21st June 2019 | Daily Answer Writing Enhancement

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Question 1)

Unlike many other countries, small enterprises in India remain small and even shrink. Bring out the factors responsible for such a trend in India. What steps have been taken by the government in this regard? (150 Words)

Question 2)

Just as taxpayers have a responsibility to pay taxes, the government ought to ensure that tax proceeds are appropriately utilised. In this light discuss success of various implementation of cess schemes by government in recent years.(250 words)

Question 3)

What are cryptocurrencies? Is india following the right path by banning them. Critically analyze.(250 words)

Question 4)

“One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors”. Explain. Suggest some measures that can be taken to increase political participation in our country. (150 words)

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Caretaker @civilsdaily

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Kunal Aggarwal

Hi Kunal,
I’m new to the AWE initiative and am unable to find any button/link for uploading the answer pdf.
Kindly help.

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5 years ago
Reply to  Kunal Aggarwal

Hi Kunal

All the parts covered in holistic manners.
Subheadings and points in the main body of the answer are explained in good manner.
Way forwards are excellent. (Briefly mention what are the objectives of Trade Union Amendment Bill in two lines )
Nice attempt.

Marks: 6

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Kunal Aggarwal

Apt intro.
The main body of the answer is well approached.
Way forwards more depth and weight. Right now they seem generic in nature.
Discussion on the situation of the cess in good.

Marks: 4.5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Kunal Aggarwal

well written
You addressed the demand of question
Good structure.
Could add more points regarding their pros in financial ecosystem.
Very good conclusion and way forwards.

Marks: 5.5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Kunal Aggarwal

Well framed answer
You can add few statements regarding what are the initiatives taken by the ECI and GoI in this regard in recent years.
Apart from that answer is really good.

Marks: 5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Pankaj Lalwani

Hi Pankaj

In any question regarding MSMEs issues, you have to mention couple of challenges and among them one of them is over regulation and labour laws which you missed to mention here. Rest of the points are ok.

Work on your presentation skills.

While you discussed some of the steps taken by the government but you have to mention what else needs to be done from now on. Also mention schemes like make in India and mudra yojana which are designed to suit our small enterprises.

Marks: 2

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5 years ago

PaymentID – MOJO9618000A99185820

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5 years ago

Hi Prakhar

Intro needs work. You have just mentioned that what are small enterprises. But always link the first statement of the question in your intro. SO after you are done explaining what are small enterprises, mention that “that despite them contributing around to India’s GDP, Exports and Employment, they are facing various institutional and financial bottlenecks in India.” This will go good start to your answers and this way you can tell the examiner that what to expect from the answer from now on.

Rest of the answer is fine. Discussion is to the point and you covered most of the issue.

Marks: 4.5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago

There are many other significant issue with use of cryptocurrencies like CONSUMER PROTECTION, MONEY LAUNDERING, AND FINANCING OF CRIMINAL ACTIVITIES etc.

In the pro, you can add points like
1. participation and competitions among the private or non profit organisation;
2. attract the foreign investors as well as corporate organisation.
3. Cryptocurrency can bring in innovation.
4. increase the growth of social development without any loopholes as it is given after completing the task etc

In the conclusion you can add “We should keep working towards moving towards a ‘less cash economy’ through traditional present technologies. India should look at Cryptocurrency when the technology has evolved to reasonable levels and India is ready.”

Your overall discussion is ok but you have to be innovative with your language and word skills in these kinds of questions. More depth and width in terms of coverage of the issue is always required.

Marks: 3

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5 years ago


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5 years ago

Why are we witnessing this apathy from general public regarding political participation, specially in last couple of decades? Give insight on this.

In the way forward you can add points youth parliaments, increased interaction of political representatives with people, re energize student politics in colleges in universities which was the backbone during 60s and 70s for mass participation etc.

Also mention what are the recent steps taken by the GoI and ECI in this regard.

Your way forward points are general and veers away from the main theme of the question.

Marks: 2

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5 years ago

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5 years ago
Reply to  Mahesh

Hi Mahesh

Intro needs work. You have just mentioned that what are small enterprises. But always link the first statement of the question in your intro. SO after you are done explaining what are small enterprises, mention that “that despite them contributing around to India’s GDP, Exports and Employment, they are facing various institutional and financial bottlenecks in India.” This will go good start to your answers and this way you can tell the examiner that what to expect from the answer from now on.

