24th June 2019 | Daily Answer Writing Enhancement

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Question 1)

“Globalization will end up making all cultures of the world homogeneous”. Critically examine the statement taking examples from socio-cultural and economic life of India. (250 Words))

Question 2)

A “rethink” on a Constitutional provision that provides for automatic lapsing of any Bill is required. Discuss.(250 words)

Question 3)

Is New Delhi adequately prepared to weather the incoming geopolitical storm in south Asia? Discuss outlining challenges and way forward for Indian foreign policy in the region.(250 words)

Question 4)

What is the importance of whistle-blowing in public and private institutions? What role does individual conscience play in the act of whistle-blowing? (150 words)

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Caretaker @civilsdaily

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Mithun Raju


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5 years ago
Reply to  Mithun Raju

Hi Mithun

Dont use subheadings just for one statement. You can discuss the statement of the constitutional provision in the intro itself. Never make fragmented answers. there should be natural flow in your discussion.

Rest of the discussion is decent. Give some quotations about what chairman of RS recently said. That will help you.

Marks: 4.5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Ashok Reddy

Hi Ashok
Intro is good.
Overall answer is fine.
Use subheadings in your paragraphs and do not over explain.
Way forwards are decent.

Marks: 4

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Ashok Reddy

Good discussion but you gave to answer one important angle in the last part of the answer: Whether to look after the image of the organisation or do the right thing?
Also briefly discuss what are some of the shortcomings in whistle blowing.

Marks: 3.5

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5 years ago
Reply to  Sumit Padey

Hi Sumit
Please avoid drive upload. Instead click the photo of your answers and directly upload the image here. Right now i dont have the access to your drive. So kindly re-upload the file in image or pdf format in the section.

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5 years ago

Payment Id:MOJO9618600A99219662

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New Doc 2019-06-24 14.19.29_5.jpg
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5 years ago
Reply to  Zulu

Hi Zulu
Answer is good.
Discussion is excellent and balanced with points from both side,
Use sub headings though, while changing paragraphs.
Otherwise great attempt.

Marks: 5.5

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5 years ago

Payment Id:MOJO9618600A992196622

New Doc 2019-06-24 14.19.29_7.jpg
New Doc 2019-06-24 14.19.29_8.jpg
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5 years ago
Reply to  Zulu

Mention the article number under which the provision of lapsing of bills rest. Always mention article numbers in the polity related questions,
The first part of the answer is good but second one looked like as if its an editorial.
Keep your statements short and simple. Use only one or two statements to make your point.

Marks: 4

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5 years ago

Payment Id:MOJO9618600A99219662

New Doc 2019-06-24 14.19.29_9.jpg
New Doc 2019-06-24 14.19.29_10.jpg
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5 years ago
Reply to  Zulu

Good that you divided the answer into segments and discussed them separately.
Approach was decent and discussion to the point.
language this time was better and well suited for IR related questions.
Overall good answer.

marks: 4.5

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5 years ago

Payment Id:MOJO9618600A99219662

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New Doc 2019-06-24 14.19.29_12.jpg
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5 years ago
Reply to  Zulu

Near perfect answer.
The only suggestion would be adding some points regarding some pitfalls regarding false whistle blowing. This portion should be brief and after the end of your first half of your answer.
Rest of the answer is perfectly fine. All the parts are nicely covered.

Marks: 6

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Ashok Reddy

fair and balanced discussion.
Briefly discuss what has been the issues with India’s approach in the region so far and how it has changed in recent year.s
Good way forwards.

Marks: 4.5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Mithun Raju

There is nothing here???

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Kunal Aggarwal

hi Kunal

Intro and the first part of the answer are properly managed. Good.
In the 2nd part of the answer, you have to also focus on the aspects of 1. Glocalization 2. Spreading of Indian culture in the West. read the model answer in this regard.
This will give proper balance to your answer.
Good conclusion.

Marks: 3.5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Kunal Aggarwal

Mention the article number under which the provision of lapsing of bills rest. Always mention article numbers in the polity related questions, Also mention the underlying purpose of this provision.
Rest of the discussion in the answer is suitable to the demand of the question and well balanced.
Nice way forwards.

marks: 4.5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Kunal Aggarwal

it would be value addition if you would have wrote about various project which have been stalled by india in other countries, india takes up projects but completes it very late.
india should stop following big brother policy, instead giving scope to small nations.

