28th November 2018 | Daily Answer Writing Enhancement

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Question 1)

Buddhism as a religion has impacted so deep and affected philosophy and art of adaptive country that it penetrated the entire fabric of Chinese Culture. Explain. (200 W)

Question 2)

Mental illness is a critical health concern in India which also faces social stigma. In context of this analyze the importance of New Mental Health Care Act which came into force in July 2018. Also discuss challenges of mental health care system in the country. (200 W)

Question 3)

What is contract farming? Critically analyze the features of the draft “Model Contract Farming Act – 2018”. (150 W)

Question 4)

How would you classify the conscience? Suppose an old man has a pension claim before a civil servant and according to law it is a doubtful claim, what he should do and why? (150 W/ 10 M)

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6 years ago

Ans1comment imagecomment image

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  Imgroot

Hi Imgroot,
-Answer is very good…well written ideas and points are very precise…
-Very good…well done…keep it up…
Marks awarded: 7.5/12.5

6 years ago

Ans 2comment imagecomment image

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  Imgroot

Hi Imgroot,
-Very good introduction…with good ideas…however, we can also add the definition of Mental Illness to it…that will make the introduction a perfect one…though the points mentioned by you is also good…and well arranged…
-Points under new mental health care Act are good…though two very important points have been absent from here…first Insurance cover to mentally ill persons…decriminalization of suicide attempt by mentally ill persons…(the second one you have mentioned in importance)…
-Also there are other points which seems important…like free treatment to below poverty line population, community based treatment, right to confidentiality etc…etc…
-Points under challenges need justification…need to be explained in paragraphs…
-Conclusion seems to be good…

Overall, very good presentation…need to focus on utmost relevant points…the rests are good….keep it up…keep writing…

Marks awarded: 6.5/12.5

anita raul
anita raul
6 years ago

ans 1comment image comment image comment image

anita raul
anita raul
6 years ago

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anita raul
anita raul
6 years ago

ans 3comment image comment image

anita raul
anita raul
6 years ago

ans 4comment image comment image

Puru Rajput
Puru Rajput
6 years ago

Ans no2

For the first Time in India mental healthcare is now a justiciable right as per MHCA 2017.As per MNHS survey of India india spends less than 1% of its budget on mental health where in India we have around 150 million people need mental health care about 92% dont have any access to any form of mental health care.

The various issues that people faces are
Stigma that related to society due to which most people keep on ignoring mental health issues which also becomes a cause of suicide in somecases

There are very less number of Psychtriast in India

Discrimination are serious causes of concern, with numerous documented cases of human rights violations as a result of poor quality of mental health care

Denial of socio-economic rights

Seeing all this clearly points towards a serious important issue that is being ignored till now but the goverment has recently come out with mental healthcare act 2018
It mandates the government to provide accessible, affordable, acceptable and high quality mental health care
by integrating mental health-care services at each level of the public health system,

Establishing mental health facilities in proportion to the population in each State

Providing free mental health-care to socio-economically deprived sections of the population

Creating awareness through social media

Design health promotion and preventive programs

All these things sound impressive on paper but really difficult on ground implementationsome steps that cen be taken for its sucess are
Proper budgetary allocation
Promoting innovative models of community mental health care
For example, the *Atmiyata project in mehasana Gujarat*

State governments will have to immediately set up and ensure the functioning of State mental health authorities and mental health review boards

Bringing all stakeholderson the same page and coordinated efforts so that proper implementaion can be achieved

Though the act is good and really tries to solve the issues the society is facing but we need to have proper implementation so that it just not remain a document only.

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  Puru Rajput

Hi Puru,
-First of all there is suggestion that please write on sheet of paper and upload. Writing on paper will benefit you most…
-While using Abbreviations for words, please ensure that you must have mentioned it full form earlier…You have not mentioned what is MHCA, MNHS…though its known but it need to be explained by you…
-Also introduction is poor…the question aspires for New Mental Health Care Act and its analysis…your introduction is more in terms of budget…and availability…Need more focus on question…(Its not completely wrong…but intro can more be associated question or topic)…You can talk that they also deserve dignified life…

-While discussing about the features of MHCA…You missed two very important points which we can’t ignore…first – Insurance cover to mentally ill persons…2nd, decriminalization of suicide attempt by mentally ill persons….

