25th June 2019 | Daily Answer Writing Enhancement

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Question 1)

The possibility of friction or conflict, as a result of the functioning of multiple regulators overseeing the different segments of financial sector, does not make a convincing case for a single all-powerful super- regulator. Discuss. (250 W)

Question 2)

Water Crisis in urban areas has reached to unprecedented levels. What has caused this? Suggest ways to improve water conservation in urban areas.(250 Words)

Question 3)

What is acute encephalitis syndrome (AES)?Why has it affected only young children in a certain geographical location?What can be done to prevent this?(250 words)

Question 4)

It is often said that home is the first school and parents are the first teachers. Explain the role of family in inculcating moral values. Analyze how the changing nature of family has affected this role in the context of India. (150 words)


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Caretaker @civilsdaily

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5 years ago

Payment Id:MOJO9618600A99219662

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5 years ago
Reply to  Zulu

Hi Zulu
Answer is one dimensional and it is talking about only the cons of such move while not talking about positives if such a move is made.
Secondly, try not to over explain. Exhibit is 2nd point of your discussion against the move where you talked about role of Fin Min.
After intro, discuss why such suggestions are being given now and what are its benefits.
Points in the negative parts are good but shorten your explanation there.

Marks: 2

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5 years ago

Payment Id:MOJO9618600A99219662

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5 years ago
Reply to  Zulu

Good intro.
Good answer with wide coverage.
Structure is decent but do not scramble statements in the end. You have 3 pages for 250 words answers. Use them to your advantage.
Overall good attempt.

Marks: 5

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5 years ago

Payment Id:MOJO9618600A99219662

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5 years ago
Reply to  Zulu

A proper conclusion would have made this answer rally good.
You covered all the necessary facets of the question adequately.
Way forward is good but write the issue of health sector preparedness in the issue part and focus only on solutions in this part of way forward. That is a better presentation and structure for your answer.
Start writing conclusions.

Marks: 4.5

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5 years ago

Payment Id:MOJO9618600A99219662

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5 years ago
Reply to  Zulu

Do not write big statements in bullet format. You should use only 1 2 statements to bring home your idea in that bullet point.
Points in the 1st part are good but shorten the length there.
While you did discussed challenges in the changing nature of family system, there are couple of +ves too. Do mention them too.
Conclusion is missing.

Marks: 3.5

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5 years ago

Q2 paid

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5 years ago

Hi Prakhar

You discussed some of the reasons for the issues of water management in Urban India but there are many more imp points which you skipped like inadequate, old and dilapidated distribution networks, inefficient operations, inadequate metering, incomplete billing and collection, and a general state of poor governance, not treating wastewater and using the recycled water for specialized uses and under-pricing of water resources etc.

Good 2nd part. Coverage in this portion is better. Good way forwards.

Marks: 3.5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago

Answer is informative.
Structure is good.
Conclusion is good as well.
Focus a bit on the health sector’s preparedness which has failed in recent years to tackle the issue in the region of western Bihar and eastern UP.
Overall decent answer.

Marks: 3.5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago

The answer is good but you can add another aspect here.
Use a wider approach like dividing family into mother, father, sibling. Likewise. The answer becomes simpler and nicer.
While you did mentioned the -ve aspects of changing family system and its impact and its good but at the same time there are certain +ves which you to mention too maintain balance in your arguments.
Overall points are decent.

Marks: 2.5

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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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5 years ago
Reply to  Mahesh

Hi Mahesh

Please try to upload clear answers. Its kind of smuggy to read on the big screen.
Points in the reasons discussion are good and efficient use of flowchart. Keep it up.
Way forwards are decent.
You have almost 3 pages for 250 words answers so try to be little more descriptive. Do not over explain but try to be little more descriptive than what you are right now in your answers. A statement or two for each point is good enough for explanation.

Marks: 3.5

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5 years ago

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5 years ago
Reply to  pranita kale

Hi Pranita

Very good discussion in the 1st part of the answer. The points are exhaustive yet not over descriptive. Good use of keywords. Keep it up.
Decent way forwards.
Overall really good and fulsome answer.
Language is really excellent and well suited.
Keep writing.