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5 years ago
Reply to  Kunal Aggarwal

Combine the 1st two paragraphs to make a better and unified intro. That is a better tactic for presentation in the answer.

Answer is heavily tilted towards China-Pakistan axis and discussion on other aspects as in Nepal, Lanka, Maldives, Bangladesh, Afghanistan are missing. Afghanistan, specially, is in the middle of a geopolitical storm and hence needs special mention in the answer as India is heavily invested in the country.

Better way forward.

Marks: 2.5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Kunal Aggarwal

Nice and tasteful discussion in the answer.
All the parts are addressed in appropriate manner and language is simple yet crisp.
The only suggestion here would be to add certain points regarding issues with false whistle blowing.
Good 2nd part.

Marks: 4.5

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5 years ago

Payment ID MOJO9611300N14575632

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5 years ago
Reply to  pranab prakash

While discussion is ok but it seems to be heavily tilted towards economical aspect of globalization while you had to discuss on social cultural aspects as well.
In the 2nd part of the answer, you have to also focus on the aspects of 1. Glocalization 2. Spreading of Indian culture in the West. read the model answer in this regard.
This will give proper balance to your answer.

Marks: 2

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5 years ago

Payment ID MOJO9611300N14575632

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5 years ago
Reply to  pranab prakash

Mention the article number under which the provision of lapsing of bills rest. Always mention article numbers in the polity related questions, Also mention the underlying purpose of this provision.
Rest of the discussion in the answer is suitable to the demand of the question and well balanced.
Nice way forwards.
Language is proper.

marks: 5.5

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5 years ago

Payment ID MOJO9611300N14575632

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5 years ago
Reply to  pranab prakash

You discussed the issues really well in the 1st part of the answer. Specific mentions to each country is the suitable way.
But you failed to discuss one aspect of the question which was “way forward for Indian foreign policy in the region.”
This should have been your 2nd part of the answer. What needs to be done in the foreign policy circle in Delhi on these issues?

Marks: 3

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5 years ago

Payment ID MOJO9611300N14575632

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5 years ago
Reply to  pranab prakash

Ample example sin the answers are good.
The 1st part of the answer is good but more discussion is needed in the 2nd part regarding conscious of an individual regarding whistle blowing. Read the model answer in this regard.

Marks: 2.5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Mithun Raju

Approach was decent.
But give specific examples if issues in the 1st part of the answer and mention the challenges India is facing there.
Language this time was better and well suited for IR related questions.
Overall good answer.
Adequate way forwards.
Marks: 4.5

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5 years ago

insta mojo id – MOJO9615400N46165573

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Mithun Raju

Please dont upload same answers multiple times

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5 years ago

Payment I’d : MOJO9613D00N10949221

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5 years ago
Reply to  Pavan Thalla

Hi Pavan


Mention the article number under which the provision of lapsing of bills rest. Always mention article numbers in the polity related questions,
The first part of the answer is good but second one lacked content. More way forward points are needed

Marks: 2.5


Approach was decent.
Language this time was better and well suited for IR related questions.
Overall good answer.
Adequate way forwards.
Marks: 4.5


The discussion in the answer is general and lacks depth, in both parts.

Give little bit more details regarding whistle blowing and give real life examples like engineer Late Satyendra Dubey or IAS officer Ashok Khemka.

Your second part seemed more like way forward and not related to conscious.

read the model answer in this regard.

Marks: 2

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Chester

Hi Utkarsh

Appropriate answer.
All the points are presented i good manner.
Discussion is simple and short.
Coverage is good.
Decent attempt.

Marks: 5.5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Chester

Approach was decent.
Overall good answer.
Your points had enough juice and they were relevant.
Adequate way forwards.
Marks: 5.5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Chester

Though discussion is ok but it lacks relevant examples.
Ethics answers need various examples so that you drive home your points.
read the model answer in this regard.
Answer, in terms of points is decent.

Marks: 3

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5 years ago
Reply to  Parth Verma

Hi Parth, Thanks for the comprehensive reviews. When can you we have model answers? Awaiting!!

