10-Step Strategy for 430+ Score in UPSC GS Mains | Clarity with Rankers by Kunal Aggarwal (AIR 130) – scored 430+ in every mains

2nd August @ 7:00 pm | Targetting 430+ in UPSC Mains with Kunal Aggarwal, AIR 130 | Click below and register for the session

The significance of a 430+ GS mains score cannot be overstated. It not only ensures your selection in the UPSC exam but also puts you in the league of top rankers. However, many aspirants miss out on this crucial aspect of UPSC mains preparation. They start answer writing too late, lack the right approach, and fail to integrate their mains preparation with prelims.

But Kunal Aggarwal cracked this code early on, thanks to the strategic interventions of his mentor, Sajal Singh sir. With Sajal sir’s guidance, Kunal consistently scored 430+ in every UPSC Mains he wrote, a feat that speaks volumes about the effectiveness of the answer writing techniques and strategies he followed.

In the Mains exam hall, it is all about execution. UPSC Toppers focus on certain fundamental principles and they follow them firmly and perfectly.

Sajal Singh sir

Join our exclusive webinar with Kunal Aggarwal, IRS, who cracked UPSC multiple times with ranks of 130 and 211, scoring a whopping 430+ in GS mains each time! Kunal will share the secret techniques and practical strategies he employed during his UPSC mains preparation and answer writing practice that led to these outstanding scores.

Who should attend this Clarity with Ranker session?

  • Aspirants who are sure to clear UPSC Prelims 2023 and want to fill critical gaps in their Mains’23 Answer Writing prep.
  • UPSC 2024-25 aspirants who’ve already started Answer writing from scratch but can’t understand what should be the best maiden approaches.
  • Aspirants who are struggling with time management for Mains Answer Writing
  • Aspirants who are not able to decipher the pattern and changing trends of UPSC Mains.
  • Aspirants who are enthusiastic to Score 440+ in IAS Mains 2023-24
  • UPSC 2023-2024 aspirants who want to be Mains ready with minimum study sources.

What should you expect?

Kunal will be discussing:

  1. Proven strategies to score 430+ in UPSC GS mains
  2. Techniques for effective answer writing practice and the right approach to mains preparation integrating it with prelims preparation
  3. Making a timetable and studyplan for mains exams
  4. How to avoid common mistakes in mains answers
  5. Insights into Kunal’s success story and his journey to cracking UPSC multiple times

Kunal will dive deep into specifics of Answer Writing as well and will discuss

  • Identifying and tackling directive words and tail words in the Mains Question. There are more than 30 directives and you must answer according to that only. We will discuss how to approach an answer wrt to these directives
  • When, where, and how to use diagrams, flowcharts, tables, etc? It is a common notion that more diagrams = more marks, but this is not true. You must draw diagrams/flowcharts to address certain parts of the question only. 
  • Understanding the core and non-core parts of the questions. There is one part of the Mains question that is directly asked and is an obvious question. The non-core part at times might not be obvious but you must address that. 
  • How to use anecdotes, facts, data, examples, and case studies? – even using the most common ones in the most impactful manner, in such a manner that it fetches you more marks
  • How to answer a question with limited content or knowledge? Basically – Bouncer/googly questions. Keywords in question: Kunal will thoroughly explain what each keyword means. Analyzing critically is different from explaining or elaborating. So, how to read the question carefully and then start answering?
  • How to complete the mock and UPSC Main paper in 3 hours? And what should be the correct sequence of answering sections in the Mains paper? This is very essential to maintain your speed as well as consistency in your thinking process. 
  • Making a trade-off between quality and quantity in your answers. You might now be able to recall every info for all the answers.
  • When to write answers in Paragraph form and when to write in heading, subheading, and points? What should be the ideal length of a sentence, paragraph, and number of points?
  • What should be the strategy for UPSC 2023 Mains aspirants especially for the last 45 days?

About Kunal Aggarwal

  • Computer Science graduate from IIT Hyderabad
  • Worked for Goldman Sachs in the past
  • AIR 130 in UPSC 2019 and AIR 211 in UPSC 2018 exams
  • IRS and currently posted as an Assistant Commissioner, IT
  • Optional subject: Political Science and International Relations (PSIR)
  • Civilsdaily’s mentorship student under Sajal Singh sir


This session will be held in online mode.

Date: 2nd August 2023 (Wednesday)

Time: 7:00 pm Onwards

Zoom Meeting Link will be sent via your registered email address.

Post-Webinar CivilsDaily’s UPSC Mentorship session and Atomic Notes

Post webinar we will share Mains Toolkit and Atomic Notes Current Affairs PDF.

You will also get a 1-1 Mentorship session with Sukanya Rana ma’am

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