30th November 2018 | Daily Answer Writing Enhancement

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Question 1)

Critics point out that India’s population control policy is soft towards the male participant, which has led to many negative implications for women. Highlight those implications and also point out what changes are required in India’s population policy. (150 W/ 10 M)

Question 2)

How far do you agree with the view that Rajya Sabha has done nothing exceptional in last 70 years except stalling work and therefore it should be abolished? (10 Marks)

Question 3)

What do you understand by Dutch disease in economics? Is it beneficial or harmful to the economy? Critically analyse in the context of contemporary Indian economy? (150 W/ 10 M)

Question 4)

Ethics Case Study: A two year old male child is suffering from physical deformities and also is mentally retarded. The Physician informed that he would probably have lived to his fifth birthday but not more than that. The parents of the boy have no formal education and are working at a factory with a monthly salary of Rs. 3000 to sustain their life and another 3 children with no health insurance. Monthly expense for medication and special diet for the child is Rs 2,500. The parents have requested for the Physician to provide any sort of help as they don’t have enough money to take care of the child. They even said that if there could not be any way out, it will be better for them to let the child die. What should the doctor do and why? How the doctor should balance the Beneficence and non-maleficence? (150 W/ 10 M)

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6 years ago

Answer 2
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Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  Kapiushon

Hi Kapiushon,
-Introduction is okay…okay…It could have been much better with included more clarity…
-Point no 4 under reasons to abolish…need clarity….If they have no power regarding money bill…it doesn’t mean it should be abolished…try selecting more stronger argument….
-The rest of the points are good…
-Conclusion should be in conformity with what you have mentioned in main body…though your conclusion seems okay…okay…It could have been much better…

Overall, good attempt…need to work a bit on intro and conclusion…the rest seems very good…keep writing… will improve….

Marks awarded: 5/10

Shefali kashyap
Shefali kashyap
6 years ago

CDTEST 21004 answer 1comment imagecomment image

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago

Hi Shefali,
-Ideas of introduction seems okay…however, the presentation could have been much better…(Check some of the grammatical errors in sentences)…
-The last point of the first page is written in colloquial language…bring maturity….
Also points need to arrange logically…in first part…
-Points under “changes needed” are good…
-Conclusion can be made more comprehensive…The two sentences of the conclusion talk the same thing…

Overall, good attempt…Content wise the answer is good…some arrangement of points is required….maturity in language required…The rest is good…

Keep writing…will improve for sure…
Marks awarded: 5/10

Shefali kashyap
Shefali kashyap
6 years ago

CDTEST 21004 answer 2comment imagecomment image

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago

Hi Shefali,
-Introduction is good…
-Under grounds for criticism…point a) we can not say they are unable to address problems of people directly….this is not the case…though they are not directly elected…but they have their importance being indirectly elected…choose different argument…
-The way of argument also need changes in point b)…
-There can be more better points in reforms….and way ahead…
-Conclusion should talk about the people elected and their intellectuals…it is the people elected who run the house and hence it depends upon these people to what extent this house can be made more effective…the house itself cannot be said bad….

Overall, good attempt…need to work on points arrangement as well as to ensure exactness in points…

Keep writing…will improve for sure…
Marks awarded: 4.5/10

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6 years ago

CD TEST 20787 Q2comment image https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b1ff34717b9CD TEST 20787 a956160c285e77f837f67d29663cc75a997c49243575bda4bf135.jpg

6 years ago

CD TEST 20787 Q2comment imagecomment image

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago

Hi Anubhav,
-Introduction seems good…
-The arguments for abolition are good…
-Under proven institution…add some more points like…RS plays role in All India Services, Making legislation in state lists, Nominated members from various fields can contribute with their unique knowledge…etc….
-Way forward seems okay…though it could have been more comprehensive…
Overall, good attempt…precisely written and well arranged points…keep it up…keep writing..
Marks awarded: 5.5/10

6 years ago
Reply to  Pritam Kumar

Thank you sir, i will improve as directed

Puru Rajput
Puru Rajput
6 years ago

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Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  Puru Rajput

Hi Puru,
-Ideas of introduction seem okay…okay…don’t mention about the pressure on resources…it changes the context…rather we have various measures to support such argument…Also it will be better if we include the reasons for such population growth…like reduced death rate due to increased life span and high fertility rate etc…
-1st point…sterilisation during Indira Gandhi…it was for men only…(the point is different from what your heading says…)
-Your argument here is that most of the policies have been women centric…point 2 is talking in different context…instead bring points supporting your argument of women have been the victims in most of the times….
-As per your argument presented in first page…first para of 2nd page is irrelevant…
-Points are mentioned in haphazard manner without any logical arrangement…Also individual points are incorrect…
-Poor conclusion as well…

Overall, this is a below average answer…Need to work on presentation as well as on content…

Refer our model answer or other best answer reviewed for better clarity….

Keep writing…

Puru Rajput
Puru Rajput
6 years ago

answer 3 CDTEST20453comment image
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Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  Puru Rajput

Hi Puru,
-Jumbled up ideas in introduction…too many sentences are mixed together without any concrete outcome…also the idea is poor about the Dutch Disease…(Refer our model answer)…
-Points are of below average, poor and in-conformity with the question…
-Poor presentation….below average answer…

Refer our model answer…or other best answer reviewed for better clarity…

Anshika Singh
Anshika Singh
6 years ago

Q1comment imagecomment image

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  Anshika Singh

Hi Anshika,
-1st and 2nd para together constitute introduction…hence it is important to have linkages between these two points….In first para itself it should be mentioned about family planning…which largely have been women centric…
-The rest of the points are good…well arranged…with beautiful conclusion…
Good approach….keep writing…
Marks awarded: 5/10

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6 years ago

Answer 4
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6 years ago

Answer 4
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