Examine the relevance of the following in the context of civil services: (a) Integrity (b) Principle of Legality. 10 marks

Mentor’s comment-

  • Start by explaining the meaning of each term.
  • Explain each term in detail. Then move onto discuss the advantages of the two concepts in the context of civil services, give
    examples wherever possible to explain and justify better.
  • Conclude with importance of such virtues in the context of the civil services.

Integrity is the practice of synchronization of thought, words and actions. It can be correlated to honesty but unlike honesty it’s more a professional value. It’s related to institution. It advocates sacrifice of personal gains in favour of organisational objectives

Integrity in its bare-bones essence means adherence to principles. It is a three-step process:
 Choosing the right course of conduct
 Acting consistently with the choice even when it is inconvenient or unprofitable to do so.
 Openly declaring where one stands.
 Accordingly, integrity is equated with moral reflection, steadfastness to commitments, trustworthiness.

Integrity is supreme quality of leadership – Dwight Eisenhower
 If leader acts with integrity, that leader will treat the employees’ right and do what’s best for the business.
 Ethical behavior starts at the top and allows companies to create a culture that values integrity.
 Leaders with integrity actually strengthen the business. Companies with strong, ethical management teams enhance their ability to attract investors, customers and talented professionals.
 The link between integrity and trust cannot be overestimated in the leader-employee relationship.
 Leaders with integrity hold themselves accountable not just to their superiors but also to their peers and staff.
 They treat everyone fairly, regardless of a person’s standing in the organization.

Relevance to Civil services:
 To prevent unethical practices like misconduct, fraud, favouritism, criminalization of governance, self-centred functionaries and corruption in governance.
 To ensure public interest and cooperation in governance for participatory governance. It will bring the lost public trust back.

 To cater to the needs of all sections of society. So that inclusive growth is achieved.
 To bring in good governance (Accountability, transparency, integrity, Confidentiality etc.)
 To ensure the equitable and just distribution of resources.
 To ensure compliance of civil servants with laws, processes and codes.

Present day civil servants need to perform multiple functions of giving suggestions to political representatives, addressing public grievances, institutionalization of the socio economic changes, delivering goods and services. Hence a value committed bureaucracy is need of hour.

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