22nd March 2022| Daily Answer Writing Enhancement(AWE)

Topics for Today’s questions:

GS-1        Distribution of key natural resources across the world (including South Asia and the Indian sub-continent); factors responsible for the location of primary, secondary, and tertiary sector industries in various parts of the world (including India)

GS-2        International Relations

GS-3        Indian Economy, Impact of Liberalization, Industrial Growth

GS-4      Public/Civil service values and Ethics in Public administration: Status and problems; ethical concerns and dilemmas in government and private institutions; laws, rules, regulations and conscience as sources of ethical guidance; accountability and ethical governance

Question 1)


Q.1 State the geographical and economic importance of Hindukush-Himalayan region. How are the critical geographical features of this region changing and what possible consequences will it have? (15 Marks)


Question 2)

Q.2 Investments in our strategic, economic, and community ties show what we can achieve when two multicultural democracies join in a spirit of trust and understanding. In the context of this, discuss the factors that are making India-Australia relations stronger than ever and the potential for them to extend the cooperation in various areas. (10 Marks)

Question 3)

Q.3 What is a real effective exchange rate (REER)? What are the biases involved in REER? (10 Marks)

Question 4)  

Q.4 Discuss how effective corporate governance can ensure the equitable treatment of all stakeholders. (10 Marks)



  1. Daily 4 questions from General studies 1, 2, 3, and 4 will be provided to you.

  2. A Mentor’s Comment will be available for all answers. This can be used as a guidance tool but we encourage you to write original answers.

  3. You can write your answer on an A4 sheet and scan/click pictures of the same.

  4.  Upload the scanned answer in the comment section of the same question.

  5. Along with the scanned answer, please share your Razor payment ID, so that paid members are given priority.

  6. If you upload the answer on the same day like the answer of 11th  February is uploaded on 11th February then your answer will be checked within 72 hours. Also, reviews will be in the order of submission- First come first serve basis

  7. If you are writing answers late, for example, 11th February is uploaded on 13th February , then these answers will be evaluated as per the mentor’s schedule.

  8. We encourage you to write answers on the same day. However, if you are uploading an answer late then tag the mentor like @Staff so that the mentor is notified about your answer.

*In case your answer is not reviewed, reply to your answer saying *NOT CHECKED*. 

  1. For the philosophy of AWE and payment: 


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