Marks: 6

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5 years ago

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5 years ago
Reply to  pranita kale

Decent attempt.
1st part of the answer is good but what you discussed in the 2nd part should be divided in two parts and discussed more broadly.
First use subheading of way forward and give specific points regarding what needs to be done and do not just mention the points. Be little more descriptive.
Also give a bit more focus on the health sector of these areas.
And then give separate conclusion. This is a more suitable structure for this question.

Marks: 3

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5 years ago

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5 years ago
Reply to  pranita kale

Try to upload in single page format and portrait mode. We can not revolve our screens of the system!! 😛
There are various issues in the attempt.
1st of all its very lengthy and over descriptive. You will get only 2 pages for 150 words questions. You have taken 4 pages here and here is the 2nd issue.
All your focus was on the 1st part of the question while you completely skipped the 2nd part of the question which was: “Analyze how the changing nature of family has affected this role in the context of India. ”
Here you were supposed to give +ves and -ves of the changing family dynamics on children.
Read the model answer.
Coming to the +ves of your answers, its good that you divided various segments of family life and discussed them separately.
Language was good.
But work on the suggestion that I told you.

Marks: 1

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5 years ago
Reply to  Parth Verma

Thank you sir

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5 years ago

Payment ID MOJO9611300N14575632

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5 years ago
Reply to  pranab prakash

Hi Pranab
Good Intro.
The approach, structure and discussion of the answer is top notch.
Good attempt.
Marks: 6

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5 years ago

Payment ID MOJO9611300N14575632

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5 years ago
Reply to  pranab prakash

Good try..
The points are good.
One suggestion: you could have structured the answer better..measures can be under structural,non-structural.
Overall again food answer.

Marks: 5.5

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5 years ago

Payment ID MOJO9611300N14575632

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5 years ago
Reply to  pranab prakash

Decent points.
There are many more imp points which you can also add like inadequate, old and dilapidated distribution networks, inefficient operations, inadequate metering, incomplete billing and collection, and a general state of poor governance, not treating wastewater and using the recycled water for specialized uses and under-pricing of water resources etc.

Good 2nd part. Coverage in this portion is better. Good way forwards.

Marks: 5.5

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5 years ago

Overall a good answer. But you should work on sentence formation, somehow I felt the flow was missing, the sentence – ‘while the recommendations…..to the front’ was not needed, though the reasons are provided by the FSLRC, you have to make it your own, the conclusion is VERY GOOD.

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5 years ago

Hi Mohsin.
Please avoid uploading answers on drive because its tiresome to go to third party site and access the answers. Upload the pics directly here.

The answer is decent in terms of coverage and discussion.
points are decent and explanation satisfactory.
But work on your presentation skills and imprve writing.

Marks: 4.5

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5 years ago
Reply to  Parth Verma

Points are decent but again presentation needs better management.
Structure was also lacking because the points were too fragmented.
Work on it.

Keep Writing

Marks: 3

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5 years ago
Reply to  Parth Verma

Sir can you please elaborate on the structure part i didnt get that

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5 years ago
Reply to  Parth Verma

Hello Sir, i took up the issue of uploads with the technical team since i couldnt upload directly (it kept showing me an error) they asked me to upload on drive this is the reason my answers are irregular in uploads even though i do write atleast 2 answers everyday

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Kunal Aggarwal

Hi Kunal
Answer is informative.
Structure is good.
Way forward is good as well.
You have the ability to give all the necessary points and angles with least fuss and over explanation.
Your command on the language is pretty good too.
Keep it up and keep writing.

Marks: 6

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Kunal Aggarwal

Good intro.
There are multiple dimensions in the issues and its a vast one too. Though you gave good points in the first part, you can also add inadequate, old and dilapidated distribution networks, inefficient operations, inadequate metering, incomplete billing and collection, and a general state of poor governance, not treating wastewater and using the recycled water for specialized uses and under-pricing of water resources etc.