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Parth Ranjan

Hi Parth

Very good answer.
It is well balanced and approach here is really good.
You discussed all the major points without being too preachy as some people tend to lose track of the discussion in this topic. But you managed really well. keep it up.
Discussion in both sides of the issue is requisite.

Marks: 6

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Parth Ranjan

Balance of the answer is again decent and arguments well presented.

Overall good answer.
Adequate way forwards.
Nothing to pinpoint in the content of the answer.

Marks: 6

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Parth Ranjan

Nice answer.
You have given very good insights under all the relevant subheadings in the answer.
Good way forwards.
Again it’s a very good answer.

Marks: 6

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Parth Ranjan

Good effort……
but constitutional provisions could be used as reference while giving examples. It will enhance marks and validity of our justification.
Briefly discuss moral n ethical challenges and how we can overcome them.
Good and ample examples.

Marks: 2.5

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5 years ago

Q1- Globalization

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5 years ago
Reply to  Vishal Kalal

Hi Vishal

Intro is very big. Write smaller ones.

Average answer overall

While you covered all the pages but your presentation and structure of the answer is very fractured and no flow in the answer.
Write smaller paragraphs or better, use bullet points.
Main body needs more relevant points.
Read the model answer.
Also the answer ends abruptly.

Marks: 1.5

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5 years ago

payment ID MOJO9614D0056022707

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5 years ago
Reply to  noira khan

Your 1st page is decent for the start but your second half of the answer needs better contnet. Reason being the question is not about pros and cons of Globalization but regarding “Globalization will end up making all cultures of the world homogeneous”. So the key word is homogeneous. Your points need to revolve around it and the key arguments after your 1st part would have been regarding Glocalization and Spreading of Indian culture in the West.

Read the model answer.

marks: 1.5

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5 years ago

paymentID MOJO9614D0056022707

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5 years ago
Reply to  noira khan

Good answer.
Just a suggestion which would make the answer totally tailor made for UPSC mains.
After your 1st part, briefly mention the underlying purpose of this provision of lapsing of bills.
Rest of the answer is good and balanced and all the points are covered suitably.

Marks: 6

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5 years ago

payment ID MOJO9614D0056022707

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5 years ago
Reply to  noira khan

very comprehensive…simple language. but good one….coverage is superb and in depth.
Nothing to pinpoint here. keep writing.

Marks: 6

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5 years ago

Payment ID MOJO9618000A99185820

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5 years ago

Approach was decent.
Language was better and well suited for society related questions.
Overall good answer.
Decent and well balanced conclusion

Marks: 5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago

Your answer lacks depth and coverage.
It is too China and Pakistan centric while South Asia has other major nations like Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Nepal, Maldives and Bangladesh.
All of these nations are facing some short of issues which have direct consequences for India be it US Taliban talks, Easter attacks in Lanka, Dokhlam issue in Bhutan and new government in Maldives with China US playing rivalry games in our backward. So you have to focus on all these aspects and mention whether India is ready to face these challenges?

Your way forward discusses largely what needs to be done by these countries but the question specifically asks about what should “India: do.

Average answer overall.

Marks: 1.5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago

Do not discuss with so much details regarding when and when cant a bill lapses in Parliament. This portion is lengthy.

What was the purpose of inserting this provision of lapsing of bills by the framers of the constitution?

Better second part of the answer but work on the presentation. Use subheadings when changing paragraphs.

Marks: 2

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5 years ago


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5 years ago

Good effort……
Give little bit more examples in ethics answers.
Good mentioning of whistle blower protection act…… It enhances marks and validity of your justification
Good discussion in the 2nd part of the answer.
Overall decent attempt.

Marks: 4.5

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5 years ago

Q2 MOJO9611C00A14581096

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5 years ago
Reply to  Varsha Chauhan

Hi Varsha
You dont need to discuss when and when not a bill lapses in Parliament. Not all details are necessary. Save energy and space!

Good that you divided the answer into various small segments and discussed them separately. Despite doing this, because of the language and quality of points, the answer never looked fragmented.
Approach was decent and discussion to the point.
Good attempt.