You gave some good reasons in the first part but failed to mention two big issues: Over regulations and Labour laws.

Decent points on what GoI has done but you have to discuss what more needs to be done from now on.

Marks: 2

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5 years ago
Reply to  Parth Verma


Work on your intro. Its seems to be too fragmented.

While use of tabular form is good to discuss pros and cons of an issue is good, but your points are quite general.

You could have mentioned that its can lead to issues of CONSUMER PROTECTION, MONEY LAUNDERING, AND FINANCING OF TERRORIST ACTIVITIES etc

Similarly you cant just say that some other country (Venezuela) has done it so it makes this move good. You have to give points keeping Indian conditions in mind like:

1. participation and competitions among the private or non profit organisation;
2. attract the foreign investors as well as corporate organisation.
3. Cryptocurrency can bring in innovation.
4. increase the growth of social development without any loopholes as it is given after completing the task etc

Good way forward and conclusion.

Marks: 2.5

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5 years ago
Reply to  Parth Verma


Start working on your intro. Your intros are quite abrupt and the discussion in the next part is totally unrelated to what we read in intro. You have to link them by some brief discussion of the issue in hand.

Good 1st part.

Good way forward.

After 1st part, briefly mention what are the consequences when we do not participate in political process.

Marks: 3

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5 years ago

Payment ID MOJO9611300N14575632

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5 years ago
Reply to  pranab prakash

Hi Pranab
Join the 1st two paragraphs to make an unified and single intro. Thats better way for structuring and presentation.

While it good to see you switching to bullet points, but you have to include more points in the 1st part of the answers like fiscal indiscipline; bank credit; limited capital and knowledge; non availability of suitable technology; ineffective marketing strategy; constraints on modernization & expansions; non availability of skilled labour etc.

Decent points on what GoI has done but you have to discuss what more needs to be done from now on.

Marks: 3.5

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5 years ago

Payment ID MOJO9611300N14575632

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5 years ago
Reply to  pranab prakash

After 1st part, briefly mention what are the consequences when we do not participate in political process.

Give more points in the reasons for people staying away from political process.

Good way forward and conclusion.

Marks: 4

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5 years ago

Payment ID MOJO9611300N14575632

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5 years ago
Reply to  pranab prakash

Nicely written Pranab specially way forward part.
Good attempt. Nothing wrong with the answer.
Keep writing.

Marks: 6

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5 years ago

Payment ID MOJO9611300N14575632

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5 years ago
Reply to  pranab prakash

Try to reduce the introduction.. . Just give the definition of cryptocurrency… No need to explain deeply how it works
You need more points in the main body of the answer. Example:
In pro arguments you can add that It can lead to issues of CONSUMER PROTECTION, MONEY LAUNDERING, AND FINANCING OF TERRORIST ACTIVITIES etc

Similarly in against arguments you can add:
1. participation and competitions among the private or non profit organisation;
2. attract the foreign investors as well as corporate organisation.
3. Cryptocurrency can bring in innovation.
4. increase the growth of social development without any loopholes as it is given after completing the task etc

You dont need to discuss why crypto currencies are not popular in India which you discussed in the last part of the answer. Totally irrelevant. Instead use that portion for more way forward discussion.

Marks: 2

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5 years ago

which resource should i refer for daily answer writing

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Chester

Hi Utkarsh

Good intro and 1st part of the answer.

Good way forwards.
Rather than discussing steps taken by the GoI in way forward, discuss them separately. its the core demand of the question: “What steps have been taken by the government in this regard?”

Conclusion is good.

Marks: 3

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5 years ago

Q1. MOJO9611C00A14581096

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5 years ago
Reply to  Varsha Chauhan

Hi Varsha

Lengthy intro part.

Good use of graphs for comparing other economies.

Near perfect answer from there on in terms of coverage of the issue.
Good use of flowcharts in discussion regarding steps taken by the GoI.
Excellent way forwards.

Marks: 3.5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Chester

Your answer is good and it covers really wider dimensions.
Discuss the situation of utilization of cess amount little more with mentioning of CAG reports.
Good way forards.