Similarly in the 2nd part, you can add solutions keeping these points in mind.
Overall decent answer.

Marks: 5.5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Kunal Aggarwal

Good intro.
Points in the 1st part are ok but you can add other points like heatwave prevalent during this season which makes dehydration an issue; level of sanitation and hygiene and unavailability of safe drinking water in the region etc.
Excellent 2nd part of the answer.
Coverage is decent there.

Marks: 4.5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Parth Ranjan

You discussed some of the reasons for the issues of water management in Urban India but there are many more imp points which you skipped like inadequate, old and dilapidated distribution networks, inefficient operations, inadequate metering, incomplete billing and collection, and a general state of poor governance, not treating wastewater and using the recycled water for specialized uses and under-pricing of water resources etc.

Good 2nd part. Coverage in this portion is better. Good way forwards.

Marks: 3.5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Parth Ranjan

Good answer.
You covered all the expected angles of the question in adequate manner.
Would suggest again to improve on your presentation skills with the writing you have.
Decent way forward.

Marks: 5.5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Kunal Aggarwal

Answer lacked necessary depth in both parts.
There are various dimensions in the 1st part that could have been covered like:
behavior, dress codes, customs, aspirations and so on. The minds of children develop in the major way through the process of non-formal education at home.
 Children always observe and follow the behavior of parents, both inside and outside the home. Therefore, the young family members inculcate the value system practiced in the family.
 The family shapes the attitude of a child towards society and other people. It also helps in the psychological growth of the child and influences his ambitions and values. Blissful and cheerful atmosphere in the family will develop love, tolerance and generosity.
 Joint family system and the presence of elders in the family plays an effective role in social and moral development of the children. It helps in eradicating negative mental tendencies.
 Customs and traditions taught by the family helps the children to be disciplined and organised.
 If there is an environment of unhappiness at home, if the parents are worried, helpless, discontented or distressed, the children will also develop a mindset of dissatisfaction and intolerance.
 If the female members of the family do not have freedom or if they are not allowed to work outside, the children would develop same patriarchal mindset.

These are the excerpts of the model answer.

Also while you did discussed the negatives of the changing dynamics in Indian family and their effects of children, but you failed to mention some of the gains that has come from this changing dynamics.

Marks: 2.5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Parth Ranjan

Good use of quotation right at the start of the answer.
Good 1st part.
In the 2nd part you were supposed to give +ves and -ves of the changing family dynamics on children. You gave the -ves but failed to give this discussion.
Rest of the answer is fine.

Marks: 2.5

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5 years ago

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5 years ago
Reply to  Rohi

Hi Rohi
Work on your presentation skills.
You have all the points in the answer but statements are quite big and cramped up.
Discussion is decent.
Make smaller flowchart. Dont take so much space if the flowchart is not discussing the main body.
Marks: 3.5

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5 years ago

Payment ID –
2nd answer

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5 years ago
Reply to  Rohi

Again decent answer but lack of presentation skills makes it look like an average answer.
You have all the necessary elements like crisp language, decent points and proper structure of the answer but because the flow of the question is such that presentation makes it look different.
Use space after ending a point to demarcate the change of the flow.

Marks: 4.5

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5 years ago

Payment ID –
3rd answer

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5 years ago
Reply to  Rohi

Do mention the recent incidents in the intro.
Good 1st half of the body.
In the 2nd part, give equal amount of importance to sectoral as well non-sectoral solutions like health and malnutrition.
Plus you did not focused on the main issue of health sector: primary health care which is the first respondent for citizens. We dont beds in hospitals. We need better hospitals and staffs at primary level.

Marks: 3.5

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5 years ago
Reply to  Sumit Padey

Dear Sumit.
Please avoid this method of uploading on google drive. It is highly inconvenient for us because of shifting the momentum to third party site and plus we do not have permission to access the file in your drive. So it is not doing good to both of us. So kindly upload like everyone else is doing. Take the picture using camscanner app and upload it here.

