4 pie charts to show that the Nikaalo Prelims Open Test is 110% relevant for Prelims 2020

(Get registered now!) Nikaalo Prelims- All India Open Mock Tests 2020

(The first test is on 12th April 2020)

You are studying hard. Others are too. 

Then why aspirants are unable to clear the pre cutoffs? Many of them are UPSC veterans, some already in-service officers and some who had just appeared for the interviews. 

No, we aren’t going to talk about what, how, and from where to study. You know it very well.

We are going to go deeper. (Pie chart alert)

The questions in GS paper are of varying difficulty level, from different subjects and topics, some are straight forward and some are quite complex with varying levels of interlinkages and interconnections.

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We will take you behind the scenes where question papers are made at Civilsdaily. 

Today we will discuss one of Civilsdaily’s innovation Question tagging, to explain how our mocks resemble very closely to UPSC papers.

Tagging helps us to ensure:

  1. Balanced coverage of static and current affairs.
  2. Optimum difficulty level.
  3. Relevance to UPSC syllabus and pattern.
  4. Coverage of important themes.

In short, we tag questions based on different parameters. We do it at different levels.

For example, from our first Open Mock test (on Government schemes and policies) we are going to discuss 4 of them:

  1. Question type.
  2. Difficulty level
  3. Ministry wise
  4. Subject or domain wise.

In our first Nikaalo Prelims mock test we have used three variants of questions: 

  1. Normal questions are straightforward questions. They are relatively easier to solve. 
  2. In Consolidated questions, various facets of the same scheme are asked in the question. 
  3. While in Comparative questions different angles of two or more schemes are discussed and asked.

Not all questions are on the same difficulty level in UPSC. We usually tag questions on 7 levels of difficulty. In the first open test, we have used four levels of difficulty (levels 2 – 5)

Here difficulty may arise due to lack of basic or deeper knowledge of the scheme, making linkages between other schemes or eliminating the options.


Scope of operation of GoI is wide. There are schemes and policies related to every ministry. While preparing, students tend to focus on a few important ones. 

Have a look at the diversity of the ministries and departments in the above chart. All important schemes have been touched upon. We made it sure.


Every scheme or policy by the GoI or State govt can be classified under a particular topic from the UPSC pre syllabus. We have made further classification but for the sake of demonstration broad one has been used here. 

This was just one aspect as to how we make sure our mock tests are:

  1. Relevant to your needs.
  2. As per expectation of UPSC
  3. Testing your knowledge and understanding at various levels

(Get registered now!) Nikaalo Prelims- All India Open Mock Tests 2020

We will share other behind the scenes as well till then buckle up for 12th April 2020

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By Root

Caretaker @civilsdaily

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4 years ago

i have registered for nikaalo prelims 2020,and paid for that but unable to take any test,pls provide more details about this.

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4 years ago
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Hi, please send your contact details – name, mobile number, email id to @Civils Daily.com">ravi@Civils Daily.com


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