2nd July 2019 | Daily Answer Writing Enhancement

Students are advised to post answers below in the main page itself. Kindly ensure that answer to each question is posted as a separate comment with the purchase ID provided by us.

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Question 1)

Though India has low level of labour force participation rates for women, but their participation in MGNREGA is above 50%. What are the reasons for it? What changes MGNREGA has brought to the situation of women? (250 Words)

Question 2)

Legal Services Authorities (LSA) though optimistic in intentions has been unable to achieve its objectives. Critically analyze.(250 words)

Question 3)

The India-U.S. discord over trade stems from a deep-seated desire of U.S. businesses to have a bigger footprint in the Indian economy. Discuss this statement in the context of present tariff war between India and USA.(250 words)

Question 4)

Explain the importance of following attributes with respect to the civil services: (a.) “Adaptability” (b.) “Activism” (c.) “Innovation” (d.) “Courage”.


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By Root

Caretaker @civilsdaily

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  avani k

in challenges you mentioned gender wage gap, but in mgnrega there is very less gender wage gap

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5 years ago
Reply to  Rohi

Women being paid only 78% of what men are being paid. That’s why I included it. Any data on less gender wage gap? Thanks!

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5 years ago
Reply to  avani k

Hi Avani
You have mentioned almost all the necessary points in the various dimensions.
But after the intro, briefly discuss the reasons for low labour force participation rate in other sectors for women. You dont have to give all the details. Just a brief discussion will do the work.
In the way forward, you can add more points regarding what more needs to be done wrt women participation is concerned; both in other sectors as well as MNREGA program.
The structure of the answer was good and presentation nice.

Marks: 4.5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  avani k

Dont use single statements and broken structure in your intro.
Always try to make intro as an unified, short paragraph.
Here the intro is bit big.
What you can do is that discuss the brief points of LSA in the intro and then briefly give background to it in the 1st part of the main body. Your intro should have some kind of mention of the topic that you are going to discuss or the statement given in the question.
Mention more +ve outcomes of the program. You can mention how various sections of the society have used the service; how it has reached the farthest corners of the nations through it outreach program etc.This will give your answer a better balance because a large portion of teh answer has been given to discuss the issues of the program.
Judicial delays is not something a point related to LSA. It is the genral issue with the judiciary. LSA has nothing to do with the delays; infact it is the victim of the slow pace of the juciary. SO ypu can remove that point.
Rest of the points are decent and apt.
Your way forwards are based on the discussion on the JUDICIAL DELAYS and not on the solutions for the LSA per se.
You can add points like: make them one-stop centers for legal aid seekers; updating the record of legal aided cases; Honorarium for a legal aided case should be at par with private cases; Remuneration towards the empanelled lawyers should be increased every year etc.

Marks: 3

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5 years ago
Reply to  Parth Verma

Thank you Sir! Will work on the intro, balancing of the answer and question oriented way forward.

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  avani k

Again, dont write fragmented intro. It should not be in bullet points but short paragraph.
Points in the intro are good.
the discussion in the main body is quite decent.
You have covered all the necessary dimensions in the answer. Keep it up.
Points are weel explained and exhaustive.
Way forward makes the answer weak. Give more concrete solutions.

Marks: 4.5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  avani k

Discussion in the answer is comprehensive.
Examples are well placed and quite relevant.
Structure of the answer is smooth and it is not sounding preachy at all.
To add weight to you answer, you can have a conclusion where you can either discuss the inter-relation between all these traits or discuss how civil servant can imbibe these traits through hard work.

Marks: 5

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5 years ago
Reply to  Parth Verma

Thank you Sir! I was not sure of how to conclude when different independent subpoints are given in a question. But now will try to interlink and conclude.

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5 years ago

M0J09628G00A81713898 Q1,2,3,4

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5 years ago

1. Good answer
2. Could include infrastructure and clearing judicial backlog
3. Good use of graph and zero sum game. However, some lines could be dedicated to how USA is promoting self interest by these trade wars. Eg- shale, defense equipments – objection to S 400 etc
4. More content specifically more examples are required

All the best!

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5 years ago

All answers (1,2,3,4) are in this PDF….?

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5 years ago

Hi Vishvjeet
Please upload answers separately rather than putting them in a single document.

Include the 1st two paragraphs to make an unified intro. Thats a better structure for your answer.
You have to add tow more discussions in your answer:
1. Why overall industry is seeing low women labour force participation?
2. What should be done to increase overall women labour force participation; both in other sectors as well as MNREGA.

