8th July 2019 | Daily Answer Writing Enhancement

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Question 1)

Micro irrigation can be way out for rainfed agriculture and small land holding in India. In this reference, discuss the advantages associated with micro irrigation, initiatives taken by government and challenges associated with it. (250 W)

Question 2)

Listing the main features in Union Budget 2019-20, analyse whether it proples Indian Economy in the direction of 5 Trillion economy or not.(250 words)

Question 3)

One Nation, One Grid will ensure availability of power to states at ‘affordable’ rates. Discuss how it aims to achieve this objective.(250 words)

Question 4)

Why it is sometimes believed that feelings are better guide to action than reasons? Critically analyze. (150 W)


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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Pankaj Lalwani

Hi Pankaj
You have covered almost all the issues required in the question.
Discussion on the government initiatives can be explained in more details than the one in answer currently.
Otherwise points are exhaustive.
balance is right in the answer.
Work on the presentation of the answer.

Marks: 5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Kunal Aggarwal

Hi Kunal
Quite a comprehensive answer.
The discussion in the steps taken by the government is amazing. It has all the necessary inputs and coverage is wide.
Overall the balance is good. Your coverage in the main body of the answer is quite decent.
There is nothing to improve in the answer.
Well done.

marks: 6.5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Kunal Aggarwal

Good intro and 1st part in the answer.
Points discussed n the budget point of view are exhaustive.
But do mention what are the missed opportunities in the budget that can hamper the journey towards 5 trillion dollar economy. What are the challenges in the budget that will hinder the target of achieving 5 Trillion Dollar economy. read the model answer for this.
More points in the way forwards are needed. Simply focus on points like simplification of procedures, incentivizing performance, red-tape reduction, making the best use of technology and accelerating mega programmes and services initiated and delivered so far etc.
Language is decent.

Marks: 4.5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Kunal Aggarwal

The topic is new and the discussion on it is still in nascent phase. And yet you managed to provide both the sides of the arguments in wholesome manner. It is commendable.
Intro is decent. But in terms of structure, put the issue of challenges in power transmission before discussing the +ves of ONOG. That will highlight the issue we are facing in the power infrastructure.
Rest of the answer is fine.
Challenges or way forward are fine and points are in right direction.
keep it up.
Marks: 5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Kunal Aggarwal

Good answer.
Your command on ethics and its nitty gritty is good.
This reflects well in the answer.
Coverage of the answer is excellent.
Relevant examples are quoted.
All in all decent attempt.

Marks: 5.5/10

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5 years ago
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5 years ago
Reply to  sourav singh

Hi SOurav
Kindly upload the answer here. We do not have access to your answers.

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Chester

In terms of structure, make your second para your intro and shift the first para as your second para. That is better in terms of flow and discussion of the answer.
Good 1st part.
But discussion regarding government’s initiative need better and in depth discussion. Right now you have just covered the issue from above.
Points like Centrally Sponsored Scheme (CSS) for micro irrigation which was later upgraded to the National Mission on Micro Irrigation (NMMI); National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA); On-Farm Water Management (OFWM) component of the scheme; Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY) etc.
Good 2nd part.
Points are comprehensive and well discussed.
Way forward and conclusion are decent.

Marks: 4.5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Chester

Hi Utkarsh
Intro is decent.
But in terms of structure, put the issue of challenges in power transmission before discussing the +ves of ONOG.
That will highlight the issue we are facing in the power infrastructure.
Rest of the answer is fine.
Challenges or way forward are solid and points are in right direction.
Keep it up.

Marks: 5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Chester

Discussion is excellent in the answer.
Though you could have given more examples in the answer for both sides of the arguments, reflecting +ves of reasoning as well as feelings.
But the direction of the answer is good and content is superb.
Decent conclusion.

Marks: 5

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5 years ago

Q1 paid

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5 years ago

Quite a good structure to your answer.
The division of points in the 1st part of your answer in various sub headings is praise worthy.
Good Discussion in all parts of the answer.
Coverage is supreme and points are relevant.
Fair way forwards.

