22nd January 2021| Daily Answer Writing Enhancement

Important Announcement:  Topics to be covered on 25th January

GS-1  Modern Indian history from about the middle of the eighteenth century until the present- significant events, personalities, issues. 

GS-4 Case Studies.

Question 1)

Discuss the key features and significance of folk dance of North Eastern India. 10 marks

Question 2)

With a view to the contentious issue of delay in the carrying out the death penalty, do you think that India should abolish the death penalty? Give reasons in support of your argument. 10 marks

Question 3)

Digital corporations can operate in a market without a physical presence. The current basis for taxing in a particular jurisdiction is a notion of a fixed place of business. In light of this, examine the challenges in taxing the digital companies and how India is dealing with such a challenge? 10 marks

Question 4)  

Explain tolerance and compassion in Indian context. How effectively can tolerance and compassion be used by the respective authority in the process of decision making in public administration? 10 marks

Reviews will be provided in a week. (In the order of submission- First come first serve basis). In case the answer is submitted late the review period may get extended to two weeks.

*In case your answer is not reviewed in a week, reply to your answer saying *NOT CHECKED*. If Parth Sir’s tag is available then tag him.

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