Points discussed in the main body are decent and language is good.

Marks: 3.5

Article 14, 21 also speak about free legal aid. Mention them too.
Again join the 2 paras to make an unified intro.
Before mentioning the shortcomings of the program, discuss what are the +ves of the programs so far.
You have to have perfect balance in the answers. Even if the question is asking only about -ve of something, then also you have to discuss some of the +ves, even if briefly. Never fall for the language of the question!
You have to give better way forwards in the answer like make them one-stop centers for legal aid seekers; updating the record of legal aided cases; Honorarium for a legal aided case should be at par with private cases; Remuneration towards the empanelled lawyers should be increased every year etc.

Its necessary to give proper solutions if a scheme, program or bill/act is asked in the question

marks: 2.5

Good start to the answer.
Excellent use of graph. Keep it up.
Your discussion is solely focused on the steps taken by the USA against India in trade relations but it has to be a small part of the answer. The main focus has to be the reason behind it which is mentioned in the question: “desire of U.S. businesses to have a bigger footprint in the Indian economy.”
Is this true? What are the reasons behind it? What should India do to allay the fear of US industries? What should be the ideal step from India?
Read the questions carefully and try not to miss the mandate of the questions.

Marks: 1.5

The discussion is pretty average.
improve your hand writing.
You have to discuss a bit more regarding role of these traits in civil services.
Examples are totally misplaced and better examples are needed. For example, you have just mentioned mob lynching in innovation part. But how are they related? What will an innovative civil servant do in that situation? How is Kedarnath flood related to the adaptability? Your examples have to be concrete. Read the model answers for better understanding of these concepts and how to approach this question.
No conclusion in the answer.

Marks: 2

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5 years ago

Ans 1

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5 years ago

Ans 2

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5 years ago
Reply to  vinod bansal

Hi Vinod
Good intro.
Before mentioning the shortcomings of the program, discuss what are the +ves of the programs so far.
You have to have perfect balance in the answers. Even if the question is asking only about -ve of something, then also you have to discuss some of the +ves, even if briefly. Never fall for the language of the question!
Points in the answers are good and overall coverage and depth are reasonable.
Always write conclusion in your answers as they are the soft landing to your discussion.

Marks: 4.5

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5 years ago

Ans 3

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5 years ago
Reply to  vinod bansal

Apart from missing conclusion your answer is fairly attempted.
Points are good and comprehensive.
Language is proper and so is your structure.
Make a habit of writing conclusions.
Points regarding US trying to increase footprint in Indian market are well placed.
Way forwards are superb.

Marks: 5

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5 years ago

Ans 4

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5 years ago
Reply to  vinod bansal

Hey! Well explained but it would be better if examples are added. Also, a one line intro could additionally make the structure fluent.

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5 years ago
Reply to  vinod bansal

Your explanation of the traits mentioned in the question is quite good.
You have covered all the dimensions of these traits with ample points.
But you have to add examples in each trait to drive home your point. In ethics, examples are almost mandatory. It is the unsaid rule of the paper!
Also dont over-highlight! If all the points are highlighted then what is the point of highlighting them!! Avid this habit.
Give a short conclusion towards the end discussing the inter-relationship of these traits.

Marks: 4.5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  vinod bansal

Comprehensive answer.
You have covered all the aspects of the answer in apt manner and discussion is perfectly placed.
Structure is also decent.
The only issue is missing conclusion.
Way forwards are reasonable.

Marks: 5.5

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5 years ago

Q3. Sir i have a problem with my introductions as in the process of connecting it to the body of my answer and mentioning the current scenario it gets stretched
Another issue is even though i know what to write i take about 14 mins for a 250 word answer
Hope you can help
Payment ID

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5 years ago

Hi Mohsin.
Its a problem that everyone faces in the initial phase but with practice, they get used to it. Read the answers of Kunal Agarwal in the program. They have near perfect intro in most of the answers, without breaching the word or space limit, his answers discuss almost all the aspects of the answers. Of course though process of both you will differ but you will get the idea of how to approach the answers in limited time and with decent intro.

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5 years ago

In the intro, you can remove the last discussion where you discussed reduction of trade deficit in recent years. Rest of the content before that point is perfect for your intro. You just have to give the glimpse of what is coming in the main body.
Decent first part.
But you have to mention one key aspect of this trade policy of USA: “Transactional Nature of the current US trade and political regime”
Rest of the answer is decent.
Try not to over explain some of your points. Keep it short and simple.
Your language is good. Use it your advantage by keeping the points crisp.
Effective way forwards.

