7th January 2019 | Daily Answer Writing Enhancement

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Reviews will be provided in a week. (In the order of submission- First come first serve basis)

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Question 1)

Manual scavenging has been called as a worst surviving symbol of untouchability. Critically discuss the measures taken by Government to eradicate this practice? (250 W)

Question 2)

The All India Judicial Service (AIJS) is being proposed as a panacea to cure the chronic vacancy crisis plaguing the Indian subordinate judiciary. Discuss the pros and cons of setting up of AIJS in the context of NITI Aayog’s recent proposal. (200 W)

Question 3)

The Indian political, policy and administrative systems have to adjust to the new realities of the transition to a middle- income country, in which poverty does not mean living at the edge of hunger but, rather, lack of income to take advantage of the opportunities thrown up by a growing economy. Discuss? (200 W)

Question 4)

Family play eventually important role in transcending value system in individual which gets displayed on the profession as well. Weak value transcends to weak social, political and administrative system, leading in turn to degeneration of the whole nation whereas, the strong value leads to flourishments and success. Comment. (150 W/ 10 M)

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Caretaker @civilsdaily

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5 years ago

CD TEST 22522
ANSWER 1comment imagecomment imagecomment image

5 years ago

Answer 4comment image comment image

Pritam Kumar
5 years ago
Reply to  Kapiushon

Hi Kapiushon,
-The answer seems to be okay…the first 3 para talks about the same thing in more or less context…Also you are not specific about which sort of values… tolerance, non-violence, sympathy, compassion, harmony etc. inculcated by the family,

-Also, it would be good if some examples are mentioned on positive side as well…the point of conclusion is good…but need to support with example…

-Overall, approach wise the answer is good….need to be more specific in content towards focusing more on question…

Though nice attempt…keep writing
Marks awarded: 4.5/10

Refer our model answer for better clarity

5 years ago

Answer 3
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Pritam Kumar
5 years ago
Reply to  Kapiushon

Hi Kapiushon,
-Need to work on articulation of language…ideas are not arranged logically in intro…Also please pay attention to the word limit…
-Answer doesn’t seem at par with the question…because the demand of the question is that the changing nature of poverty…$1.90 as per the WB recommendation is okay…but the present need is to see the poverty as individual being deprived from taking advantages of developing world…This is no longer the question of $ 1.9 or 3.1, its the opportunity to take advantages of world’s changing facilities…
-Also, there is need to mention why such trends are present in Indians….
-Under suggestion also…targeting on nutrition seems irrelevant as it has already being followed as per Tendulkar committee…and also the demand of the question is beyond that…

Overall, need to have more focus on question and bring specificity in points…also ideas need to be arranged in logical order…

Keep writing…will improve for sure…

Marks awarded: 4.5/12.5

Refer our model answer for better clarity…

5 years ago

Answer 1
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Pritam Kumar
5 years ago
Reply to  Kapiushon

Hi Kapiushon,
-Introduction is okay…okay…though it could have been much better…mention about social stigma, exploitation, violation of FRs as well as HRs etc…(try to cover all aspects)
-The rest of the points are good and well presented…nice approach…Need to improve the introduction…

Keep writing…
Marks awarded: 7/15

5 years ago

CDTEST22496 Ans 3
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Pritam Kumar
5 years ago
Reply to  lekha_27

Hi Lekha,
-The introductory para is good… however, the approach of measures what your have brought does not cover the universal aspects…this way of introducing each one’s problem will be difficult to present in answer…so try to be utilitarian…Also, its asking about the level of income to take advantages of changing/growing world…hence, its no longer the matter of basic income (clearly written in question itself)…
-We also need to identify the various reasons of being unable to take advantages of such changes…which is absent in answer…
-Many aspects are not being addressed…compare with other countries which has/have taken the benefits of such opportunity…like China, Japan etc…
-Overall, such answer can be termed as an average one…though nice attempt…keep writing will improve for sure…

Refer our model answer for better clarity…

5 years ago

CDTEST22496 Ans 2
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Pritam Kumar
5 years ago
Reply to  lekha_27

Hi Lekha,
-Introduction seems okay…however, for the first time this ideas was mooted by law commission in as early as 1950…and several times repeated attempts have been made by Parliament or executive to introduce AIJS but unfortunately it has been buried for some or other reasons…In the same context Parliament has amended the Article 312 as well but there is no implementation till date…
-The points of pros and cons are good…however, need to follow the order of the question…as when it asks about pros and cons so, mentioning word advantage and disadvantage will show your inability to focus on question…though the points underneath are good…just mention the words…
Also in the cons: mention about Age bar, which is the biggest matter of concern…do we need a judge who is just 21 years old as we have in AIS now…apart from local context and customs S/He also need to learn the local language to understand the argument in complete sense…
-Points of recommendations, though are not required here…but the points underneath seems okay…
-Conclusion is absent…