Marks: 3.5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Chester

Much better attempt.
All the points are covered in nice manner.
Flow and structure are decent.
Points are crisp but the gem is your way forward.
Keep writing.

Marks: 5.5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Chester

Good intro.
Why are we witnessing this apathy from general public regarding political participation, specially in last couple of decades? Give insight on this.
Also briefly discuss what are the negative effects of this apathy in long run for democracy and society.
Also mention what are the recent steps taken by the GoI and ECI in this regard.
Good way forward.

Marks: 2.5

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5 years ago

Q2. MOJO9611C00A14581096

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5 years ago
Reply to  Varsha Chauhan

Good intro.
You dont need 2nd para in the answer. Its only taking your space and time while not solving any purpose in the answer.
After intro, jump to the 3rd para straight away.
Excellent discussion in the 1st part of the answer.
While you discussed a lot on whats the status of cess fund, but your way forward needs more power in the last power. Give concrete steps as in what are the steps needed in this regard.

Marks: 3.5

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5 years ago

Q4 MOJO9611C00A14581096

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5 years ago
Reply to  Varsha Chauhan

Very good answer.
Your understanding of the topic is excellent.
Good use of quotations and reference of thinkers in the answer.
You covered all the necessary segments of the answer and coverage was wide.
Good way forwards.

Marks: 6

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5 years ago

Payment ID- MOJO9617P00D58497630

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5 years ago
Reply to  Parth Ranjan

Hi Parth

In the intro briefly discuss the importance if MSMEs in India’s GDP, Exports and Employment.

Good 1st part.

While you discussed some of the steps taken by the government but you have to mention what else needs to be done from now on.

Marks: 4.5

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5 years ago

Payment ID- MOJO9617P00D58497630

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5 years ago
Reply to  Parth Ranjan

Overall good answer.
Decent use of flowchart after intro.
All the parts are covered and flow of the answer is excellent.
Really good conclusion.

Marks: 5.5

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5 years ago

Payment ID- MOJO9617P00D58497630

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5 years ago
Reply to  Parth Ranjan

Good 1st part.

Good way forward.

After 1st part, briefly mention what are the consequences when we do not participate in political process.

Marks: 4.5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Mithun Raju

Hi Mithun

Lengthy intro part. Try to reduce the introduction.. . Just give the definition of cryptocurrency… No need to explain deeply how it works.

Why they are again in news recently? Mention it in your intro (LIBRA from facebook) and give examples of other prominent crypto currencies.

Your points are quite general in the discussion regarding pros and cons of these instruments.

How does Fiscal Deficit or economy slowdown and CAD are related to crypto currency and how can it influence them? Avoid such generic statements.

In the pro arguments you can add:
1. participation and competitions among the private or non profit organisation;
2. attract the foreign investors as well as corporate organisation.
3. Cryptocurrency can bring in innovation.
4. increase the growth of social development without any loopholes as it is given after completing the task etc

Good conclusion.

Marks: 1.5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Mithun Raju

Already discussed above

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5 years ago

parth sir

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5 years ago
Reply to  Mithun Raju

Already discussed in above review

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5 years ago

Kindly review. 011906024648833

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5 years ago

Hi Rahul

Intro needs work. You have just mentioned that what are small enterprises. But always link the first statement of the question in your intro. SO after you are done explaining what are small enterprises, mention that “that despite them contributing around to India’s GDP, Exports and Employment, they are facing various institutional and financial bottlenecks in India.” This will go good start to your answers and this way you can tell the examiner that what to expect from the answer from now on.

Good main body of the answer.

After discussion on the steps taken by the GoI, mention what more needs to be done to make situation better for MSMEs then what it is now.

Good conclusion.

Marks: 3.5

Briefly discuss how cess is different than other direct and indirect taxes.

Very good answer from there on. Explanation and points are simple yet effective to the core. Very relevant points. Good use of diagrams and charts.
Very good way forward.

Marks: 6

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5 years ago

PaymentID MOJO9614D00D56022707

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5 years ago
Reply to  noira khan

In any question regarding MSMEs issues, you have to mention couple of challenges and among them one of them is over regulation and labour laws which you missed to mention here. Rest of the points are ok.

Rest of the answer is fine and discussion is in depth.

