29 Sept 2016 | GS2 | PM Modi did not attend the recent NAM summit, only the second PM not to do so. Is NAM still important for India?

GS2 (Global groupings and effects on India)

PM Modi did not attend the recent NAM summit, only the second PM not to do so. Is NAM still important for India?

Best answer

Aman Chauhan wrote the best answer for this question and got a score of 4.5/10 (if the best answer is an image, it cannot be uploaded here, hence scroll down to see those). The answer is being reproduced below for everyone’s convenience. Of course these answers can always be improved. (Best answer  of a particular only involves those given on that day, later answers may not have been checked)

 Recently 17th non aligned summit was held in Venezuela and India was represented by our vice-president instead of our PrimeMinister.Interestingly enough it was Nehru who along with Naseer was instrumental in founding NAM .
At that time back in 1960’s it was appreciated as –
1.All the underdeveloped nation members to the forum had their own problems and didn’t want to side with US or USSR
2.Gave India the time to focus more on agriculture and industrial development ,getting our impoverished economy back on track
3.It essentially suited India as our freedom struggle was based on non-violent non-cooperation and we garnered international prestige as we were seen as leaders of newly independent world emerged out of colonialism
But,alot has changed since those times which has made NAM less relevant-
1.globalization has percolated to the roots of every country
2.world was bipolar then but now equations have changed and is essentially multipolar with rising china and India seen as magnetic forces striving for dominance.
3. Alignment now is based on interests of (geography ,economy and strategic) and not just ideological .for e.g.As CPEC is being constructed across POK India needs to be proactive and assertive of its interests
4.No country is non aligned as of now in reality ,even North Korea has a certain level of alignment with china
India is multi aligned now as can be seen in
1.Signing of LEMAO with US
2.defence acquisitions from France(Rafael) and US (Apache and chinook ) to secure our defence capabilities deterring notorious neighbours .
3.Voicing its concerns on South China Sea in favour of ASEAN nations as our 50% trade is via that route
4.various trade pacts like Mercosur and FTA , being a member of RCEP and increased integration with ASEAN serves our economic interests
5.From look east we have now resolved to act east policy
6..Inclusion of Japan in naval exercises like Malabar along with US (to counter China’s dominance in SCS)
From non-aligned We are essentially multialigned but need of the hour is to balance this approach using (soft+hard power) ,to manouver actions of our old friends like Russia as it is inching towards Pakistan .
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