23rd January 2019 | Daily Answer Writing Enhancement

Students are advised to post answers in the comment section of this post below. Kindly ensure that answer to each question is posted as a separate comment with the purchase ID provided by us.

Reviews will be provided in a week. (In the order of submission- First come first serve basis)

*In case your answer is not reviewed in a week, reply to your answer saying *NOT CHECKED*. If Pritam Sir’s tag is available then tag him.  

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Question 1)

Critically examine the causes responsible for the phenomenon called ‘de-industrialization’ in India during the nineteenth century. (150 W)

Question 2)

Discuss with suitable examples, the emerging challenges faced by the Regulatory Commissions as to the arbitrary agents between the state and the market forces. (150 W)

Question 3)

The term ‘Green Finance’ has gained a lot of attention in the past few years with the increased focus on greed development. Why the green finance is an ambiguous term and what are the issues in mobilization and effective use of green finance? Is it a sufficient step towards the sustainable development? (200 W)

Question 4)

Why ‘integrity’ in civil services is essential? How a team is benefitted when leader is of unimpeachable integrity? Justify your argument with example. (150 W)

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By Root

Caretaker @civilsdaily

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6 years ago

CDTEST 20378..Q.NO-03comment imagecomment image

6 years ago

CDTEST 20378..Q.NO-01comment imagecomment image

Satyam Akotiya
Satyam Akotiya
6 years ago

CDTEST22917comment image comment image

6 years ago
Reply to  Satyam Akotiya

Hi, satyam
– Introduction needs some improvement.
– The points/causes as mention in answer are sound, however some points/causes should be added, specially with regarding to the socially problems of that times Indian society.
– The conclusion seems to be good.
The overall answer is good but needed further improvement specially in area of introduction and points/causes. …. The structure of answer and writing seems to be best, so marks awarded 5.5 out of 10.

6 years ago

CDTEST 22580
Ans 2comment imagecomment image

6 years ago
Reply to  gk

– Introduction is seems sound, but need to further improvement.
– The entire answer’s main body is limited the discussing only regarding to the functions of regulatory commissions, but answer does not mention any about emerging challenges of its. Hence, the answer should be address the challenges of regulatory commissions as according to question.
– The answer give the examples like RBI, but answer did not give more attention on RBI’s challenges as a arbitrary agents between the state and the market forces.
– Conclusion is also good, but need to systematic arrange it.
– The overall structure of answer is not good, because the entire answer seem a single paragraph. Therefore, the answer should have been clearly separated from each other between introduction, main body and conclusion.
– The answer formation should have been point wise, which are the lack in this answer …. So marks awarded 4.5 out of 10.

6 years ago

CDTEST 22580
Ans 3comment imagecomment image

6 years ago

CDTEST 22580
Ans 4comment imagecomment image

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  gk

Hi GK,
Points of answer seems to be good…
However, the structure needs some improvement…the answer needs to be separated in paragraphs…we can not write entire answer in one para. similar ideas should be mentioned together in one para only and the other ideas should follow the next para…
-The ideas mentioned are good but lack in example…
Overall, nice approach…need to work on structure…content wise need to incorporate some examples…the rest is good…
Well written…keep writing…
The points of conclusion could have been much better…though it seems okay…
Marks awarded: 4.5/10


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