9th February 2019 | Daily Answer Writing Enhancement

Students are advised to post answers by clicking on each question separately in the comment section followed after each question. Kindly ensure that answer to each question is posted as a separate comment with the purchase ID provided by us.

Reviews will be provided in a week for those who are writing on time. (In the order of submission- First come first serve basis). In case the answer is submitted late the review period may get extend to two weeks.

*In case your answer is not reviewed in a week, reply to your answer saying *NOT CHECKED*. If Pritam Sir’s tag is available then tag him.  

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Question 1)

Do you think the American Revolution would have happened if, there had not been an age of enlightenment? (250 W)

Question 2)

RTI Act has transparency, accountability and participation as its mandate and is considered equally important legal document after the Constitution. In the light of the above statement describe the importance of Information Commissions at the center and state levels. Also discuss the challenges they have been facing in fulfilling their mandate. (250 W)

Question 3)

India’s abysmal spending on healthcare is a big matter of concern and requires an increased expenditure on preventive healthcare system. Analyze (250 W)

Question 4)

Ethics Case Study: In the face of acute famine in the district, you, as an area officer, have instructed your subordinates to procure food grains from the FCI godowns located in the adjoining districts. This would make the food grains available to the public through PDS shops. Considering the gravity of the situation, this task has to be done immediately, because majority of the people in the district are poor, and therefore can’t buy the food at the market prices. However, you were told that all the truck operators have formed a cartel and are asking for three times the usual transportation rate, in order to exploit the situation. This would nullify your effort, as the prices of the food grains would increase due to high transportation charges. (a) Following are some suggested options. Please evaluate the merits and demerits of each of the options: 1. Threaten the truck owners of severe consequences if they do not fall in line and cancel their transportation permits. 2. Transport the food grains by Railways, though it may take a week. 3. Agree to pay the truck owners the transportation charges they are demanding, so as to ensure the availability of food grains, but searching for alternative and affordable transportation. However, take legal actions against the truck owners at a later time. 4. Asking the state government for sending some help. (b) Also indicate (without necessarily restricting to the above options) the course of action you would like to follow, giving proper reasons for the same. (250 words)

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By Root

Caretaker @civilsdaily

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