model answer or other best answer reviewed for better clarity….
Thanks for your review sir… i will work on the points you have mentioned but sir in this question i have used the TERM MECHANICAL RIGIDITY:
According to it our Earth is divided into three layers: Lithosphere, Asthenosphere and below it Mesosphere.
For this i am attacking wikipedia link.
Hi Abhinav, as per the demand of the question we don’t need to furnish much detail about the mechanical aspects or theoretical aspects. Rather we need to focus on what we observed and are observing in the course of tectonic movements. I hope you might have got the clarity while reading my model answer. Don’t hesitate to ask if you stuck even if.

Answer 2
Hello Abhinav,
-Introduction talks that according to some experts, mere construction will not serve the purpose….But why…what are the reasons for it?…You can relate it to mindset, culture etc…in intro itself in short…
-Your point a, b, c on first page explains about the same idea…
-Too general points in suggestion…for changing the perception of people…
Overall, the answer is average one…more specificity in points required…
Good Attempt…will improve for sure…keep writing…
Marks awarded: 3.5/10
hi sir , review my answers too

Answer 3
Hello Abhinav,
-Introduction seems okay…though it could have been much better in presentation…
-Rest of the points are good and very precisely written…
-Overall, nice attempt…good answer….
Keep it up…keep writing…
Marks awarded: 5/10

Answer 4
Hi Abhinav,
-Your points are okay…but there is no mention of how it violates ethical principles of humans…like negligence of human rights, more importance to deterrence than dialogue and peaceful cooperation, if falls in bad hands may bring destruction to civilization etc…etc…
-Though rest of the points are okay and well managed…
Overall, good attempt…keep practicing…
Marks awarded: 4.5/10
CDTEST 20496

Ans 4
Hello Priyadarshi,
-Very good answer…with good flow, well arranged ideas and beautifully presented points…
Well done…keep it up…
Marks awarded: 6.5/10
CDTEST 20496

Ans 2
Hi Priyadarshi,
-Good flow in points….However, more focus needed towards people’s trend for not using toilet…people give reason to purity at home, culture, tradition…though orthodox…we need to show why there is such perception?
-You can also add points as a measure like…making people aware regarding health benefits of toilet use…shame for women going out…etc…if possible we can cite incident of Kanpur where a women denied to marry in the absence of toilet at her in-laws house…
The rest of the points are good and well mentioned…
Overall, good attempt…keep practicing…
Marks awarded: 4/10
Answer -3
Recently India launched GSAT-29 through its latest launch vehicle GSLV – Mark 3 . This satellite will cater the needs of communication requirements in far North East and Jammu-Kashmir region.
GSAT-29 is a geo-synchronous satellite which orbits in a elliptical manner around earth such that it covers those areas which are difficult to be reached through a geo-stationary satellite. Better digital connectivity will aid to the Digital India programme too.
The ku and ka bands used in this satellite are more powerful and will connect to remote areas . This successful launch ensures the success of GSLV-Mark 3 too as it is going to be used in Chandrayan -2 mission in 2019 . Later on it will be used in India’s manned space programme.
In this Digital Era , it is very important that how much a country is independent and successful in its space programmes. Till now India has been on the right track and this launch added to that only.
Hello Hiddenwarrior,
-Please practice of sheet of paper…
-This answer has only 2 points….need to mention more features of GSAT 29 and more analyzing points in how it will connect the remote areas…
-The answer lacks in many respects…limited points, poor introduction…etc.
-This answer is average one overall, keep practicing…will improve for sure…
Marks awarded: 2.5/10
CDTEST20563 Ans-1

Hi Shivani,
-Introduction is poor…why do we need to talk about the continental drift and sea floor spreading theories…its irrelevant….and unnecessary killing word limit….
-Rather drawing flowchart of ideas, show the actual diagram of continental and oceanic plates…
-Reading your answer seem you lack conceptual clarity regarding the topic…the points mentioned are too general and are irrelevant to the requirement of this question…You haven’t answered what the question is asking…
Though nice try…keep practicing…will improve in the coming time…
Refer our model answer or other best answers for better clarity….
CDTEST20563 Ans-2

