4th December 2018 | Daily Answer Writing Enhancement

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Question 1)

The Permanent Settlement somewhat secured the interests of the Zamindars, post-poned those of the tenants and permanently sacrificed those of the state. Examine (250 W/ 15 M)

Question 2)

Critically analyse the recent government proposal of Lateral Entry into the Civil Services. (150 W/ 10 M)

Question 3)

The recent survey by National Bank of Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) shows worsening conditions of India’s Rural Economy with falling income and reduced employment. Identify the various factors responsible and suggest suitable measures. (150 W/ 10 M)

Question 4)

Explain why following should be treated as misconduct as per central civil services (conduct) Rules 1964? (a) An employee writing letter to Governor of his state making allegation against ‘head’ of his office. (b) A civil servant doing a part time job in an educational institution. (75 Words each/ 5*2=10 marks)

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6 years ago

Question 3)

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Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  GopeAsem

Hi GopeAsem,
-Introduction seems to be okay…though it could have been much better…
-Point 5 and 6 (on first page) are the consequences of unemployment and failing income…
-Apart from Agriculture there are other sectors which faces the similar condition…need to mention about them also…like less rural industrial employment, absence of market, skill deficit, prevalence of informal sector etc…
-Good points under way forward…very well written…
-However, conclusion could have been much better…talk about outcome of improved economic situation in rural areas here….

Overall, very good approach…nicely presented answer…well written…
Keep writing…
Marks awarded: 5.5/10

6 years ago

Question 2)

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Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  GopeAsem

Hi GopeAsem,
-Introduction is very good…
-Good points in pros also…well written…precisely presented…
-However, the first point of the cons seem of lesser importance…they are being inducted due to their experiences in various field…like the examples put by you on first page…More clarification can be brought in point 2…talk about their interests, motive of joining (may not be to serve the people or may be to gain their personal agenda)….also mention points like it will affect in reservation, Politically motivated persons may get selected, cherry picking job with political connections etc. thus undermining the transparency and accountability….
-The rest of the points are good…and well written…
-Conclusion could have been much better…here we need to talk about its regulation…which should be effective and should ensure to serve the original purposes…

Overall, good attempt…need to improve in some points…keep writing…will improve for sure…
Marks awarded: 5.5/10

Shefali kashyap
Shefali kashyap
6 years ago

CDTEST 21004 answer 2comment imagecomment image

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago

Hi Shefali,
-Your introduction starts randomly…and does not give idea about what actually is LE…It is the direct appointment/recruitment at the higher level of administration…though the ideas here are good…but it should be brought in more clear way…
-Points are good…though need more specificity in point c) of 2nd page…talk about politically motivated person may get selected, their aim may not be to serve rather to enhance their CV etc…
-The rest of the points are good and well written…
-Conclusion could have been little better…talk here as it’s a good idea but regulation to ensure transparency and accountability is needed…

Overall, good attempt…well presented points…precisely written…keep writing…
Marks awarded: 5/10

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6 years ago

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6 years ago


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Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  wizard

Hi Wizard,
-Introduction seem to be okay…with nice points in salient features…
-However, under impact…there is no need to give direction with arrow or line…you can directly put points under headings…by putting line you are wasting half of the page…
-More specific points under impacts needed…like: Impact on Zamindars…Zamindars became the owner of the land, they became more wealthier, with more income they invested in other areas, they got settled in big cities by subleting the land to middle man…etc…
Impact on Company: they became sure of fixed revenue, easier method of collection through zamindars, company need not required to hire manpower for revenue collection…etc…
Impact on peasants and productivity: Peasants had ho rights over land, zamindars were using arbitrary power to to exploit the peasants, etc…

-Conclusion is good…but the points mentioned in main body are not supporting the concluding argument…It should be the follow up….