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5 years ago

sir the answers i write are not my knowledge -a 100% ,
i am able to write only after i look upto references,which will not be the case in tests/exam …..how to cope with that?
payment ID MOJO9614D0056022707

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5 years ago
Reply to  noira khan

Hi Noira. Do not worry. It happens with everyone who starts writing for the first time. If this is your first time then worry not. Try to cover your syllabus along with the newspaper and current affairs once you have done that you will see your reference point will be your own knowledge. Keep writing and keep reading. Thats the mantra. Cheers

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5 years ago
Reply to  noira khan

Good but lengthy intro.
There are many more points to mention in the 1st part like inadequate, old and dilapidated distribution networks, inefficient operations, inadequate metering, incomplete billing and collection, and a general state of poor governance, not treating wastewater and using the recycled water for specialized uses and under-pricing of water resources etc.

Good that you divided answer into structural and non structural measures. Its a good dimension and nicely done too.
Points are good too.
Apt conclusion

Marks: 3.5

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5 years ago

paymentID MOJO9614D0056022707

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5 years ago
Reply to  noira khan

Points in the “reasons for certain geographical location” are slightly misplaced: You have to mention area has bowl like geographical shape which makes water to accumulate in the region making the problem of mosquitoes persistent. Also due to this, safe drinking water is unavailable which makes region extremely unhygienic and hence children are more vulnerable. Plus due to location, it receives continuous heatwaves for atleast 2 months which makes the problem of AES more acute because children suffer from dehydration alongside AES.

2nd part of the same discussion is ok but the way forward portion needs work. You have to give solutions in health sector as well and focus on primary health care.

Marks: 2

Marks: 3.5

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5 years ago

payment ID MOJO9614D0056022707

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5 years ago
Reply to  noira khan

Very good answer.
Excellent structuring of the 1st part. No one divided the answer in such satisfactory manner into +ves and -ves like youd did.
Overall answer is really satisfactory with all the necessary arguments.
keep writing

Marks: 5.5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Chester

Intro needs to be more elaborative, body (in favor of Multiple Regulators) looks good, but you missed the points to support ‘Super – Regulator’. The e.g. of GIFT City is good.

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5 years ago
Reply to  Chester

Hi Utkarsh
Mention the recommendations for the single regulator in the intro itself to link the issue there.
Use subheadings while discussing a thread.
Points are decent in both parts and well explained.
Way forwards are decent and quite UPSC like. Keep it up.
Good conclusion.

Marks: 5.5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Chester

Good intro.
There are many more points to mention in the 1st part like inadequate, old and dilapidated distribution networks, inefficient operations, inadequate metering, incomplete billing and collection, and a general state of poor governance, not treating wastewater and using the recycled water for specialized uses and under-pricing of water resources etc.

Approach for way forward is nicely done too.
Apt conclusion.

Marks: 5.5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Chester

Very general answer. The body could have had some specific functionings of the disease like how the undernourishment led to the low sugar level and how this became the base for the disease. Also, in the way forward you could’ve added more specific points like the awareness of the treatment within 4 hours of the symptoms.

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5 years ago
Reply to  Chester

While you tried to cover all the points in the 1st part but then you ave to link them together as well. How one is related to another. Like how blood sugar level is an issue with the malnutrition and poverty in the area among children. How humidity elevates the issue. How water and hygiene becomes an issue in all this matrix. Always try to link issues and not just mention them.

Decent 2nd half and points in the way forwards are good. You have covered all the necessary dimensions here.

Mark: 3

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Chester

Good answer.
You covered all the major facets of family and its +ve and -ve effects a child could get.
In the second discuss some of the +ves features that have been visible in the changed dynamics of family on child like gender senstitisation, role of women outside home etc.
Overall decent attempt.

Marks: 4.5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Parth Ranjan

Good try.
The points are good.
You have structured the answer in a good manner.
Conclusion can be improved.
Good luck, keep writing !

