50 Ethics Terms PDF

Hello Aspirants,

The 50 Ethics Terms by Civilsdaily is the most important document to aid your Ethics Preparation.

Ethics GS 4 paper is lot easier to score when compared with all other papers.

It is also a lot easier to prepare if you have the right study material and the right guidance that doesn’t send you on a wild goose chase.

Having clarity about every single term in Ethics is the single most important point to acing this paper. As a matter of fact, Ethics is all terms.

Even veterans with 4-5 years of prep make the following mistakes

  1. Look for technical definitions from a psychology/anthro/philo point of view. That is not the requirement of the GS 4 paper. GS 4 paper wants you to present practical definitions with depth and no ambiguity.
  2. Using terms interchangeably. EMVA all help in deciding good and bad. This doesn’t help and you will get penalized for lacking depth. You have to understand points of similarity and differentiation. You can’t use definitions that miss the crux of why the term exists.
  3. Don’t understand the level of abstraction. Some are abstract, loosely held constructs while some are observable.
  4. Don’t understand the idea that certain terms are discussed together. Eg – SEC, PIH, Commitment/dedication, etc. Eg. Check the table below.
UPSC Ethics Sympath, Empath, Compassion

If you are quoting age old standard examples, then its impossible to stand out. You need to prepare examples from 2023 Current Affairs.

50 Ethics Terms by Civilsdaily is a document that you will keep referring back again and again every time to sit to revise ethics.

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PS: 14-day Ethics Challenge Starts to Today! To know more, click here

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By Er S

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