Marks: 4.5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Parth Ranjan

Hi Parth

Mostly, all the elements of the question are covered
You have mentioned almost all the necessary points in the various dimensions.
But after the intro, briefly discuss the reasons for low labour force participation rate in other sectors for women. You dont have to give all the details. Just a brief discussion will do the work.
Good second part of the answer. Points in the impact of MNREAG are excellent and quite comprehensive.
Excellent and apt way forward.

Marks: 6

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Parth Ranjan

What are the areas in Indian market where USA wants to increase it footprints?
Why India has opposed or USA has failed to move in those areas?
Your answer is largely based on the trade dispute and various measures taken by both the sides but you to discuss these two above mentioned points to make your answer more suitable to the demand of the question.
Points in the main body are exhaustive.
Quite a good way forward and conclusion. It has nice balance to it, specially the last paragraph where you mention the interests of USA as well as India.

Marks: 3.5

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5 years ago

Q4. Payment ID

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5 years ago

Quite a good intro.
Good points in adaptability but better example is needed.
You can also mention points like: ability to adapt and make the best out of the difficult situations; flexible enough to adapt to various stressful and changing situations; do their duties efficiently in varying situations; frequent change of place and work requires adaptability etc.

Good points in activism part. You can the dimension that under activism, obligation to the state, the values and principles manifested in the Constitution must override his loyalty to the government of the day.

Overall answer is decent but examples in some of the traits are weak. you have to add relevant examples in each trait to drive home your point. In ethics, examples are almost mandatory. It is the unsaid rule of the paper!

Marks: 4.5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Chester

Hi Utkasrh

You have covered mostly all the elements of the question.
Points are comprehensive and coverage is wide.
But after the intro, briefly discuss the reasons for low labour force participation rate in other sectors for women. You dont have to give all the details. Just a brief discussion will do the work.
Good second part of the answer. Points in the impact of MNREAG are excellent and quite comprehensive.
Excellent and apt way forward.
Keep writing.

Marks: 5.5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Chester

Once again the answer is reasonable with its points, structure and language.
You have covered all the parts of the answer with width and depth.
There is perfect balance in the answer as it discusses both -ves as well as +ve outcomes of the LSA.
Way forward/ conclusion is the soul of your answer. Language there is satisfactory and all the major dimensions covered.
Marks: 6.5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Chester

Good intro.
Decent first part.
But you have to mention one key aspect of this trade policy of USA: “Transactional Nature of the current US trade and political regime”
Rest of the answer is decent.
You can improve your presentation skills.
Your language is good. Use it your advantage by keeping the presentation crisp.
Once again effective way forwards and conclusion.

Marks: 5.5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Chester

Near perfect discussion.
Your intro is nice.
All the traits are discussed with ample points; except activism. The discussion in the activism is misplaced and need better content. read the model answer in this regard.
Your discussion on the rest of the traits re exhaustive and coverage is superb.
Good and relevant examples.
Its excellent tat you used concluding statement in the answer. Most students missed this aspect of this question.

Marks: 4.5

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5 years ago

Q1 paid

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5 years ago

Hi Prakhar
All the necessary points in the various dimensions are almost covered in decent manner.
But after the intro, briefly discuss the reasons for low labour force participation rate in other sectors for women. You dont have to give all the details. Just a brief discussion will do the work.
The structure of the answer was good and presentation nice.
The balance of the answer is superb because you discussed some of the -ves of MNREGA wrt women. Its commendable.

Marks: 6

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5 years ago


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5 years ago

The first paf the answer is reasonable.
But after mentioning the shortcomings of the program, discuss some of the +ves of the programs so far.
You have to have perfect balance in the answers. Even if the question is asking only about -ve of something, then also you have to discuss some of the +ves, even if briefly. Never fall for the language of the question!
Points in the answers are good and overall coverage and depth are reasonable.
Good way forward and optimistic conclusion.

