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Question 1)
Question 2)
Question 3)
Question 4)
CDTEST21358 Ans-2

Hi Shivani,
-First of all…Please pay attention to the word limit…
-Introduction seems to be okay…though it can be more better with ideas and logical arrangement…
-Point 2 and 3 under benefits…are incomplete points which shows lack of conceptual clarity…
-Bond of rupees 2000 in denomination would be issued by banks to any individual who wish to donate to political parities…the more higher amount if any individual wants to donate they can do with online model through banks…Point 3 need clarity…
-Under challenge their is only one point which also does not convey complete meaning…
-What do you mean by adopt the recommendation…please be cautious while using words to convey ideas…
-You have made sufficient suggestions though scattered… and not arranged in logical order…but there is only one criticism…criticism is the prime demand of the question…infact we need to present both side of the coin in balanced manner…
Overall, good attempt…you can write much better with logical arrangement of ideas and incorporating wider view in approach….
Keep practicing…will improve for sure…
keep writing…
Marks awarded: 4/10
CDTEST 21004 answer 1

Hi Shefali,
-Ideas in introduction are okay…
-Ideas of paragraph 2nd seems irrelevant…its the same ideas of introductory para in repeated form…also the situation mentioned by you is still prevailing….Mahatma Gandhi is more known for fighting for the freedom of India…
-All the paragraphs connotes general ideas being explained…The entire para is dedicated to the similarities of both the leaders…there is no differences mentioned….the question aspires both…
-2nd last para on 2nd page….Gandhi Jee followed Ahimsa to achieved the way of his goal…whereas, Mandela was okay with the use of violence if need arises…(conceptual clarity required)…
-Conclusion seems to be good…
-Overall, good attempt…much better is expected from you…keep practicing…
The approach of the answer should be to write separately the differences and similarities of both the leaders….
Keep writing…
Marks awarded: 3.5/10
CDTEST 21162
Answer 2
CDTEST 21162

Answer 2
Hi Isha,
-Introduction seems to be okay…idea-wise its good…
-Points and ideas are good…but we don’t need to present in diagram or by drawing mind maps…we need to include the points in paragraphs…If ever diagrams are drawn such diagrams should also be explained in paragraphs…
UPSC aspires us to write in language rather than using flowcharts and diagrams only….
-Overall, this answer is an average one due to presentation wise…Please incorporate your points in paragraphs…
Keep writing…will improve for sure…
Marks awarded: 3/10
CDTEST20324- Answer 2
Hi Prafull,
-Please pay attention to the word limit…
-Poor introductory line…What do you mean elections are representative? lacks clarity and shows incomplete idea…start directly by introducing Electoral Bond…
-Some of the points are repetitively mentioned…like anonymity…
Points in way forward is good…
-However, conclusion could have been much better…
Overall, good attempt…but much better is expected from you…keep practicing…will improve for sure…
Marks awarded: 4.5/10

Hi Dhritiman,
-There should not be blank idea in introduction…your intro only says great revolutionaries…Explain here both aspired for the freedom of their own countries…Gandhi fought with Britishers for independence where as Mandela fought to get rid of prevailing apartheid…etc…there should be some concrete point…
-Points under similarities are okay…However, the points under differences are very general…
-Conclusion is very poor…the idea here should be in context of what all is mentioned in main points with various views…
Overall, this is an average attempt…though good…keep practicing will improve for sure…
Keep writing…
Marks awarded: 4.510

Hi Puru,
-Very good answer…all points are precisely written and well presented…
-Intro is okay…with good flow of ideas in main part as well as conclusion…
Nice attempt…keep it up…
Marks awarded: 6/10
ans2 CDTEST20453

Hi Puru,
-First of all its Electoral bond and not electrol…be careful with words…
-Ideas of introduction seems okay…though more better ideas can be brought here…
-Point 5 on 2nd page…its not the creation rather channelized through banks which will bring transparency…though limited…
– Point of criticism of okay…
-However, the ideas in conclusion is poor…simultaneous election seems out of context from electoral bond…You are talking about expenditure side in conclusion…but the question demands income side…bring more logical conclusion…like regulation is the key, creation of National Electoral Fund as suggested by S Y Quraisi etc…
Overall 1st half of the answer is good, need to modify and infuse clarity in 2nd part…though good attempt…keep practicing… will improve for sure…
Keep writing..
Marks awarded: 5/10

Answer 2
Hi Kapiushon,
-Very good and impressive introduction…
-Point no 2…its the limit is 2000 only through bonds but no limit to the number of bonds for and individual to buy…
-The rest of the points are very good and precisely written…with brilliant conclusion…
Very nice approach….well done…keep it up….
Marks awarded: 6/10

Answer 3
Hi Kapiushon,
– Introduction should be holistic…it should talk about both PC as well as the current organisation…Here first and second para together constitutes the introduction…though okay…
-The points of arguments are good…Here we also need to mention the drawback which our PC had and because of which it has been scrapped…Also show the relevance of PC at present and compare with the work of NITI Aayog…whether NITI Aayog works satisfactorily or better than PC…if yes, then there is no need to revive PC…This will bring concrete argument…
Argument presented by your connotes general sense….though good attempt…keep practicing…will improve for sure…
Refer our model answer for better clarity….
Marks awarded: 4/10

Answer 4
Hi Kapiushon,
-Very good answer…well presented ideas with beautiful points of argument supplied with brilliant suitable examples…
Very nice approach…Well done…keep it up…
Marks awarded: 7/10
I’m impressed you have improved a lot…keep writing….