27th November 2018 | Daily Answer Writing Enhancement

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Question 1)

Kabir was one of the chief exponents of the Bhakti movement in the medieval period. Discuss the Relevance of teachings of Kabir in Contemporary India? (150 W/ 10 M)

Question 2)

Considering the legacy of Independent Democracy, India should refrain from interfering in sovereign matters of Bhutan. Analyze the statement in the context of recent General Election in Bhutan. (200 W/ 12 ½ M)

Question 3)

What do you understand by virtual reality? Assess its potential in transforming education sector along with other potential applications in line with Indian Technology Vision of 2035. (200 W/ 12 ½ M)

Question 4)

India is notorious for high levels of corruption. Assess the nature of the problem of corruption in India. Suggest reforms. (150 W/ 10 M)

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By Root

Caretaker @civilsdaily

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6 years ago

Answer 1
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Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  Kapiushon

Hi Kapiushon,
-Answer seems to be good…and well arranged…however it lacks in sufficient number of points…
-There is only one teachings of Kabir has been mentioned…you need to bring more…minimum 5-6 points are required here…
The rest approach is good…

Over good attempt…bring more relevant points…Keep practicing…
Marks awarded: 3.5/10

Refer our model answer for better clarity….

6 years ago

CD TEST 20378…Q-01comment imagecomment image

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  Invincible

Hello Invincible…you have written after a gap of few days….!!!!!!
-Introduction is good…however, it can be made more precise and specific…like Kabir lived in 15th century, was a disciple of Ramananda etc…
– Under relevance of Kabir’s teaching…points are not talking specifically about his contribution in present times…points mentioned by you appears very general…and are repetitive…
-Some of his teachings are…secularism…one god various means to achieve, no idol worship, self realization, no discrimination (in both religion and society) etc…

Overall, an average answer…need to bring more specific points…
Though good attempt…keep writing…
Marks awarded: 3/10

Refer our model answer for better clarity…

6 years ago

CD TEST 20378…Q-02comment imagecomment image

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  Invincible

Hi Invincible,
-Introduction is philosophical…and no where talking about India Bhutan relation…seems out of context…
-2nd para too seems irrelevant…India never interfered rather it helped…
-Ideas of third para is repetitive…and is empty…(without any solid meaning)…
-Your presentation shows you lack specific conceptual clarity regarding the topic…and the points mentioned are mere reference…stands irrelevant…
-Suggestion is to read more about the topic…
Refer our model answer for better clarity…

Shefali kashyap
Shefali kashyap
6 years ago

CDTEST 21004 answer 3comment imagecomment image

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago

Hi Shefali,
-First of all…introduction should be in paragraph and not in points…
-What is powerful instruments??? seems like vague point…
-It is a computer simulated environment which mimic real physical presences in real world or outside with the help of technology…it makes us feel the real world…
-In practical aspects…VR depicts like real image but in reality it is technologically developed…for example: students of biology can see the cutting of frog in practical class without actually cutting the frog…EDUCATION para need better clarity…
-Need to make points more specific…by incorporating examples…
-Virtual Reality is just only visual effect or it affects our senses…and does not exists the things in reality…(In this sense, some of the explanation of points are vague like DEFENCE, and SPORTS)…
-Points of conclusion are not supporting the context…

Overall, the answer shows lack of conceptual clarity regarding the topic…Please read the topic carefully and plan your answer accordingly…
Though nice attempt…keep writing…

Marks awarded:3/12.5

Refer our model answer for better clarity…

Shefali kashyap
Shefali kashyap
6 years ago

CDTEST21004 answer 1comment imagecomment image

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago

Hi Shefali,
-Please write intro in para and not in points…at least intro and conclusion should be in para…(This has been recommended before as well)
-Ideas in first three para (at the beginning) are good but not arranged logically…randomly mentioned…
-Points under Teachings of Kabir are good…
-The points of relevance are also good…with a beautiful conclusion as well…
Overall, good attempt…only need to work on introduction…
Keep writing…
Marks awarded: 5.5/10

Sandeep Goyal
Sandeep Goyal
6 years ago

Q1 CD TEST 20392comment imagecomment image

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  Sandeep Goyal

Hi Snadeep,
-Ideas in intro is good…though some irrelevant points are there…like history about his birth, founded near Varanasi etc…avoid points which are not relevant to the context…
-Under teachings: first point…he denied belonging of any cast…he was neutral about cast and hence he preached in general context and not specifically in Hindu context…
-2nd point…Kabir rejected the orthodox practices of Brahmanism or other religions as well and his preachings was more of rational…(what you have written here is opposite…) need conceptual clarity….
-The other 3 points are okay…
-Points under relevance of his teachings are good…and are based on the points what you have mentioned under his teachings…Though these points can be made more specific…
-Conclusion seems okay….
Overall good attempt…points can be more focused towards question…keep writing…will improve for sure…