Marks: 6

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5 years ago


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5 years ago

Though the coverage is quite exhaustive but the balance in the answer is missing.
Various points in your answer are not related to the approach towards 5 trillion dollar economy specifically.
Do mention what are the missed opportunities in the budget that can hamper the journey towards 5 trillion dollar economy. What are the challenges in the budget that will hinder the target of achieving 5 Trillion Dollar economy. read the model answer for this.
Points in the shape of way forwards are needed. Simply focus on points like simplification of procedures, incentivizing performance, red-tape reduction, making the best use of technology and accelerating mega programmes and services initiated and delivered so far etc.
Good conclusion.

Marks: 2.5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago

In terms of structure, put the issue of current challenges in power transmission before discussing the +ves of ONOG.
That will highlight the issue we are facing in the power infrastructure.
Rest of the answer is fine.
Way forward are solid and points are in right direction.

Marks: 4

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5 years ago


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5 years ago

Without the example in this answer, any discussion will look lackluster. This is the case with the answer.
Your discussion is in the right direction. But it needs to be complemented with suitable examples.
Good language.
decent attempt in terms of content.

marks: 4

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5 years ago


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5 years ago

Hello Sir, you mentioned presentation of my answers needs improvement how exactly can i do that? And please tell me if my answers over the time have improved and along what parameters Thankyou

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5 years ago

Hi Mohsin
In most of the answers, it looks as if you are trying to scramble various points in limited space. It doesn’t look good most of the times. Your points are always good and the fact that you are squeezing all those points means you have enough points to write. So write cleanly and make it readable. Do not make it look like cheating chit of an examination!!! You have improved a lot. keep it up

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5 years ago

Your first part is good and the points where you have mentioned the agronomic benefit of micro irrigation those are very good
Good that you have mention the present status of irrigation in India
You have to discuss a bit more about what government has done in the micro irrigation projects for example you can write about various schemes like national mission on micro irrigation national mission for sustainable agriculture on farm water management component of the scheme Pradhan mantri krishi sinchai yojana etc

the discussion on the challenges with micro irrigation and the way forward I’m very good the points there is special like assistance eligibility period or not enough technical knowledge very good
Overall very good answer
languages has been superb

Marks 4.5

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5 years ago

Q4 MOJO9615J00A46183569

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5 years ago

you are asking about presentation so if you look at your answer right now specially the first page it looks like a very huge paragraph there is no visible ending to any paragraph on there is no visible breakage between any discussion so the paragraph is very lengthy avoid these type of presentation

the points are good but the examples are missing and in ethics answers you have to give ample examples

Marks 2

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5 years ago

MOJO9611C00A14581096 Q1

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5 years ago
Reply to  Varsha Chauhan

Hi varsha
Overall the answer is really very good you have tried to cover each and every aspect that is required in the answer the good part about your answer is that you have tried to divide the discussion especially in the first part where discuss the importance of micro irrigation there you have divided the answer into various sub heading like taking water crisis crop yield boosted economic auxiliary benefits fine farmers incomes and these kind of things are really very good that shows that you have the necessary grasp of the issue
coming to the second part the use of flowchart is really very good especially the discussion on the challenging
all in all very good answer

Marks 6.5

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5 years ago

MOJO9611C00A14581096 Q4

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5 years ago
Reply to  Varsha Chauhan

excellent discussion in the answer.
The direction of the answer is good and content is superb.
Decent conclusion.
Comprehensive examples. Very good.

Marks: 6

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5 years ago

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5 years ago
Reply to  Deepak Kumar

This is not a platform for Advertisements Deepak. Avoid this practice.

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  aastha gupta

Hi Astha

structure to your answer is really good.
Decent 1st half.
Overall good discussion in all parts of the answer.
Coverage is supreme and points are relevant.
Fair way forwards.

Marks: 5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Prem S

Hi Prem
Answer is quite informative
Presentation and structure is exellent.
Put the issue of current challenges in power transmission before discussing the +ves of ONOG.
That will highlight the issue we are facing in the power infrastructure.
Way forwards are decently discussed.
Overall nice effort.