Marks: 5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago

Good intro.
Decent first part.
But you have to mention one key aspect of this trade policy of USA: “Transactional Nature of the current US trade and political regime”
Post this discussion, mention its impact on Indian market and why India has opposed or USA has failed to move in those areas?
Your answer is largely based on the trade dispute and various measures taken by both the sides but you to discuss these two above mentioned points to make your answer more suitable to the demand of the question.
Points in the main body are exhaustive.
Quite a good way forward and conclusion.
It has nice balance to it, specially the last paragraph

Marks: 3.5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago

Hi Project_Osiris
Your intro is misplaced. You do not have to give points regarding intro of MNREGA and its feature. Your intro has to be regarding the issue in hand which is women participation in MNREGA. Your intro should be on the line of: “More women than men work under the national programme that guarantees employment to rural people. This is remarkable given that only 26% per cent women form a part of the country’s workforce, according to the National Sample Survey Organization data of 2011-12.”

Work on your presentation skills. improve your hand writing.
Discussion in the main body is ok but answer ends abruptly. The last part is not making any sense

After the intro, briefly discuss the reasons for low labour force participation rate in other sectors for women. You dont have to give all the details. Just a brief discussion will do the work.
Way forward and conclusion are missing
In the way forward, you can add points regarding what more needs to be done wrt women participation is concerned; both in other sectors as well as MNREGA program.

Read the model answer.

marks: 2.5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Kunal Aggarwal

Hi Kunal

Answer covers mostly all the elements of the question.
Points are all in all well placed and coverage is wide.
After the intro, briefly discuss the reasons for low labour force participation rate in other sectors for women. You dont have to give all the details. Just a brief discussion will do the work.
Good second part of the answer. Points in the impact of MNREAG are excellent and quite comprehensive.
Apt concluding statement..
Keep writing.

Marks: 5.5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Kunal Aggarwal

Very well articulated and once again lovely presentation.
You could substantiate your answer with some measures given in the report
You have very well written about the solutions, just try to link them with effective implementation of legal aid
Overall decent effort and nicely placed discussion.

Marks: 5.5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Kunal Aggarwal

Hey! If you include pointers instead of whole sentences, you can significantly increase the content. Also, the demand of the question seems to be how US is promoting its own interests. So here we could include shale, pharma, defence equipment in lieu of S400 etc. However, good structure and flow in your answer. Good points on multilateralism!
All the best!

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5 years ago
Reply to  Kunal Aggarwal

Good intro.
Decent first part.
But you have to mention one key aspect of this trade policy of USA: “Transactional Nature of the current US trade and political regime”
Post this discussion, mention its impact on Indian market and why India has opposed or USA has failed to move in those areas?
Your answer is largely based on the trade dispute and various measures taken by both the sides but you to discuss these two above mentioned points to make your answer more suitable to the demand of the question.
Points in the main body are exhaustive.
Quite a good conclusion. It has nice balance to it, specially the last paragraph.
Good use of keywords.

Marks: 3.5

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5 years ago

Payment ID

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5 years ago
Reply to  pranita kale

Hi Pranita
No need to give intro about MNREGA scheme and its details. Its not called for. Instead your intro has to be regarding the issue in hand which is women participation in MNREGA. Your intro should be on the line of: “More women than men work under the national programme that guarantees employment to rural people. This is remarkable given that only 26% per cent women form a part of the country’s workforce, according to the National Sample Survey Organization data of 2011-12.”

After the intro, briefly discuss the reasons for low labour force participation rate in other sectors for women. You dont have to give all the details. Just a brief discussion will do the work.

More points are needed in the 1st part where you discussed the reasons for more women participation.

Excellent discussion in the 2nd part. keep it up.

In the way forward, you can add more points regarding what more needs to be done wrt women participation is concerned; both in other sectors as well as MNREGA program.

The structure of the answer was good and presentation nice. Your command on language is excellent. Work on the content and demand of the question.

Marks: 3.5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Kunal Aggarwal

A small intro would have made this answer really good. Just a couple of statements would do.
Good discussion in adaptability discussion and activism but you need to give examples in activism portion as you did in adaptability portion.
Similar issue with courage discussion. Points are well placed and explanation is fine but you need to have couple of examples which suits the demand of modern day civil services.
Overall points are decent and your discussion on them is on the right track.

Marks: 4

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Parth Ranjan

Good intro.
Your example of Mr Khemka is misplaced! Talking about spirit is not required here! You could have written that despite having frequent transfers Mr Khemka has adapted to the new workplace really well and learnt the nitty-gritty of the new work domain in professional manner. Thats a better way to look at things.

Rest of the points in the answer are good.
Work on your approach for examples though. Give little bit more insights into the facets of these traits present in those examples.
Explanation in each portion is apt and satisfactory.
Good structure.