Marks awarded: 4.5/10

Sandeep Goyal
Sandeep Goyal
6 years ago

Q2 CD TEST 20392comment imagecomment image

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  Sandeep Goyal

Hi Sandeep,
-Introduction seem too long…ideas are poor…
-2nd paragraph is irrelevant…what is its context?..not needed here..
-The ideas of first para and 3rd para together formed will make a good introduction which convey complete meaning…
-2nd page…3rd para…the DNT pointed to India……the ideas here need clarity and arrangement…
-Also bring more ideas of Internal sensitive feeling of Bhutanese people…like removal of board promoting India, sensitivity against tri-colour pai nting on Bhutan’s road etc…etc…
-Conclusion seems okay…
Overall, this answer is just above average…
-Work on framing introduction…it should introduce the topic in complete manner in reference only…and supporting points can be brought in main body…

Though good attempt…keep writing will improve for sure…
Marks awarded: 3.5/10
Refer our model answer for better clarity…

Shefali kashyap
Shefali kashyap
6 years ago

CDTEST 21004 . Answer 4comment imagecomment image

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago

Hi Shefali,
-Since this question is asked in ethics…it would be better if we explain the meaning of corruption in short and proceed with the ideas of what you have mentioned in first two paragraphs…as intro…
-The reason and nature of corruption seems good…though they can be made more specific by connecting to the topic more…
-Points of reforms are good…
-However, conclusion can be made more comprehensive…

Overall, good attempt….More relevancy towards question need to bring…keep writing…
Marks awarded: 5/10

Akshat Sikri
Akshat Sikri
6 years ago

CDTEST 20749
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Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  Akshat Sikri

Hi Akshat,
-Introduction seems to be okay…(first two para)
-You have brought only few of his teachings and their contemporary relevance that too are the general concept…
-The point of conclusion is irrelevant…talk in the sense of question…
Overall, average approach…very generally explained points that too very few…

Keep practicing will improve for sure…
Marks awarded: 2.5/10

Refer our model answer for better clarity…

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Akshat Sikri
6 years ago

CDTEST 20749
ANS2comment image comment image

Akshat Sikri
Akshat Sikri
6 years ago

CDTEST 20749
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Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  Akshat Sikri

Hi Akshat,
– The word engulfs in intro changes the context of the idea….choose better word…try to be simple (no need to incorporate heavy word)…rather ensure that the context is explained in actual sense….
-Though the introduction remains incomplete as it does not give complete picture of VR…(Refer Model Answer)…
-Ideas of healthcare is wrongly explained…
Overall, the answer is below average…some of the points are good but the explanation mentioned shows you lack conceptual clarity regarding the topic…
We should avoid playing bluff while writing answers…Bring precise points which are most and most relevant to the topic…

Refer our model answer for better clarity…

Akshat Sikri
Akshat Sikri
6 years ago

CDTEST 20749
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Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  Akshat Sikri

Hi Akshat,
-The introduction is vague…not introducing the topic…Geographical positioning and drawing show you are writing for Geography…Poor approach as well…
-2nd page…points like counter neighbour and help in times of trouble…these points are of bilateral relation…and not required in details…Such points should form the introduction….
-Also there is no any example of Bhutan taking tones of Nepal…empty point…
-Points are without any pragmatic ideas and are not relevant….The presentation is too poor…

-Overall, the question has not been answered…
-Read the topic carefully and plan your writing…

Refer our model answer for better clarity…

Akshat Sikri
Akshat Sikri
6 years ago

CDTEST 20749
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Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  Akshat Sikri

Hi Akshat,
-Poor introduction…shows negativity…also the ideas are not relevant…
-Your points shows every officers are corrupt…and even the common masses are also involved…Very negative approach….
-The points mentioned by your shows lack of conceptual clarity regarding the topic…also keep in mind that we are writing for Ethics Paper…
-Overall, below average answer…keep practicing… will improve for sure…keep writing…

Refer our model answer for better clarity…

anita raul
anita raul
6 years ago

answer 1comment image comment image

anita raul
anita raul
6 years ago

answer 2comment image comment image

anita raul
anita raul
6 years ago

answar 3comment image comment image

anita raul
anita raul
6 years ago

answar 4comment image comment image comment image

Pragnya Smita Panigrahi
Pragnya Smita Panigrahi
6 years ago

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Pritam Kumar
6 years ago

Hi Pragnya,
-Bhakti movement was not only the result of orthodox practices in Hinduism rather the orthodoxy in society at large…(Don’t narrow the argument)
-Don’t be extreme by using the word DALIT, try to be neutral…(Don’t show biasness through writing)…
-The rest of the points are good and beautifully elaborated with contemporary examples…Very good presentation…
-Overall, good attempt…barring some of the points which are extreme…Keep practicing…
Marks awarded: 5/10

Pragnya Smita Panigrahi
Pragnya Smita Panigrahi
6 years ago

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Pritam Kumar
6 years ago

Hi Pragnya,
-The answer is excellent…points are very precisely written and beautifully presented…
-The ideas in introduction is good…however, need is to arrange logically…make it more lucid and precise…
-The rest of the points are very good…
-Excellent answer overall…WELL DONE…Keep it up…
Marks awarded: 7.5/12.5

6 years ago

Answer 4 comment image comment image comment image


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