Marks: 5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago

Parth sir please explain about general sturcture of an answer.
It will be greatly beneficial ……??

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5 years ago

See the general structure of the answer is that you talk about the demand of the question in your intro. That will give the glimpse of upcoming discussion to the examiner.
Then briefly mention or define the topic if there is a need for it. If the question is about a bill/scheme/law/act/program then highlight its salient features. Otherwise discuss the current status of the issue.
Then highlight the pros and cons/challenges of the issue. Always discuss both the sides even if the question has not demanded it because that will give better balance to your argument.
never end your answer if there is a scope of way forward/solution to improve the issue.
Then conclude your answer on optimistic note. Never fall for the language of the question. Your answer has to be optimistic.

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5 years ago

In the intro, do put the point of micro irrigation. You have to link your issue of the question in your intro otherwise its just a discussion on irrigation.
Points discussed in all the parts are good.
But you have to give way forward in the answer in order to enhance the weight of your answer.
Rest of the answer is fine.

Marks: 4

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5 years ago


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5 years ago

The coverage is quite exhaustive but the balance in the answer is missing.
Your discussion on the +ves of the budget wrt 5 trillion dollar economy goal is decent.
But do mention what are the missed opportunities in the budget that can hamper the journey towards 5 trillion dollar economy.
What are the challenges in the budget that will hinder the target of achieving 5 Trillion Dollar economy. read the model answer for this.
Points in the shape of way forwards are needed.
Simply focus on points like simplification of procedures, incentivizing performance, red-tape reduction, making the best use of technology and accelerating mega programmes and services initiated and delivered so far etc.
Decent conclusion.

Marks: 2.5

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5 years ago


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5 years ago

You have started the discussion in bullet points after introducing ONOG concept but is are the bullet points supposed to discuss? It is unclear because there is no subheading regarding the discussion. Always use subheadings to show which way the discussion is going in bullet points.
Before discussing the +ves of ONOG, discuss the issues present with the current power transmission infrastructure.
Gas grids, airports are altogether different issue. It will be based on the model of ONOG. Hence that point is not relevant to the answer.
Rest of the answer is decent.

Marks: 3

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5 years ago


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5 years ago

Good intro.
The example of Yuvraj is OK but try to give examples in context of civil servants or governance.
While you discussed the importance of feelings over reason, but you have to balance it out by reflecting the importance of reasons in civil services and overall governance.
The line of thought is that both are equal important and both are complimentary to each other and not superior to any other.

Marks: 2

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Ashok Reddy

Hi Ashok
Your first part is good and the points where you have mentioned the agronomic benefit of micro irrigation those are very good
Briefly mention the present status of irrigation in India
You have to discuss a bit more about what government has done in the micro irrigation projects.
The discussion on the challenges with micro irrigation and the way forward is very good the points there are well covered and discussed.
Overall very good answer
Languages has been superb

Marks 4.5

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5 years ago

Q1 MOJO9620O00D18665402

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5 years ago
Reply to  vinay bhalekar

Hi Vinay
Quite a decent structure to your answer.
Presentation and flow were superb.
The points in the 1st part of your answer are praise worthy.
All in all fine discussion in all parts of the answer.
Coverage is supreme and points are relevant.
Excellent way forwards.

Marks: 6

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5 years ago

Q3 MOJO9620O00D18665402

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5 years ago
Reply to  vinay bhalekar

Intro is quite lengthy and there is no linkage to the topic of the question there too.
In the intro, do put the point of ONOG. You have to link your issue of the question in your intro otherwise its just a discussion on national power grid.
Good that you have mentioned the issues with power transmission infrastructure.
Rather than using the subheading “Address the challenges”, mention “How ONOG will ensure availability of power to states at ‘affordable’ rates:” and then discuss all the points.
Your subheadings have to relevant to the demand of the question.
Points discussed in all the parts are good.
Excellent way forwards, specially the discussion on 4 Es.
Keep it up

Marks: 5.5

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5 years ago

Q4 MOJO9620O00D18665402

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5 years ago
Reply to  vinay bhalekar

While you discussed the importance of feelings over reason, but you have to balance it out by reflecting the importance of reasons in civil services and overall governance.
The line of thought is that both are equal important and both are complimentary to each other and not superior to any other.
Quite a decent discussion on both sides of the feelings, +ve and -ve.
While your examples superb, try to give them in the perspective of civil services and governance also.