Overall good attempt…need to be more specific in content and bring some improvement in arranging paragraphs…

Keep writing will improve for sure…
Refer our model answer for better clarity…

Marks awarded: 4/10

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Isha Gautam
6 years ago

CDTEST21162 answer 2comment imagecomment image

Isha Gautam
Isha Gautam
6 years ago

Answer 2comment imagecomment image

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  Isha Gautam

Hi Isha,
-Your presentation seems poor…we are not suppose to draw the mind map in answer…UPSC wants us to write in paragraphs using good flow of language and ideas well arranged…its not objective presentation…If it would have been objective, it would have been similar to prelims examination…Kindly consider and write your points in paragraphs…
-Also there are too many underlined and highlighted points…if all the points are important then what is the need to highlight…It makes our presentation look bad…highlighting should not be more than 15 to 20 percent…
-What do you want to talk in 2nd para of first page…its jumbled up without any clarity and concrete outcome…Also 3rd para…it was ARC’s recommendation and not efforts…need to be cautious while using words…
-Points of mind map or diagrams are incomplete (does not convey complete picture…just gives references)…
-Points of way forward on 2nd page is good…
-Though the ideas in conclusion are good…but need logical arrangement…

You have good ideas regarding topic…but need to work on presentation…Answer should be in proper format with ideas arranged in flow manner without posing any obstruction in reading…

Overall, this answer could be termed as an average one…keep writing…will improve for sure…

Marks awarded: 3/10

Shefali kashyap
Shefali kashyap
6 years ago

CDTEST 21004. Answer 1comment imagecomment image

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago

Hi Shefali,
-Excellent answer…very good points and precisely written…well done…keep it up…
Keep writing…
Marks awarded: 8/15

Isha Gautam
Isha Gautam
6 years ago

comment imagecomment image CDTEST21162
Answer 3

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  Isha Gautam

Hi Isha,
-Your answer sheet looks more like a drawing paper…avoid too much of drawings, diagrams and flowcharts…answer should be written in paragraphs…You can include points in bullet form but certainly not in mindmaps…
-Points in way forward is correct…
-Conclusion seems to be too long…though ideas here are good…need to articulate language in order to incorporate more points in lesser words…Avoid too much of underlining…
-Overall, there is good content in your answer…but need to work in presentation as well as arrangement of ideas…

Keep writing…will improve for sure….

Marks awarded: 3.5/10

6 years ago

Ans1comment imagecomment image

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  gk

Hi GK,
-Please write answer on proper sheet of paper…leaving margin on both the edges of page…
-There is no introduction in your answer…because the intro should be written in para…the points of main body can be in bullet form…
-Points need more clarity…under Zamindars…due to fixed nature of revenue there were security (what do you mean by happy-brings colloquial tone)…also the rest two points are very general…
-You have brought too general points…at least some specificity should have to be in points…
-Conclusion seems okay…but it should be more in the tone of points mentioned in main body…

Overall, this answer can be termed as average one…more specific points need to bring…keep writing…will improve for sure…

Refer our model answer for better clarity…

Marks awarded: 4/15

6 years ago

Ans2comment imagecomment image

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  gk

-Hi GK,
-Your introduction seems to be okay…however, the relevancy of points gets decreased in further points…the entire points revolve around expertise and specialists only…need to think more beyond this…
-Points are too general…there is no criticisms to the points…bring some specificity…like…LE will increase competition, bring new ideas, solve deficit of officers, bring expertise, Push the IAS out of their comfort zone and challenge them…etc…
-Also some points of criticism…like…Political will, vested interest of the person getting selected, cherry picking post, political nexus influence, and it will affect the policy of reservation most…etc…

Overall, the answer is general…need to bring some specificity…keep writing will improve for sure…

Refer our model answer for better clarity…
Marks awarded: 3.5/10

6 years ago
Reply to  Pritam Kumar

Ok Sir.Will try to improve.

6 years ago

Ans3comment imagecomment image

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  gk

Hi GK,
-There is no introduction in your answer…
-The points are good…though they are more of agri centric…the problems are there in other sectors also…need to mention them as well…like…lack of market, skill deficit, no or very less manufacturing activities, prevalence of informal sectors, Outward migration and subsequent feminization etc…
-Bring more relevant points in way forward…

Overall good attempt…more improvement is inevitable…keep practicing…

Refer our model answer or other best answer reviewed for better clarity…
Keep writing…
Marks awarded: 5/10

6 years ago
Reply to  Pritam Kumar

Thank you, Sir. Agree with you. It was a one dimensional answer. Will try to improve.

6 years ago

Ans4comment imagecomment image

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  gk

Hi GK,
-a) Ideas mentioned are good…but need to bring more clarity…also justification of the points required…although good…

-b) Here also the points need justification…though ideas are good…

Overall, good attempt…need to bring some justification to the points…the rest is good…

Keep writing will improve for sure…
Marks awarded: 5/10

6 years ago
Reply to  Pritam Kumar

Thank you, Sir. Will definitely try to improve.

6 years ago

4 DEC-1Acomment imagecomment image comment image

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  SwethaMoturi

Hi Swetha,
-Please write on proper format sheet leaving margin on both edges of the page…
-Very good points in introduction…
-Points under features need logical arrangement…fixed revenue should come as first point 10/11th and 1/11th, then the points condition of zamindars should follow…
-You tried to shorten the points but some of the points lost its relevancy or completeness…like point iii) under impact on peasants…
-The rest of the points are good and well written…
-Conclusion could have been much better depending on the points of main parts…
Overall, good attempt…more chances are there for better presentation…you have good clarity of ideas/thoughts….just need to arrange…

Keep writing…
Marks awarded: 6.5/15

6 years ago

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Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  SwethaMoturi

Hi Swetha,
-Introduction is incomplete and is poor…
-Point ii) on 2nd page…what is infra and infrastructure ministry?…
-Under criticism…add…it will affect the positive reservation provided, intention of the person selected, may not serve the people or may serve their own interests…or the interests of the organisation associated…
-There is only one idea in way forward…bring more…
Overall, good attempt…approach could have been much better…keep writing…

Refer our model answer for better clarity…

Marks awarded: 4.5/10

Puru Rajput
Puru Rajput
6 years ago


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Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  Puru Rajput

Hi Puru,
-The answer seems to be very good and well presented…ideas are precisely written with good flow and connectivity…

-However, there is need to bring more points in way forward…like allocation of state cadre, institutionalised system of annual recruitment, person should be judged more on practical experiences instead of paper qualifications…etc…
-Also focus on the word limit…

Overall, very nice attempt…You have improved a lot from previous answers…keep it up…keep practicing…

Marks awarded: 6/10

Puru Rajput
Puru Rajput
6 years ago

ANS 3 CDTEST20453comment imagecomment image comment image comment image

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  Puru Rajput

Hi Puru,
-Please pay attention to the word limit…
-Introduction seems okay…though it can be more better…avoid repeating the line of the question in answer…instead you would have mentioned the prospects and data of reducing rural income…
-Apart from agriculture, there are problems in other sectors also…need to mention them as well…like no or very less manufacturing activities, entrepreneurship deficit, skill deficit, infrastructural problems, no service sector activities…etc…
-The rest of the points are okay based on the points (in problems) brought by you…
-Bring holistic conclusion…don’t be confined to agriculture only…
-Overall, good attempt…need to infuse 360 degree approach in answer and presentation…though nice…keep writing…

Marks awarded: 5/10

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6 years ago

Cdtest21345comment imagecomment image

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  Dhritiman

Hi Dhritiman,
-Please work on your handwriting…please increase your font size, increase the size of letters and words…it posses difficulties in reading and consumes more time…so, reviewing accordingly…
-Ideas in introduction are not in coherent…they are randomly written without any arrangement and flow…also it seems poor content wise…
-Points are too general and not arranged in logical order…
Overall this is a below average answer…writing obstruct reading and accordingly will affect in marking..

Refer our model answer or other best answer reviewed for better clarity…

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6 years ago

Cdtest21345comment imagecomment image

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6 years ago

Cdtest21345comment imagecomment image

6 years ago

CD TEST 20787 Q3comment imagecomment image

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago

Hi Anubhav,
Very good answer…
-Very good and impressive introduction…
-Points are precisely written and well presented…
-Good conclusion as well…
Overall, nice attempt…very well written…keep it up…well done…
Marks awarded: 6/10

6 years ago
Reply to  Pritam Kumar

Thank u sir

6 years ago

ANS 4comment imagecomment image

Abhinav Bansal
Abhinav Bansal
6 years ago

CDTEST20781. Ans 1comment imagecomment imagecomment image


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