30th October 2018 | Daily Answer Writing Enhancement

Click on each question to write the answer to that particular question. Do NOT write your answers in the comment section of this post.

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Question 1)                       

Comment on the nature of separation of powers envisaged by the constitution of India. How successful has been the constitutional scheme in the Indian context? Discuss.   

Question 2) 

Despite war-mongering and aggressive rhetoric on an upswing in international politics in recent years, diplomacy has remained critical. Comment. 

Question 3)

Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) could play strong substantive role in Geo-politics amid various challenges in fostering co-operation among the countries of the two continents. Analyze.

Question 4) 

Ethics: “Ethics is not just law rather it is broader than the law”. Do you agree? Discuss with suitable examples?

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By Root

Caretaker @civilsdaily

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6 years ago

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Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  hiddenwarrior

Dear hiddenwarrior kindly upload your answer separately by clicking on each question followed by the space within…Reviewing separately with relevant remarks will avoid getting into confusion.

6 years ago
Reply to  Pritam Kumar

sir ,i have posted separately in different questions comment sections…plzz review..

Sandeep Goyal
Sandeep Goyal
6 years ago

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Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  Sandeep Goyal

Dear Sandeep Goyal kindly upload your answer separately by clicking on each question followed by the space within…Reviewing separately with relevant remarks will avoid getting into confusion.

Sandeep Goyal
Sandeep Goyal
6 years ago
Reply to  Pritam Kumar

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Sandeep Goyal
Sandeep Goyal
6 years ago
Reply to  Sandeep Goyal

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Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  Sandeep Goyal

Hi…Sandeep Goyal…
-First of all kindly consider some suggestions…be careful with grammar and using words, Avoid using colloquial language in answer…the language of the answer should be standard, You need to work asap on your grammar and vocab…

Now on answer…
-Intro is incomplete….You have shown only problem and forgot to mention about the diplomacy which solved the issues…The question is more about diplomacy….its failures and success….
-You have mentioned different names of wars…under the heading Why the situation…However two things here….1st the content does not support the heading…2nd this all points are irrelevant unless you balance them with the success and failures of diplomacy here itself….
-Under role of diplomacy…sentences are incomplete…with incomplete idea…
-mixed up idas in conclusion….not arranged…poor one…

Overall this answer is a below average one…You have the potential to write better answer…keep practicing…
Keep writing…

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  Sandeep Goyal

Hello… Sandeep Goyal
-Introduction is very poor….Introduction should be about the nature of SoP…You have mentioned about the work of different wings (not required in intro…)
-2nd para under Nature…we should use word very cautiously…no one commits mistake out of three wings…they do each and every thing with some or other purpose…We don’t have strict separation of powers rather we follow check and balance…so one organ keep its eye on other and if any one crosses their limit the remaining organs intimate or interfere in one or other sense…
-Under heading ‘Successful of Constitutional Scheme’…all the points are irrelevant….we need to talk about the constitutionality of SoP and not other provisions of the constitution…
-Under Conclusion…You are using the word..’restrict’…will not be appropriate…its more about check and balance…(this word is no where mentioned in your ans)…
Overall its a below average answer…You need more of conceptual clarity regarding the topic…
-Kindly refer our model answer or refer to some of the answer reviewed be better clearing the concept…

However, you attempted well…keep writing…

Sandeep Goyal
Sandeep Goyal
6 years ago
Reply to  Pritam Kumar

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Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  Sandeep Goyal

Hi Sandeep…
-It is recommended that…the introduction should always be written in Paragraph and certainly not in points….and its should be dealing with the essence of the question…and not directly about providing details of one aspects…. this much details (ASEM) not required…
-The other part of the answer you can mention in points except intro and conclusion…
-Your points are too general with no analysis…Analysis is something which comes out of the direct points…your points are direct only….
-Conclusion is vague…
-Too many grammatical mistakes in your answer….need to work asap…
-Ideas in sentences should be complete in itself….as well as the sentence should also be complete in itself with no grammatical mistakes…etc…

However, your attempt is positive…will improve for sure…keep writing…

Sandeep Goyal
Sandeep Goyal
6 years ago
Reply to  Pritam Kumar

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Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  Sandeep Goyal

Hello Sandeep….
-Introduction is too poor…you are directly analyzing the relationship here…without mentioning the type of relationship between Ethics and Law…It seems there is no introduction….
-1st example…to disrespect elders…its a punishable offence now…And also ethics does not prohibit all those things which are wrong…
-Ideas are not very good…and are written in poor language using colloquial dialogue…
-Though idea in conclusion is good…but few grammatical mistakes….

-Overall your attempt is positive…but need selection of idea and its presentation…Keep writing will improve for sure…

Marks awarded: 3/10

Kingly upload your answer at designated places…

Sandeep Goyal
Sandeep Goyal
6 years ago
Reply to  Pritam Kumar

Please review


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