Hello Shivani,
-Introductory para is incomplete…the question is asking about the toilet use…but neither your introductory para nor subsequent two paras talking about the toilet use…
-Points are mentioned in haphazard manner…Individual points starts with somewhere half idea and remains incomplete….like second page…acc to study by who and unicef…the points underneath are incomplete…
-Third page seems like you have done rough work…what you have mentioned in flow chart, you need to write in paragraph (in arranged form)….
-4th page…sanitation is everyone’s personal business…but we need to change their perception of using toilet rather using open space….
-No arranged ideas in conclusion as well….and poor conclusion…
Overall, its a below average answer which lack in many respects…content, arrangement, structure etc…
Though nice try…keep practicing…will improve for sure….
Refer our model answer or other best answer reviewed for better clarity….
Answer 3
Hello Kapiushon,
-Good introduction…
-Under features and implications…points are mixed up…features are not mentioned properly…should have been in more elaborated form…though implications seem to be okay…You are confined with the limited points…try incorporating more points…
-Conclusion is very good…
Overall, the answer is average one…except the intro and conclusion…intro and conclusion both are good…
Good attempt…keep practicing…
Marks awarded: 3.5/10
CDTEST20563 Ans-3

Hello Shivani,
-Introduction seems to be good..
-My advise for you is that please don’t use shortcut for any words…write the words in complete form. for eg. Locatn…the same I advised yesterday also…
-3rd page…Don’t use down arrow…you can use bullets, arrows but connecting all the arrows together is not necessary…
-Conclusion could have been much better…
Overall, very good answer…need to work a bit on presentation…so that your answer should attract the reader more…
Well approached…keep it up…
Marks awarded: 6/10
Thankyou sir for the review & I am sorry for the shortcuts ,Next time I will not use them

Answer 2
Hi Kapiushon,
-You have exceeded the word limit…we need to write within 150 words…Please try to maintain the word limit…
You presentation is very good in terms of coverage and arrangement of ideas…
-Too big introduction…you have taken two paragraphs to introduce the topic only…Though ideas are very good…but need to sync and articulate your sentences…
-Point 4 on second page…doesn’t seem much practical….but unique idea…okay.
-Very good points…with very good conclusion as well…
Overall, very nice attempt…need to sync points in line with the word limit…
Well written…well done…keep it up…
Marks awarded: 6/10
Question 3
Hi Minakshi,
-Introduction seems poor….There is no mention of name GSAT-29 in your intro…it makes the intro empty…though the rest of the ideas are good…
-Also mention about its apogee and perigee…in feature itself….
-The rest points are good and well presented…try to incorporate more relevant points…as you still have words left with you to write…
-However, conclusion could have been better…
Overall, good except intro and conclusion…need to work on framing intro and conclusion…
Keep practicing…will improve for sure….keep writing…
Marks awarded: 4.5/10
CDTEST20453 ans2

Hi Puru Rajput,
-There is content in your answer but poor presentation and poor arrangement make this answer a below average one…
-You have used colloquial language in your presentation….need to bring maturity in language…Also points are incomplete and explanation seems illogical…
-You may have ideas but presentation is very poor…and points are not arranged logically….
-Second page…septic tanks are used…this point seems incomplete or wrong…also lacks justification….
-Also very few points under changing mindset…
Keep writing….will improve for sure….
Marks awarded: 3/10
why my answers are not getting checked 2 answers nahi check hue
PRITAM sir eagerly waiting for your insights for my 5 answers please have a look

Question 1
Hi Noah,
-Very good answer…good flow of points and well arranged ideas with examples…nice presentation….
Keep it up..well done…
Marks awarded: 6.5/10

Question 2
Hi Noah,
-In introduction…the last line…seems incomplete…add regarding toilet use…
-Point 1 as a reason for perception…you need to mention the justification…why? you can cite reasons like…tradition, culture, purity of home etc…as orthodox mindsets…
-Rest of the points are good…
-Conclusion is poor…and seems out of context keeping in mind the points you have mentioned…
-Overall, good points…except intro and conclusion…Keep practicing…will improve for sure…
Marks awarded: 4.5/10

Question 3
Hi Noah,
-Introduction seems to be okay…
-Features mentioned are good…some of the points you have repeated…unnecessary killing the word limit…like connectivity to the remote areas…
-Overall, content wise and presentation wise the answer is very good…
Well written…keep it up…
Marks awarded: 6/10

Question 4
Hi Noah,
-Very good answer…beautiful presentation,
-Good flow of ideas, well written…
-Well done…keep it up…
Also add one point…India’s policy of no first use…afterall its an ethical way of possession…
Marks awarded: 6.5/10