23 Sept 2016 | GS 2 | US lawmakers move bill to designate Pakistan as a terrorist state. What will be the impact on India ? Critically examine. Do you think war with Pakistan can resolve the terrorism issue?

GS II (India and Neighbourhood) (Hattrick)

US lawmakers move bill to designate Pakistan as a terrorist state. What will be the impact on India ? Critically examine.  Do you think war with Pakistan can resolve the terrorism issue?

Best answer

Stuti wrote the best answer for this question and got a score of 5/10. The answer is being reproduced below for everyone’s convenience. Of course these answers can always be improved. (Best answer  of a particular only involves those given on that day, later answers may not have been checked)

The U.S. lawmakers have moved the Pakistan State Sponsor of Terrorism Designation Act of 2016 calling upon the administration to provide a report on whether or not Pakistan qualifies as such under various U.S. laws. The bill may be largely symbolic given the current Congress is in the final lap of its term, however, it is bound to impact India.
Over the past three decades, India has been at the receiving end of Pakistan’s statecraft of terrorists and Uri attack is the latest provocation. Previous diplomatic approaches by India have failed to be effective. U.S.’ move has paved way to isolate Pakistan internationally. Given the worldwide intolerance for terrorism, fear of islamist radicals and spreading of ISIS as well as Pakistan’s attitude towards terrorism, India can make some headway in this direction. This will convey a stern message to Pakistan to put an end to state sponsored terrorism and will also further India’s relationship with U.S.
However, this is not a full-proof option as in the past, India has faced difficulties with moving the U.N. Comprehensive Convention of International Terrorism. There is also a threat of internationalising the Kashmir dispute. Pakistan-China relations as well as growing proximity of Russia and Pakistan will also prove to be a hurdle. The move can also create an impasse between India and Pakistan leaving no amicable options open for the future.
War with Pakistan is not the solution and the earlier wars are evidence enough. It will only adversely impact the social and economic development of both the states and will also provide third parties, like China, an option to take undue advantage of the situation. Furthermore, the Indian forces are short of vital equipments to go for an all out war with Pakistan.
The way forward is to have a long term strategic policy on cross border terrorism as well as a comprehensive national policy to deal with domestic diplomacy. India needs to strengthen its efforts to garner international support and solve the issue diplomatically.

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