23rd March 2019 | Prelims Daily with Previous Year Questions

Here’s a link to the playlist of the Prelims Daily Quiz Analysis Videos. Watch them after you attempt the quiz.

IMP: We want to be 100% certain that the time and energy spent on making these videos is helping you in your UPSC Prelims preparation. So, pls click on the videos, like, share and comment and let us know your thoughts.


Dear students,

1. In the comments section, share your score and also let everyone know the logic you’ve used to mark certain answers. This will trigger intelligent discussions benefitting everyone.

2. Completing the test should be your top priority. Focus on accuracy rather than simply attempting more questions. Give enough thought to each question, we have increased the time limit so you can do this.

3. At the end of the test, click on ‘View Questions’ button to check the solutions.

*You can attempt the test multiple times for your own practice but only your first attempt will be counted for rankings.

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5 years ago

Nice initiative for upcoming prelims , reduce time limit , it keeps a candidate in relax mode .

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5 years ago


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5 years ago

Thank you very much prelims daily…I very much like this approach

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5 years ago

Please do provide the link/URL of news item from where the question has been framed, especially Current Affairs part. Like for above question, The groundwater report on India. Please provide the link. Thanks.


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