Marks: 5.5

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5 years ago

ID: MOJO9619D00D60871122

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5 years ago
Reply to  Vishal Kalal

The answer seems good with all the points that were needed but i feel the intro was a little exaggerated and could just provide a brief review of the situation and the remaining words could have been used in giving a way forward and a few more lines on why is it bad also example of FSA (UK) as a failure can be used to justify that a super regulator is not good as of now (you can use US multi bank/ global system e.g in pros of UFRA)
Please if time permits review mine as well

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5 years ago

Thanks for your input, I’ll review yours as well

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5 years ago
Reply to  Vishal Kalal

Decent effort but there are few suggestions.
Avoid lengthy paragraphs and try to stick to the bullet points.
Do not over explain and keep the statements short and simple.
You provided both sides of the arguments really well but use subheadings instead of using paragraph before each discussion. This will save you time and space.
Way forward is missing in the answer. Work on it.

Marks: 4

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5 years ago

ID: MOJO9619D00D60871122

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5 years ago
Reply to  Vishal Kalal

Your discussion is again decent but whatever you tried to explain in the first 4 paragraphs before flowchart, can be done in few bullet points and try to link each issue with another. Like how malnutrition and poverty effects consumption of litchi. Also discuss the issue of hygiene and sanitation, lack of safe drinking water, area receiving immense heatwaves in 2 months thus causing dehydration among children etc.

Your second part (way forward) is quite general. You did not touched the issue of primary healthcare system in the region which failed to provide efficient care being the first responder to the citizens of backward areas. Also do not say “a well developed plan can be made to tackle malnutrition”. Instead mention what according to you, that plan should be. That will reflect your insight of decision making and planning to UPSC examiner. Therefore, always give concrete solutions which can involve multiple stakeholders.

Conclusion is missing.

Marks: 2

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5 years ago

Q1 MOJO9611C00A14581096

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5 years ago
Reply to  Varsha Chauhan

Very elaborative answer, nice. But you’ve exceeded the word limit I guess. Apart from that, it covered all the important points.

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5 years ago
Reply to  Vishal Kalal

Yup almost 60 words. Will work on that.

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5 years ago
Reply to  Varsha Chauhan

Guys, do not worry about word limits as such. Your focus should be writing good answers in the space provided with all the major points discussed there. Gradually you can work upon your word limit but right now you can relax on that part.

Good intro but you do not have to discuss the domain of these regulators with a flowchart. Just mention that these many institutions exist and then continue with your answer.

Also do not discuss replacement of each and every regulator mentioned by the committee. You can do away with this.

Good and informative discussion in the main body of the answer. Tabular presentation is good and points discussed their are apt.

Good last part also. Your discussion is concrete and to the point.

Marks: 5.5

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5 years ago

Q2 MOJO9611C00A14581096

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5 years ago
Reply to  Varsha Chauhan

Varsha please try to upload images in upfront position. Landscape mode is troublesome for us because we cannot turn the image in the system and turning the monitor is a nuisance every time!

Quite exhaustive 1st part of the answer. You have covered almost all the possible reasons for urban water mismanagement in India. Keep it up.
Points are well framed and crisp.
Similarly the second part is approached in decent manner and well crafted.
Overall nothing to improve in this particular answer. Its near perfect.

Marks: 6.5

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5 years ago
Reply to  Parth Verma

Sir im uploading in portrait mode and they end up getting rotated after posting. This is only happening for the past two days. Il try using camscanner instead. Sorry for the inconvenience

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5 years ago

Q4 MOJO9611C00A14581096

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5 years ago
Reply to  Varsha Chauhan

Your answers is up to the mark especially the relevant content
You have written this one nicely by stratifying the entire structure of importance of family and their role on moral values of children.
Both the halves are well managed and covered.
You have discussed both sides of the changing family dynamics which is excellent. Keep writing.

Marks: 6

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5 years ago
Reply to  sourav singh

Hi Sourav
Kindly upload the answers in image format in the links given below. Taking the route to a third party side is time consuming for us and it breaks the momentum with continuous back and forth process involved.

It also seems that you have uploaded all the previous answers in a single file. Please avoid this. Upload answers to the respective AWE dates and its questions.

Q Bt Brinjal)
Answer is genera in nature and avoids the main discussion around framework for agriculture development.
Give better conclusion and way forward.

