31st Aug | News Round-up | Op-eds and News Stories

The Hindu – Editorials

LEMOA – Logistics Exchange Memorandum of Agreement

India – USA signed logistic exchange memorandum of agreement. It is one of the four foundational agreements for Defence cooperation between India USA. Highlights are

  1. It allows the militaries of the country to share each other’s bases for various operations. These include port visits, joint exercises, joint training, humanitarian assistance, disaster relief efforts.
  2. All the matters will be approved by each side on a case to case basis.
  3. It helps India to undertake rescue operations for Indians stranded in conflict zones.
  4. The pact will also enhance the military capabilities.
  5. India and USA can explore plans for maritime cooperation in the Asia pacific as vision statement of India and USA goes.
  6. It makes the Defence cooperation related transactions smooth and seamless.

On the other side

  1. India may be dragged in to the wars of the USA.

Note – It has nothing to  do with setting up U.S. bases in India, and there is no “obligation” on either side to  carry out any joint activity.

Read the full backstory here on our relationships with USA

Surrogacy – Ignoring Best practices

The bill approved by the government of India takes a myopic view of surrogacy.

  1. It do not provide for the identity Rights of the child and personal identity of the donor is to be kept confidential at all times, unless directed by the court. That is it overrides the identity rights of the child in favor of confidentiality rights of the donor.
  2. Added to this, insurance and other protections available for the surrogate mother are not clearly stated.
  3. Many of the laws of the country needs to be amended to ensure the rights of a child born through surrogacy to be fulfilled. As of now now, personal and property laws categorize children as legitimate, illegitimate and adopted. How surrogate children need to be placed is not classified by the law.
  4. Role and regulation of ART( assisted reproductive technology) clinics is not specified.

Read the full story on Surrogacy in India 

UNSC reforms – interview with UNGA president elect – Peter Thomson – he clearly stated reform of UNSC and compressive convention on international terrorism are very much on the agenda of UN. The challenge is how to achieve the consensus.

In relation to UN achievements he said that alternative to UN is very bleak. UN success and failure need to be judged not just based on what it did, but also  what it stopped from happening.

Read all about latest happenings at UNSC

The ill health of the nation – The National Health accounts data 2013-14

  1. India spends only 1.15% of GDP on Health and it is lower than sub Saharan Africa (2.9%).
  2. The share of state governments that are largely responsible for health expenditure is .75% of GDP.
  3. In India 64.2% of health expenditure is met by households out of pocket.

If India has to. Achieve the universal medical care two key areas need quick attention. They can quickly reduce the out of pocket expenditure.

  1. To put in place a centralized system of procurement of essential drugs and distributing them through state governments. If .5% of GDP is spent on medicines all essential drugs can be made free of cost for all Indians.
  2. Centre shall arrive  at  the cost of  all medical procedures for different classes of  hospitals, laying down standards and forming regulatory authorities at  the State  and district levels under law to  enforce  the rules. Regulatory controls would automatically leads to reduction in costs.

Thailand shall be an inspiration for India where 75% of the population was brought under Universal health coverage in just one year.

Al about India’s Health sector Policy Initiatives

Prepared with inputs from CivilsPrep.

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By Root

Caretaker @civilsdaily


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