Overall, good attempt…need to have proper focus on question and accordingly points…Nice approach….keep writing…
Marks awarded: 6.5/12.5

Stevie G
Stevie G
5 years ago

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Answer 1 . ID: CDTEST22553

Pritam Kumar
5 years ago
Reply to  Stevie G

Hi Stevie G,
-Ideas in introduction is good…though proper articulation needed…(Please have a look at lekha_27’s answer)
-Also mention about the constitutional rights which have been violated…Article 17, 21, 19 etc…
-There is not much criticism to the point which is the prime demand of the question…though some of the criticisms are there on 2nd page…
-My suggestion is to criticise the point there itself whenever you mention any positive one…this will ensure the criticism of all aspects…
-Conclusion seems okay…

-Though nice attempt…more focus towards question with logical arrangement of ideas is what needed…
Keep writing…

Marks awarded: 6/15

Refer our model answer or answer written by Lekha_27 for better clarity…

5 years ago

CDTEST22496 Ans 1
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Pritam Kumar
5 years ago
Reply to  lekha_27

Hi Lekha,
-Answer seems very good…You are having good ability of articulation…well done…
-Very good introduction…
-Points are precisely written with good flow and well presented ideas…
-Very nice approach of presenting the points as per the demand of the question (criticism)…keep it up…
Well written…
Marks awarded: 8/15

harsimran kaur
harsimran kaur
5 years ago

Ans 4 Ethics-comment imagecomment image

Pritam Kumar
5 years ago
Reply to  harsimran kaur

Hi Harsimran,
-Very nice and impressive introduction…well presented…
-The ideas on first page seems good…however, we don’t need to explain separately about the outcome of each values…In general concept, value defines one’s character, behaviour, problem solving skills, and overall, dealing with all in every aspects…
-Also, to support our points we need to bring examples…
-Conclusion seems good…especially the last quote…
Overall, good attempt…need to support the points with relevant examples…
Though nice approach…keep writing… will improve for sure…

Marks awarded: 5/10

harsimran kaur
harsimran kaur
5 years ago
Reply to  Pritam Kumar

Thank you sir! This was my ist attempt on ethics.
But for examples am confused should i frame it artificially from personal lives or it should be something of happening in real
Like in emphathy if i would mention i took my made to hospital for checkup bearing medical charges,,is these types of examples will be relevant ?

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  harsimran kaur

Hi Harsimran,
I appreciate your first attempt in Ethics. You have mentioned good points.
We can definitely frame hypothetical example but we should ensure that the example(s) is/are logically correct and are relevant to the topic mentioned.
The example of Maid is certainly relevant and can be used for sure.

harsimran kaur
harsimran kaur
5 years ago

Ans 3comment imagecomment imagecomment image

Pritam Kumar
5 years ago
Reply to  harsimran kaur

Hi Harsimran,
-Introductory line is okay…however, it would have been much better if connected to Indian scenario…like at least 27% poor are still under extreme poverty who are unable to buy their daily food…however, the income level fixed by world bank seem irrelevant in the context of growing inflation, increasing prices of commodities, and basic facilities of day to day living…
-Points and ideas are not arranged logically…though ideas are good…
-Under way forward you can talk about various movements like Bhim Yatra to bring awareness among manual scavengers etc…
-Conclusion is okay…

Overall, good approach…Try being more specific…Need to arrange the points logically…the answer should appear like a story…where ideas and points should flow in sequence one by one…The rest is good, keep writing will improve for sure…

Marks awarded: 6.5/15

Refer our model answer for better clarity and approach of points….

harsimran kaur
harsimran kaur
5 years ago

Ans 1comment imagecomment image

Pritam Kumar
5 years ago
Reply to  harsimran kaur

Hi Harsimran,
-Very poor introduction…who are the lower class people? treat all human beings as equal, you can say this is the practice by some people who are economically weaker, socially unaware etc. Such practices violated their fundamental rights guaranteed under Art 14, 16, 21, 19 etc…and are against the basic tenets of human rights…
-Avoid using short form of words…
-You seem to be in too hurry while writing because some of the words are written half (incomplete)…
-Last point of 1st page need clarity…to whom it has been provided…1st point of 2nd page, which department you are talking about…
-Under limitation…2nd page about website seems less relevant…we have many other points which are far more relevant than this…3rd point, mention sanitary being the state subject depends on the deliverance of state…
-Very few points in way forward…conclusion is absence….

