23rd July 2019 | Daily Answer Writing Enhancement

ANNOUNCEMENT – There is a change in format. Students will now have to post answers on the questions page separately by clicking on the links given below. We plan to track progress for each of the GS papers and to achieve the same, this modification becomes important. Students who are unable to post answers, please email hello@civilsdaily.com. You will receive a resolution for sure. 

Question 1)

Citizens’ Charters make administration both accountable and citizen-friendly. However, over time, in a large number of offices, Citizens’ Charters have fallen into disuse. Suggest measures that can make these charters effective tools for bringing accountability in public service. (250 WORDS)

Question 2)

Q.2) What are parliamentary committees? How do they ensure legislature’s and executive’s efficiency and accountability? (250 Words)

Question 3)

Agriculture Subsidies require a different form and approach. Critically Analyse. (250 Words)

Question 4)

Q.4) Discuss Mills concept of ‘harm principle’. Is it right not to interfere with what someone does if it does not harm other people? Is it also applicable in family system? (250 Words)

Reviews will be provided in a week for. (In the order of submission- First come first serve basis). In case the answer is submitted late the review period may get extended to two weeks.

*In case your answer is not reviewed in a week, reply to your answer saying *NOT CHECKED*. If Parth Sir’s tag is available then tag him.

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By Root

Caretaker @civilsdaily


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