Marks: 4.5

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5 years ago

PaymentID MOJO9614D00D56022707

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5 years ago
Reply to  noira khan

Overall good answer.
Language and presentation of the answer are excellent
All the parts are covered and flow of the answer is excellent.
Really good conclusion.

Marks: 5.5

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5 years ago

PaymentID. MOJO9614D00D56022707

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5 years ago
Reply to  noira khan

Again really good answer in terms of coverage and discussion.
All the points are relevant and good.
Decent attempt and nothing to pinpoint here.

Marks: 6.5

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5 years ago

PaymentID. MOJO9614D00D56022707

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5 years ago
Reply to  noira khan

Answer lacks necessary coverage and width and depth. Points, specially in the 1st part are too general and

Why are we witnessing this apathy from general public regarding political participation, specially in last couple of decades? Give insight on this.
Also mention what are the negative consequences of this in long run for society and democracy.

In the way forward you can add points youth parliaments, re energize student politics in colleges in universities which was the backbone during 60s and 70s for mass participation etc.
Also mention what are the recent steps taken by the GoI and ECI in this regard.

Marks: 2.5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Mithun Raju

Did you check the above instructions?. We have a deadline of a week and your answer will be corrected within the deadline. This kind of impatience should not be shown by an aspiring civil servant.

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5 years ago
Reply to  Sajal Singh


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5 years ago
Reply to  Sajal Singh

Very Good reply.

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Mithun Raju

please refrain from taking such a tone. it creates a poor impression of you.
we are all here to help you and make you successful.

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5 years ago
Reply to  Mithun Raju

Hi Mithun
As far I know the stipulated time mentioned in the program detail is “within a week” and your first answer was submitted on 22nd of June, that too for the test of 21st. If we fail to deliver on our promise then you are free to point it out but please do not waste your precious energy on something which is factually incorrect. As an aspirant kindly have some patience and keep writing.

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Mithun Raju

Brother, I have been consistently writing since 17 June and have got response to all my answers before the Promised time of one week, the forum clearly mentioned that answers would be checked on first cum first serve basis and being on the forum daily i see that you have posted your answers very late so have patience. They have responded even to those who haven’t paid. Kindly read the instructions and up your game before jumping to conclusions. And trust me Rs 1500 for reviewing 4 answers daily is peanuts compared to the coaching institutes. Let’s learn to appreciate the efforts of each other and the people who are trying to help us.

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5 years ago
Reply to  Varsha Chauhan


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5 years ago

Payment Id:MOJO9618600A99219662

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5 years ago
Reply to  Zulu

Hi Zulu….Quite unique name!

The answer overall is awesome.
Points given in the answers are exhaustive and well covered.
Discussion in the steps taken by the GoI is apt.
The only suggestion here would be to add a discussion at the end of the answer regarding what more needs to be done further by all the stakeholders regarding improvement of the situation for MSMEs.

Marks: 4.5

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5 years ago

Payment Id:MOJO9618600A99219662

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5 years ago
Reply to  Zulu

The first para that is your intro can be shifted towards the end of the answer to make better way forward. Instead, start the answer with your second paragraph. Thats more suited as your intro for this answer.
You dont have to explain all the cess. Just mention them in the intro.

You have to mention the current status of their expenditure and the concerns raised by the parliamentary committees and CAG in this regard. This was supposed to be the 1st part of the answer.

What needs to be done in order to proper utilize them. use your 1st para here and add more points.
Read the answers of Noira Khan or Kunal Agarwal to understand how to approach this question.

Marks: 1

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5 years ago

Payment Id:MOJO9618600A99219662

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5 years ago
Reply to  Zulu

Give some examples of these currencies.
What are the supposed positives if we use these currencies? Always mention both sides of the arguments in your answers to maintain balance.
Good way forwards
Dont try to squeeze your points at the end of the paper. That is bad for your presentation. You have 3 pages for 250 words and 2 pages for 150 words answers. Use them.
Marks: 4

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5 years ago

Payment Id:MOJO9618600A99219662

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5 years ago
Reply to  Zulu

Good intro.
Why are we witnessing this apathy from general public regarding political participation, specially in last couple of decades? Give insight on this.

Also briefly discuss what are the negative effects of this apathy in long run for democracy and society.

Also mention what are the recent steps taken by the GoI and ECI in this regard.
Good way forward.

Decent way forwards

Marks: 2.5

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5 years ago

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