2nd Sept | News Round-up | Op-eds and News Stories

The Hindu – Editorials


A city for all its citizens

Context – Delhi Jal board has launched The Jaladhikar connection – a right to water connection. It allows households with in the slums to apply for legal, metered water connection irrespective of the status of their residence.

It helps to break the stereotypes in bureaucratic thinking that water connections shall be provided only regularised colonies. It is depriving the citizens necessary basic Need and also bleeding the Jal board from lack of economies of scale and irregular, unbilled  connections.

If observed, Bangalore water supply and sewerage boards introduction of shared taps in slums has improved its financial health along with health of people.


Belonging at the margins

Political movements in the northeast are rarely reflected in the national politics. It is also visible in the attention received to the civil society actions. For instance, Iromsharmila fast for 17 years did not bring any change in AFSPA and 12 days fast of Anna Hazare has galvanized the entire nation. In this scenario, following observations are important,

  1. In the north east peculiar politico juridical representative democracy co exists with martial laws.
  2. The state has not acknowledged the strong civil society movement in the North east. But, it responded to armed struggle through AFSPA.

This marginality of North east in political space of India need to be ended.

Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act


The road to Genuine reform

There are many causes for Judicial delays and the existing executive and judicial impasse is detrimental to the rule of law. The reasons for Judicial delay are

  1. Lack of interest in judicial positions – the incentives for the people of integrity to apply for judicial positions are very weak.
  2. Secrecy – collegium system functions in a closed manner to instil confidence among the aspirants to judicial positions.
  3. Inconsistency of laws – civil procedure code do not provide any guidelines on the grant of repeated adjournments.
  4. Lack of effective alternate dispute redress all systems – methods such as arbitration, mediation practices in many countries are not explored in India.
  5. Admission of appeals – Supreme Court of India liberally admits the appeals. As there are doubts on the quality of judgements in the lower courts, every one affordable likes to seek an appeal to the higher judiciary.

Judicial Appointments Conundrum Pre-NJAC Verdict


On the Executive Judicial impasse –

The ongoing redrafting of Memorandum of procedure and discussions involved need to be transparently placed in the public domain. It helps to make all the parties to function responsibly.


Rise and fall of Dilma Rousseff –

Dilma Rousseff is the first woman president of Brazil and was impeached by the legislature. It also ends the long term rule of workers party in Brazil. Michel Temer of Brazilian democratic movement party has sworn in as the new president.

The major allegations against Dilma Rousseff are the illegal book keeping to hide the growing deficit of the country. This allegation and wide spread corruption with economic slow down led to the impeachment.

The alternative formed –  Michel Temer also been implicated in Petrobras scandal. All this makes Brazil unstable.


Full circle in singur.

Land acquisition act of 1894 was draconian in the hands of the Government to acquire the land From the farmers and to transfer it to the industrialists. The term Public purpose in the act  is variedly defined by the governments to suit their interests. Supreme Court judgement that struck down the land acquisition in singur for Tata Nano plant is a step to remind the misuse of the act.

In this scenario, the right to fair compensation and transparency in land acquisition, rehabilitation and resettlement needs an applause for changing the situation.

Prepared with inputs from CivilsPrep.

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By Root

Caretaker @civilsdaily


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