29 Sept 2016 | GS4 | India is a diverse country with many different cultures and values. How does this impact the work culture? How can leaders deal with this diversity?

GS4 (ethics in public administration)

India is a diverse country with many different cultures and values. How does this impact the work culture? How can leaders deal with this diversity?

Best answer

Payal Mittal wrote the best answer for this question and got a score of 5.5/10 (if the best answer is an image, it cannot be uploaded here, hence scroll down to see those). The answer is being reproduced below for everyone’s convenience. Of course these answers can always be improved. (Best answer  of a particular only involves those given on that day, later answers may not have been checked)

 People who join the organization have different beliefs, ideas, value systems, cultural orientations(individualism or collectivism, masculine or feminine, power-distance etc.)
Such diversity interferes with team processes. Group cohesion becomes difficult to achieve since finding a common ground is in itself a task. Thus there are conflicts in decision making. People may think leader is prejudiced against or another community. Moreover sometimes affirmative action ensues in animosities among people as they think it is form of reverse discrimination.
At the same time, diversity is inevitable and indispensable too as diversity in workforce synergises decision making. People from different cultures and values give different viewpoints .Hence each decision is taken after sufficient critical analysis and more likely to be accepted.
Thus diversity management is the only solution and capitalising on this diversity works in favor of all. Make people work in groups. Try to increase group cohesion by motivating them towards a common goal towards which all are striving.
Be fair and transparent. Organizational justice is important otherwise these difference are bond to deepen. All procedures and rules should be sufficiently explained and same for all.
Icebreaker sessions to social events like picnics, parties, and outdoor adventure-team retreats can be of immense help.
At surface level, people may appear to be different to each other as they belong to different cultures, communities etc. but same at core. Diversity training may come to the rescue. People through training programs can be more self-aware and stereotypes and prejudices people hold against one another more easily recognized.
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