Marks: 4.5

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5 years ago

Q3 MOJO9611C00A14581096

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5 years ago
Reply to  Varsha Chauhan

Your answer is too China and Pakistan centric while South Asia has other major nations like Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Nepal, Maldives and Bangladesh which you depicted in the diagram (good use of diagram though).
All of these nations are facing some short of issues which have direct consequences for India be it US Taliban talks, Easter attacks in Lanka, Dokhlam issue in Bhutan and new government in Maldives with China US playing rivalry games in our backward. So you have to focus on all these aspects and mention whether India is ready to face these challenges?

The second part where you discussed the way forwards is better suited but there you have to focus solely on south asia and leave the rest areas and regions aside.

Marks: 2

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5 years ago
Reply to  Parth Verma

@. Parth Sir…sir i need clarity here. while i understood your points of focussing on other nations..but i have mentioned China and pak once.. also i was observing the few good scoring answers and observed that Noira Khan’s answer has all the points like mine..probably coz we used the same source..and just changed the structure…the Reasons, west asia..US..Russia all angles are exactly the same without any coverage of lanka, bhutan or maldives in hers too. …so im confused as in wat to infer or add as u have commented that hers is a complete answer but not a single point is different than mine… i compare myself with the good answers and add value to mine but this has confused me as im relying only on this evaluation to learn answer writing and have read that diagrams and flowcharts fetch better marks. so why two same contents ..one wid a map …have a difference of 4 marks. of course, on this forum its not about marks but that is the best judge to know the level and so i cannot figure out wat to take home from this particular question.

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5 years ago

Q1 MOJO9611C00A14581096

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5 years ago
Reply to  Varsha Chauhan

Your 1st part of the answer needs work while your second half of the answer has better content. Reason being the question is not about pros and cons of Globalization but regarding “Globalization will end up making all cultures of the world homogeneous”. So the key word is homogeneous. Your points need to revolve around it in the 1st part also.

2nd part is decent and well crafted.

Marks: 2.5

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5 years ago

Where are the model answers? How to access them? Please help

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5 years ago
Reply to  Vishal Kalal

Click on the questions individually and you’ll get them

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5 years ago
Reply to  Varsha Chauhan

Thanks, got it

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5 years ago
Reply to  Vishal Kalal

if you click the questions then you will be re directed to the new page where you will see the approach required to write answers fro them and also the their respective model answers. Model answers are provided with some lag so that most of the students can write the answer and then look at the model answers.

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5 years ago
Reply to  Parth Verma

Thank you sir

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5 years ago

Payment ID –
1st answer

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5 years ago
Reply to  Rohi

1st answer

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5 years ago
Reply to  Rohi

Hi Rohi

Intro is very lengthy. Dont go deep with the points in intros. Write short ones linking the statement of the question to the main body of your answer.

question is not about pros and cons of Globalization but regarding “Globalization will end up making all cultures of the world homogeneous”. So the key word is homogeneous. Your points need to revolve around it in the 1st part also.

You dont have to discuss -ves of globalization. read the model answer.

Marks: 2

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5 years ago
Reply to  Parth Verma

ill do my best in my next answers and try to rectify my mistakes, tq for review

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5 years ago

Payment ID –
2nd answer

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5 years ago
Reply to  Rohi

What was the purpose of inserting this provision of lapsing of bills by the framers of the constitution?

Overall decent answers in terms of coverage and depth and points are good.
Work on your presentation skills.

Marks: 3.5

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5 years ago

Payment ID –
3rd answer

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5 years ago
Reply to  Rohi

Rohi please avoid lengthy paragraphs. With your hand writing they do not go well and hence they seem scrambled in little space. Instead use bullet points.
Write as many points as you know but write only 1-2 line about that point. It’s always better to cover more points than to write few points in detail.

Your answer is too China and Pakistan centric while South Asia has other major nations like Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Nepal, Maldives and Bangladesh which you depicted in the diagram (good use of diagram though).
All of these nations are facing some short of issues which have direct consequences for India be it US Taliban talks, Easter attacks in Lanka, Dokhlam issue in Bhutan and new government in Maldives with China US playing rivalry games in our backward. So you have to focus on all these aspects and mention whether India is ready to face these challenges?

The second part where you discussed the way forwards is better suited and well discussed.

Marks: 2


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