-2nd part of the question has not been answered…Its about challenges of mental health care system in the country….and not about the implementation of this Act…Please read carefully…

Overall, average answer…there is lack of focus on question…Also need to bring those points which are most relevant to the topic…

Though good attempt…keep writing…will improve for sure…
Marks awarded: 4/12.5

Refer our model answer of other best answer reviewed for better clarity…

Shefali kashyap
Shefali kashyap
6 years ago

CDTEST 21004 answer 2comment imagecomment image

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago

Hi Shefali,
-Introduction can be made more precise…and focused towards question…first line seem good…in the next line you would have mentioned about social stigma…ignorance which further adds to vulnerability…
-Also, the connectivity required between first two paragraphs…
-Under the provisions…points seems very general…and you missed two important points here…first – Insurance cover to mentally ill persons…2nd, decriminalization of suicide attempt by mentally ill persons….also right to confidentiality and community based treatment…
-Under challenges also…add some points…Economic Burden, treatment gap, human right violation etc…
-Conclusion should also laud the Act and its provision….apart from what you have mentioned….

Overall, answer is good….can be made better and specific with some modifications…Keep writing…will improve for sure…

Marks awarded: 5.5/12.5

Puru Rajput
Puru Rajput
6 years ago

CDTEST20453 Ans1

Contract farming is basically a practice where there is already a contract being established between the farmer and companies to sell the farm produce at a specified date at a specified price.To potect farmers from price risk and provide incentive to buyer the agriculture ministry has drafted model contract farming act that states can adopt as per there needs
Helps ingrate farmers produce with food processing units that will help in better price realisation reduce post harvest loss
The basic aim of the act is to transfer the risk associated with price unpredictability from the farmers to buyers,
contract farming arrangements will benefit growers with access to* better inputs, scientific practices and credit facilities that may be provided by the buyer, *
*Provisions of this act*
There will agreement between seller (farmer) and Buyer(company) about the quantity,quality and price of farm produce
The act bars from the transfer of onership from farmer to companies under all circumstances
This acts allows the contracts to be goverened by outside the pruview of APMCS which will help comapneis to save 5-10% that they spent in market fees
state-level contract farming development and promotion agency will listen to all disputes
local-level recording committees to register these contracts and implement them effectively.

*Issues in contract farming*
Contrcat farming ahs not been succssfull in the past either the buyer or the seller fail to honour the contract
States might not be ready for this act as agriculture is an state subject
The model act allows for direct purchase from farmers and therefore states have to amend their APMC acts to make this happen,
If prices rise sharply compared to the contracted price, it will be difficult to force the farmer to sell the produce and such challenges will be difficult to resolve.

Though this act might help be a step that can help realise the Prime Minister dream of doubling farming income but untill and unless proper regulatory bodies are not form the farmers can be exploited by these multinational companies .

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  Puru Rajput

Hi Puru,
You made discussion too lengthy…its almost 330 words…
-The ideas in Introduction seems good…
-Under provision…also add…it also covers dairy, poultry and live stock farming…
-The rest of the points are good and well arranged…but need to sync adhering to the word limit…

Overall, good attempt…focused towards question and nice approach…keep it up…
Marks awarded: 6/10

6 years ago

CDTEST20751 Answer-3comment image comment image

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  Madhav

Hi Madhav,
-Good introduction….
-Features of the Act is good…however try to bring those features which are more important…like you missed some of the important points…Out of APMC control, Dispute settlement system at the lower level etc…etc…
There are only 4 criticisms of points…but criticism is the prime demand of the question…try to bring more criticisms…
-Conclusion could have been more comprehensive…with wider views…

Overall , good attempt…keep practicing…will improve for sure…

Marks awarded: 4.5/10

Refer our model answer for further clarity….

6 years ago

Answer 2
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Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  Kapiushon

Hi Kapiushon,
-Introduction seems okay….though it can be made more comprehensive…
-Provisions mentioned are good…almost covered the important points…though point 1 and 2 need justification…(Explain)…
-Under challenges…1st point…why police and judges need to be sensitize…bring clarity and justification…seems incomplete…
-You are not answering the 2nd part of the question…its about the challenges of mental health care system at present…and not about the implementation of new Act….focus on the question…
-Ideas in conclusion is good…

Overall, good attempt…need more focus towards question…keep writing…

Marks awarded: 5/12.5
Refer our model answer…

Shefali kashyap
Shefali kashyap
6 years ago

CDTEST 21004 answer 2comment imagecomment image

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago

Hi Shefali,
-Introduction seems good…
-Under salient features…point b)…its not boundation….farmers can avail the inputs as per their own choice…Companies are not bound to provide…rather they can ensure about the quality…
-Also add that this Act also covers Dairy, poultry and livestock farming…
-Agriculture is under state list of Indian Constitution…not state bill…
–There are general points under “some problems”…(refer our model answer for more specific points)
-Conclusion is okay as per the content mentioned by you…

-Overall, good attempt…however, more focus needed on criticisms…
Keep writing…will improve for sure…

Marks awarded: 4.5/10

Akshat Sikri
Akshat Sikri
6 years ago

CDTEST 20749
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Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  Akshat Sikri

Hi Akshat,
-Poor introduction…What do you mean be Brahmanical supremacy????…its not adequate way to talk….Introduction should talk about the spread of Buddhism in China post Han period and contribution of rulers and other imminent persons in spreading….
-There is no linkages among ideas and points…
-Points are too general and conveys incomplete meaning…clarity in points needed…
-Again there is new reason in conclusion….reason can not be the conclusion here…
Overall, below average answer…You seems to be restricting yourself from multiple points….

