24 Sept 2016 | GS 3 |Do you think that maritime terrorism is major threat to India ? Discuss.

GS III (Internal Security) (Hattrick)

Do you think that maritime terrorism is major threat to India ? Discuss.

Best answer

Rahul Jain wrote the best answer for this question and got a score of 5/10. The answer is being reproduced below for everyone’s convenience. Of course these answers can always be improved. (Best answer  of a particular only involves those given on that day, later answers may not have been checked)

That India has a long coastline and has a strategic location in Indian Ocean itself calls for robust maritime security mechanism as our economy is also dependent on maritime trade. There are threats like:
1. Terror attacks (e.g. Mumbai 2008)
2. Piracy in the Indian Ocean and Arabian Sea(e.g. Somalian piracy)
3. Recent Chinese interventions in Pakistan(i.e. Gwadar Port) can have a diplomatic disadvantage for us.
4. Western presence in the Indian Ocean can undermine our influence in the region.

1. Setting up of marine police stations along the coast(synergy between Centre and coastal States required).
2. Better coordination between coast guard and Indian Navy coupled with their upgradation.(recent commissioning of Patrol and Naval vessels is a good step)
3. Coordination between countries surrounding the Indian Ocean,Arabian Sea etc. via various fora like IORA,BIMSTEC etc. or through war exercises like VARUNA,MALABAR etc.
4. Usage of Space technology can be used.
5. Issue of ID cards to fishermen and training them to report any unusual activity in the waters.

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