Marks: 4

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5 years ago

Civilsdaily, could you please share any one checked copy of any random student for me to analyse whether this programme will suit my requirements… Humble request

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5 years ago

All the answers are in the comments and their evaluation is given as a reply to the respective comment

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5 years ago

Hi Apoorv.
If you go back to the previous test dates then you will see that in the comment sections, answers have been reviews by us. You can check the content there.
Team CD

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5 years ago

Payment ID
1st answer

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5 years ago
Reply to  Rohi

Hi Rohi
No need to give intro about MNREGA scheme and its details. Its not called for. Instead your intro has to be regarding the issue in hand which is women participation in MNREGA. Your second paragraph should be your intro. remove the 1st para.

After the intro, briefly discuss the reasons for low labour force participation rate in other sectors for women. You dont have to give all the details. Just a brief discussion will do the work.

Your discussion lacks depth in the 1st part. It has various points but their explanation needs more nuanced approach. Also you missed couple of key reasons like: Unskilled work; Migration of men to urban areas; Type of work in MNREGA etc.

Good discussion in the 2nd part. Points and explanation are comprehensive.
But way forward lacks content and depth. In the way forward, you have to add more points regarding what more needs to be done wrt women participation is concerned; both in other sectors as well as MNREGA program.

Marks: 2.5

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5 years ago

Payment ID
2nd answer

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5 years ago
Reply to  Rohi

In the 1st part -discuss importance of legal aid
It is based on paper 2, so mention article numbers in your answer.
You have excellent content, so try expressing it through different words rather than using same language again.
You could substantiate your answer with some measures given in the report of NLU Delhi.

Marks: 3

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5 years ago

Payment ID
3rd answer

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5 years ago
Reply to  Rohi

You dont have to write subheadings of introduction or conclusion. Its inherent in answer so no point mentioning them.
Answer is decent in term of discussion.
Structure is really good.
But work on your presentation and specially language. It has to be improved a lot. Keep wiring for more practice.

Marks: 4

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5 years ago
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5 years ago
Reply to  sourav singh

Hi Sourav, kindly upload the answers here, as has been mentioned to you from time to time.

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5 years ago

Payment ID MOJO9611300N14575632

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5 years ago
Reply to  pranab prakash

Hi Pranab
Almost all the necessary points in the various dimensions of the answer are covered.
But after the intro, briefly discuss the reasons for low labour force participation rate in other sectors for women. You dont have to give all the details. Just a brief discussion will do the work.
In the way forward, you can add more points regarding what more needs to be done wrt women participation is concerned; both in other sectors as well as MNREGA program.
The structure of the answer was good and presentation nice.
Good presentation flow.
Marks: 4.5

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5 years ago

Payment ID MOJO9611300N14575632

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5 years ago
Reply to  pranab prakash

Write intro in brief 4 lines rather than using bullet points or fragmented small statements/paragraphs. Thats a better way of structuring your answer.
Intro content are good. Just join them together.
Points in the answer are well placed and discussed.
2nd part is approached in much better way.
Missing conclusion is the only issue with the answer. Dont forget to write it.
Overall decent attempt.

Marks: 4

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5 years ago

Payment ID MOJO9611300N14575632

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5 years ago
Reply to  pranab prakash

The direction of the answer is ok but points are not comprehensive.
Discussion lacks content and data.
you have to mention one key aspect of this trade policy of USA: “Transactional Nature of the current US trade and political regime”
Post this discussion, mention its impact on Indian market and why India has opposed or USA has failed to move in those areas?
Good way forwards.
But conclusion missing.

Marks: 2.5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Prem S


Discussion in the answer is comprehensive.
Better examples are needed as some of the traits have no examples in the discussion.
Structure of the answer is smooth and it is well covered.
To add weight to you answer, you can have a conclusion where you can either discuss the inter-relation between all these traits or discuss how civil servant can imbibe these traits through hard work.
Good handwriting and language.

Marks: 3.5

Apart from missing way forward and an half baked conclusion, there is nothing wrong in the answer.
It has proper balance and perhaps the only answer which discussed the issue of low women labour force participation in other sectors of the economy. That gives the answer a really good balance and structure.
Points in the 1st and 2 parts are comprehensive and well discussed.
In the way forward, you can add more points regarding what more needs to be done wrt women participation is concerned; both in other sectors as well as MNREGA program.
Write conclusion in your answers.

Marks: 4


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