Marks: 4

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5 years ago
Reply to  Parth Verma

Parth sir Please review my answers of 5th July which I by mistake upload separately on comment section of each answer…thank you

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5 years ago


New Doc 2019-07-10 13.17.10_1.jpg
New Doc 2019-07-10 13.17.10_2.jpg
New Doc 2019-07-10 13.17.10_3.jpg
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5 years ago
Reply to  avani k

Hi Avani
Good intro.
Before discussing the +ves of micro irrigation, just briefly discuss the status of irrigation in Indian agriculture to present the clear picture.
In the 1st part of your answer, in the points i and ii, you have mentioned the challenges with irrigation system but not mentioned how micro irrigation will solve it. Keep your discussion on the track.
Instead of points i and ii, you have to mention other important points like reduced salinity in the soil, reduced soil erosion, non wastage of fertilizers and pesticides, less weed etc. due to micro irrigation.
Quite a comprehensive discussion in the portion of government initiatives.
Rest of the answer is OK.
Good last parts of the answer.

Marks: 3.5

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5 years ago


New Doc 2019-07-10 13.17.10_4.jpg
New Doc 2019-07-10 13.17.10_5.jpg
New Doc 2019-07-10 13.17.10_6.jpg
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5 years ago
Reply to  avani k

Though the coverage is quite exhaustive but the balance in the answer is missing.
Various points in your answer are not related to the approach towards 5 trillion dollar economy specifically.
What are the challenges in the budget that will hinder the target of achieving 5 Trillion Dollar economy. Read the model answer for this.
Decent way forwards.
Good conclusion.

Marks: 3

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5 years ago


New Doc 2019-07-10 13.17.10_7.jpg
New Doc 2019-07-10 13.17.10_8.jpg
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5 years ago
Reply to  avani k

In terms of structure and discussion, there is nothing wrong in the answer.
Your direction of the answer is very good and on the correct line.
Balance of the answer is excellent.
Good that you discussed the challenges in power transmission sector and infrastructure in India before discussing the ONOG. This is the apt approach.
When you have discussed everything in bullet points, the avoid using a flowchart at the end of the discussion. Its not suitable. Discussion is already done and dusted. This flowchart will take time and space, both.
Good way forwards.
Overall nicely attempted answer.
Do work on your presentation though.

Marks: 5

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5 years ago


New Doc 2019-07-10 13.17.10_9.jpg
New Doc 2019-07-10 13.17.10_10.jpg
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5 years ago
Reply to  avani k

Good discussion nice again.
the overall idea i nicely presented.
But do work on your examples.
they have to civil service or governance oriented in most cases.
rest of the discussion and its coverage are comprehensive.
Good attempt.

Marks: 4

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5 years ago

I’d :MOJO 9616600D12527703

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5 years ago

Payment I’d mentioned in next answer

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5 years ago
Reply to  nikhita

Kindly review my answers sir,Im a paid student

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5 years ago

Payment I’d mentioned below

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5 years ago

Payment I’d :MOJO 9616600d12527703

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5 years ago

Payment ID MOJO9611300N14575632

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5 years ago

Payment ID MOJO9611300N14575632

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5 years ago

Payment ID MOJO9611300N14575632

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Murari Jha

@Parth Verma sir please review it

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5 years ago
Reply to  Murari Jha

@Parth Verma sir please review it

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Reply to  Murari Jha

@Parth Verma sir please review it

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5 years ago
Reply to  Murari Jha

@Parth Verma sir please review it


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