Marks: 2

Q Metropolis)
your intro does not discusses the main theme of the question: “India is yet to begin the discourse on a governance framework for the future of its metropolises.” The statement of any question should be your base for intro. Remember this.

There is a fine line and difference between urban development and metropolitan issues. You have to discuss urban development under the larger umbrella of metropolitan issues in this question.

There are various issues and reasons behind those issues like:

“only nine out of 18 cities mandated to form MPCs have constituted frameworks for metropolitan governance; their functionality is questionable
limited role of local elected representatives
non-availability of an institutional mechanism for inter-agency coordination, including special purpose vehicles, for effective delivery; robust spatial plan; enhance the voices of the urban poor; digital master plan; data-driven decision making; availability of skilled human resources; financing smart cities and financial sustainability of ULBs; yet to recognize that disaster management, mobility, housing, climate change, etc.”

Use above mentioned points in the 1st part of your answer.

The discussion on the steps taken by the government is ok.
The way forward (last para) is general and is not leading anywhere. Give proper and concrete solutions and way forwards.

Marks: 2.5

Q Disaster management and corporate)

Good answer but do discuss what are the constraints of roping in pvt sector for DM.
Also what should be the ideal framework for pvt public sector cooperation in DM Mention in the last part.

Marks: 3

Q. BITs)

Answer is general and try to add some points regarding why we need better BIts model more than ever.
Here you have to mention the recent global issues like trade wars and importance of FDIs in Indian growth story.
Way forward (last paragraph) is ok

Marks: 2

Q. Writers and Great Leaders)

You dont need to discuss what does Gandhi symbolizes. Its totally uncalled for in the question.
You totally misunderstood the demand of the question and took some other direction. read the model answer please.
You were just supposed to mention their literary contributions,
here are plethora of examples to be given like (Gandhi) Indian opinion, Young India; (Nehru) National Herald, Glimpses of World History, An Autobiography, Letter to a daughter etc; (Dr. Ambedakar) “What the Congress and Gandhi have done to the Untouchables”, speeches etc.
Poor attempt

Marks: .5

Q. Speaker)

You can remove the responsibilities discussion. Its not necessary. Instead you can discuss what are the reasons of this office losing its neutrality.

Way Forward missing. You can add:
In Ireland position of Speaker is given to someone who has built up credibility by relinquishing his or her political ambitions.
Also, Indian Speakers are not made members of the Rajya Sabha after they demit office.
But the British Parliament automatically elevates the Speaker to the House of Lords.
The Committee, headed by V.S. Page, suggested that if the Speaker had conducted himself or herself in an impartial and efficient manner during the tenure of his or her office, he or she should be allowed to continue in the next Parliament.
Anyone seeking the office of the Speaker might be asked to run for election on an independent ticket.
Any Speaker should be barred from future political office, except for the post of President, while being given a pension for life.

17th Lok Sabha just started and there has been no complaint so far regarding speaker. Avoid these factually incorrect statements.

Marks: 1


You dont need to mention social background of owners of these industries.
Good discussion on the reasons for their struggle.
While you did discussed some of the steps taken by the GoI, but what more needs to be done? That should be your way forward.

Marks: 1.5

Q Cess)
Quite a weak and fragmented intro.
Quite a general answer Sourav.
There is no structure, presentation or proper discussion. Please read fellow students answer sheets for the approach they have taken.
What is the status of utlisation of these funds? Why they are not utilised? What is its effect? What should be done by the GoI?

Marks: 1

Q. Cryptocurrency.)
Good intro.
You were not supposed to give use of block chain in India. Do not veer away from the demands of the questions. Stick to it.
What are the pros and cons of use of these currencies? What needs to be done? Poor conclusion

There are many significant issue with use of cryptocurrencies like CONSUMER PROTECTION, MONEY LAUNDERING, AND FINANCING OF CRIMINAL ACTIVITIES etc.