Introduction should give a general idea about the topic…the topic here is spread of Buddhism in China…
Next mention what are the possible reasons for such spread…role played by rulers, weak ideology of Confucius, contribution by Tang Dynasty…etc…
Next mention how such belief impacted mind…literature, meditation. enlightenment, salvation etc…
Next bring conclusion which should be holistic summarising all what is mentioned in main body…

Though attempt is good…keep writing…will improve for sure…

Refer our model answer for better clarity…

Akshat Sikri
Akshat Sikri
6 years ago

CDTEST 20749
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Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  Akshat Sikri

Hi Akshat,
-Poor introduction again…Your introduction shows that the Act has been brought to change the behaviour of human towards mentally ill persons…(Narrowing approach)…don’t restrict your thought…
-Some of the points under features are good…but need to explain with relevant points….also some points are missed…like insurance cover, free treatment for BPL families, consent of the patient etc…
-Poor points in challenges…also points are incomplete…
-Overall, average approach…Keep practicing…will improve for sure…

Read the topic and associated references before attempting for writing…Jot down the points which are important and which you are going to include… check and recheck after writing answer…For You final answer should go 3 or 4 times scrutinization by you only…(Don’t play hurry in writing)…
-No one is perfect, but at-least relevancy need to bring in points…complete ideas with relevant points is what constitute a good answer…

Refer the answer written by Imgroot and follow the pattern of writing…observe the way points are mentioned…and try to incorporate in your answer…

Refer our model answer for better clarity….

Akshat Sikri
Akshat Sikri
6 years ago

CDTEST 20749
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Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  Akshat Sikri

Hi Akshat,
-Poor introduction again…Explain the complete fact…why are you restricting yourself…It’s not only agreement to sell rather pre agreement in production and quality production as well…(refer our model answer)…
-Explain the flow chart (what is mentioned in contract farming) in paragraph…
-APMC is not bad or corrupt…rather delay in process due to various factors hinders fast delivery…criticism of something is good to an extent which should not be hooked and coocked (false) criticism…
-There is no criticism of the points as asked in question…demand of the question is ignored…

Overall, below average answer…
Keep writing…will improve for sure…
Refer our model answer or other best answer reviewed for better clarity….

Akshat Sikri
Akshat Sikri
6 years ago

CDTEST 20749
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Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  Akshat Sikri

Hi Akshat,
-Introduction is good…however, the classification of conscience is missing…
-As per the explanation what you have brought…it shows strictness in following the rules rather than conscience…there is no evidence as well like example…
-Very general answer…lack in 360 degree coverage and confined with limited points…

Though good…keep writing…will improve for sure…
Marks awarded: 3.5/10

Refer our model answer for better clarity…

6 years ago

Answer 3
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Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  Kapiushon

Hi Kapiushon,
-Good introduction…
-Features of the Act is good and well presented…
-There are only two criticism…though the demand of the question is only criticism…(need more focus on question)…
-Ideas in conclusion is very good…
Overall, average answer due to less focus on demand of the question…bring more criticisms…criticise even the points mentioned under features…
Though good attempt…keep practicing…will improve for sure…
Keep writing…
Marks awarded: 3/10

Refer our model answer for better clarity….

6 years ago

Answer 4
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Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  Kapiushon

Hi Kapiushon,
-Very impressive introduction…
-The stand taken by you for following the Rule of Law is not in-conformity…following RoL strictly will kill conscience… Conscience has its own place and is ofcourse bigger than the law…
-Also there is no classification of conscience mentioned (as demanded by question…)
-Here sympathy should work as the ground of conscience…

The officer should try to investigate the matter in details and ask other officials to cooperate with the old person so as the person should not get harassed.
If found genuine by investigation…the old person should be given pension and if not genuine then…the officer should work in his own conscience…and try to furnish the pension…CS have delegated authority and are required to work with conscience in times of need…strictly following the rules will not serve the purpose…

-Overall good approach…keep writing will improve for sure…
Marks awarded: 4/10

Refer our model answer for better clarity…


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