6 Oct 2016 | GS1 | What are the features of tropical cyclones? Why is India one of the worst affected by cyclones even though other parts of the world have more tropical cyclones?

GS1 (Indian geography)

What are the features of tropical cyclones? Why is India one of the worst affected by cyclones even though other parts of the world have more tropical cyclones?

Best answer

Shashank Pander wrote the best answer for this question and got a score of 5/10 (if the best answer is an image, it cannot be uploaded here, hence scroll down to see those). The answer is being reproduced below for everyone’s convenience. Of course these answers can always be improved. (Best answer  of a particular only involves those given on that day, later answers may not have been checked)

Cyclones are wind system with low pressure dissent and are classified into two kinds – Tropical and Temperate and India being a teopical latitudinal country is.mostly affected by Tropical cyclones, the featyres if whicb are:
1. Thermal Origin – usually oeifinates due to differential sea-land heating.
2. Circular Isobars.
3. Travel from east to west as are embedded.in the easterlies (since in tropics)
4. Usually accompanied by a cumulonumbus clouds, that cause heavy rainfall on reaching the surface.
5. The cyclone follow an anti clockwise wind system in the Northetn Hemisphere while vice versa in the southern hemisphere.
6. They are usually 150-300km in diameter although they can be as huge as 1000km diameter.
7. Huge pressure geadient force and carry large amount of vapor that cause storm surge on reaching the coast.
8. The cebtral calm region of low pressure called eye is a characteristic feature of this system.
9. Some.models link their origin to the phenomenon of easterly waves.

While there are numerous other world cyclones along atlantic coasts of americas(Hurricanes), north america, as well as the south china coasts and philippines and Australia. (Phaigos, Taifu, Willy Willy). Howvwrt, India is one of the worst affected because:
1. A long east facing coastline.
2. Huge expanse if teopical water in Bay of Bengal gives greater thermal energy and landless features do not break the intensity of incoming cyclone.
3.Greater proportion of people living in the coastal regiobs.
4. Lack of evacuation plans Early warning system, inadequate crisis mapping and protection shelters in the form of coastal forests in the east coasts.
5. Lack of disaster management preparedness and resilient livelihood and infrastructure practices.

In addition to this the cyclones developing in the post monsoon period also get pushed by the prevailing tropospheric wind systems because if obsetting mobsoon in the region of south china sea, further increasing the intensity. A well mapped disaster zones, satellite monitoring using apparatus like INSAT 3DR and a powerful and efficient NDRF would help in managing such events.

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