In the pro, you can add points like
1. participation and competitions among the private or non profit organisation;
2. attract the foreign investors as well as corporate organisation.
3. Cryptocurrency can bring in innovation.
4. increase the growth of social development without any loopholes as it is given after completing the task etc

In the conclusion you can add “We should keep working towards moving towards a ‘less cash economy’ through traditional present technologies. India should look at Cryptocurrency when the technology has evolved to reasonable levels and India is ready.”

Marks: 1.5

Q. South Asia IR)
How come the issue of south china sea or Central Asia, trust deficit between Indo-US or Russia relevant for South Asia question?
You have discussed Saudi, Israel, Iran etc in the answer while the question is specifically about South Asia.
Sourav read the questions carefully before writing because it will not help you in the main examinations.

Your answer is too China and Pakistan centric while South Asia has other major nations like Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Nepal, Maldives and Bangladesh.
All of these nations are facing some short of issues which have direct consequences for India be it US Taliban talks, Easter attacks in Lanka, Dokhlam issue in Bhutan and new government in Maldives with China US playing rivalry games in our backward. So you have to focus on all these aspects and mention whether India is ready to face these challenges?
Way forward is discussing issues irrelevant for the answer.

Average answer overall.

Marks: .5

Q. Lapsing of the bill)

First of all, last Lok Sabha was 16th and the new one is 17th. So please stop making this factual error each time. 17th Lok Sabha started this month only.

Good intro.

But the answer seems to be commentary but not an answer. Plus it has no solution to the issue; why the provision for the lapsing of the bill was introduced in the constitution?; what is the ideal approach? etc

Marks: 1

Q. Globalisation)

Intro and the first part of the answer are properly managed. Good.
In the 2nd part of the answer, you have to also focus on the aspects of 1. Glocalization 2. Spreading of Indian culture in the West. read the model answer in this regard.
This will give proper balance to your answer.
Poor conclusion.

Marks: 2.5

Q. Whistle Blowing)

The 1st part of the answer is OK but 2nd part lacks depth and direction.
The points like integration of indian society or fraternity are no way related to the question of conscience required for whistle blowing. Try to make relevant points.

Marks: 1.5

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5 years ago
Reply to  sourav singh

You are not covering whole issue in your answers sourav and just mentioning few points. This is not the right approach, You have to be fulsome with your discussions and answers and your coverage has to be deep and wide.

Just mentioning the points will not do any good to your marks You have to explain them a bit in 2 3 sentences. Plus you are not utilising the space given. In 250 words answers you get 3 pages and in 150 words you get 2 pages while all your answers are just in single page with no proper conclusions or way forwards. Read the answers of your peers above, specially Kunal Agarwal’s or Noida Khan’s answers to see how they have been aproached.

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5 years ago
Reply to  sourav singh

Q. Multiple Regulator:

Avoid lengthy paragraphs and try to stick to the bullet points.
Do not over explain and keep the statements short and simple.
You provided both sides of the arguments really well but use subheadings instead of using paragraph before each discussion. This will save you time and space.
Way forward is missing in the answer. Work on it.

Marks: 3


Points in the 1st part are ok but you can add other points like heatwave prevalent during this season which makes dehydration an issue; level of sanitation and hygiene and unavailability of safe drinking water in the region etc.
Better coverage in the 2nd part of the answer.
Coverage is decent there.
But you have to give solutions in health sector as well and focus on primary health care.

Marks: 4

Q. Family and Children)

Do not write big statements in bullet format. You should use only 1 2 statements to bring home your idea in that bullet point.
Points in the 1st part are good but shorten the length there.
While you did discussed challenges in the changing nature of family system, there are couple of +ves too. Do mention them too.
Conclusion is missing.

Marks: 3.5

Q. Water Crisis)

You discussed good reasons for the issues of water management in Urban India but there are many more imp points which you skipped like inadequate, old and dilapidated distribution networks, inefficient operations, inadequate metering, incomplete billing and collection, and a general state of poor governance, not treating wastewater and using the recycled water for specialized uses and under-pricing of water resources etc.

Good 2nd part. Coverage in this portion is better. Good way forwards.

Marks: 4.5


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