(I think you have uploaded the third page later with conclusion only…but there is nothing concrete mentioned in conclusion…

Few Suggestion: Don’t assume that the reader/evaluator knows anything (treat s/he is new to the topic and are with empty mind… and hence, you have to explain all aspects that too with clarity…practice will make perfect…keep writing…

Though good attempt…structure wise the answer is good…need to show more specificity in content by being neutral in all respect…
Continue writing…will improve for sure…

Marks awarded: 5.5/15

Refer our model answer for better clarity…

harsimran kaur
harsimran kaur
5 years ago
Reply to  Pritam Kumar

Thank you so much sir,got my mistakes..
Please keep reviewing further.
And i am in need of Ethics answer review as am not confident on ethics part,so attempting it less..i have attempted ethics under this date if you could please review that too

harsimran kaur
harsimran kaur
5 years ago
Reply to  harsimran kaur

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5 years ago
Reply to  harsimran kaur

Hlo Harsimran
I’m not that good at reviewing answers but still please consider my points from a layman’s perspective.
Intro needs more refinement. Don’t implicity say that it is practised by low class people. Apart from this, the answer is really good.

harsimran kaur
harsimran kaur
6 years ago
Reply to  gk

Did you recieve any review

harsimran kaur
harsimran kaur
6 years ago
Reply to  gk

Ya i too felt now using low class in intro itself is giving bad impression,
Thank you!

Pritam Kumar
5 years ago
Reply to  Roopak Sharma

Hi Roopak,
Kindly upload the image format…not the pdf one…upload again…

5 years ago

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n b
n b
5 years ago

ANS 2.comment image

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Pritam Kumar
5 years ago
Reply to  gk

Hi GK,
-There are some contradictory points in introduction itself…1st) its not clear who are disadvantaged section, 2) despite sensitivity the practice is continuing…this is contradictory in nature…You ofcourse wanted to say something different, but non-articulation and proper arrangement of words and sentences gives different meaning…
-The rest of the points seems good and well written…

Nice approach…well written answer…just focus on framing introduction…

Keep writing…

Marks awarded: 7/15

harsimran kaur
harsimran kaur
5 years ago
Reply to  gk

Well presented,but to support you can cite Violation of Constitutional Rights under Article 14 and 21..review mine too if possible

5 years ago

Ans 3comment imagecomment image

5 years ago

Ans 2comment imagecomment image

Pritam Kumar
5 years ago
Reply to  gk

Hi GK,
-Introduction seems to be okay…
-The points in favour of AIJS also seems good…
-Under cons: 1st point need clarity…2nd point seems irrelevant…as this will set competitive environment…providing equal opportunity to locally domiciled citizens…3rd point seems okay…
-Conclusion seems good…
-Overall, good approach…the ideas brought under pros and cons could have been much wider in sense…try bringing more relevant one…keep writing will improve for sure…

Marks awarded: 5.5/12.5

Refer our model answer for better clarity…

Viney Kumar
Viney Kumar
5 years ago

Ans2 CDTEST 22513comment imagecomment imagecomment image

Pritam Kumar
5 years ago
Reply to  Viney Kumar

Hi Viney,
-Introduction seems to be good…however, You could have mentioned about NITI Aayog in intro para itself…instead of mentioning under timeline…
-Timeline seems irrelevant here…not needed…
-Pros and cons seems to be okay…though more relevant points can be incorporated here…
-Conclusion is good…

Overall, good attempt…nice answer…keep it up..keep writing…

Marks awarded: 7/12.5

Viney Kumar
Viney Kumar
5 years ago

Ans1. CDTEST22513comment imagecomment imagecomment image

Pritam Kumar
5 years ago
Reply to  Viney Kumar

Hi Viney,
-Please adhere the the UPSC format…leave margin on both edges of the page…one line should not contain more than 5-6 words (accordingly adjusted)…
-KIndly work on your language…the language of introductory para is poor…though the ideas are good…
-What is SECC in 2nd para? remember, while using abbreviation kindly ensure that you have mentioned its full form at least once previously…
-In 2nd para, you have mentioned that such practices are banned by various laws, please do name one or two such provisions/laws…because the Constitution of India under Article 17 exclusively prohibits untouchability and caste based discrimination U/A 15. Ans also dignity is a FR…
-The rest of the points seems good and well presented…
-Concluding line could have been much better…and could have incorporated your own ideas like use of modern machines etc…

Overall, good attempt…Nice approach…keep writing…will improve for sure…
Marks awarded: 4.5/15

dhritiman das
dhritiman das
5 years ago

Ans1.comment imagecomment imagecomment image

Pritam Kumar
5 years ago
Reply to  dhritiman das

Hi Dhritiman,
-Very poor introduction…why to mention about any community…go neutral…
-Under measures, points need justification…elaborate more in order to bring clarity…
-In the 2nd part points seems good…but the logical arrangement is absent…
-Points under conclusion could have been much better…
Overall, good…need to be more specific focusing towards question and improving handwriting…
Keep writing…
Marks awarded: 5/15
Refer our model answer for better clarity…


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