What is the 3-2-1-0 E Method of Solving UPSC Prelims Paper? || Free Q& A Webinar by IAS Officer Kunal Chavan, Orissa Cadre [2020 Batch]|| Limited Slots Available, Register Now to Get Tikdam: Art of Elimination Handbook for Free|| Also Read: 41 out of 50 Smash Mains 2021 Aspirants Qualify for Interview This Year, They Share Their Joy with Us

Quick Note Before Webinar Annoucement:

As UPSC Mains results were announced last week, Sajal sir (Co-Founder of Civilsdaily and Mentor of Smash Mains 2021 Program) was flooded with calls by delighted aspirants who thanked him for his mentorship. