5 Oct 2016 | GS4 | A member of your team has to take frequent leaves due to the health problems of her child. This results in more work load on her team members leading to anger. The team member is otherwise an ideal employee. How would you deal with this situation if you were the manager of this team?

GS4 (Case study)

A member of your team has to take frequent leaves due to the health problems of her child. This results in more work load on her team members leading to anger. The team member is otherwise an ideal employee. How would you deal with this situation if you were the manager of this team?

Best answer

Simran Bains wrote the best answer for this question and got a score of 4.5/10 (if the best answer is an image, it cannot be uploaded here, hence scroll down to see those). The answer is being reproduced below for everyone’s convenience. Of course these answers can always be improved. (Best answer  of a particular only involves those given on that day, later answers may not have been checked)

The case study tells that the team member is an able and ideal employee. She is COMMITTED towards work. And her problem is LEGITIMATE.

As the manager of the team, I find myself in the ETHICAL DILEMMA between professional duties to maintain code of conduct, efficiency of tasks and having COMPASSION and EMPATHY towards the genuine problems of my team member. And I have to be FAIR to both the parties.

My course of action will include –


As a Manager, it is my prime duty to keep the TEAM SPIRIT alive and maintain a healthy environment for everyone to work. I’ll COMMUNICATE with them, listen to their complaints. Then I’ll ask them to COOPERATE with the team member for the time being. Her competence is well stated and the management should accommodate her. But this accommodation shouldn’t hamper the WORK FLOW of the team.


Once I’m done communicating with other members, I’ll call the lady and talk with her. I’ll extend her help by giving her some options like working from home, taking some work to home if rules permit. If these don’t work with her, then I’ll sanction her leave for some days.


Where all the members including the lady are present. This is scheduled so that other members don’t feel that she’s getting favours. Problems can come to anyone and it is the RESPONSIBILITY of the team members to stand for each other in the time of need and HELP. For the time she’ll be on leave, I’ll divide her work load among other members.

Working as a team is imperative and a win win situation can be created by planning and emotional intelligence.

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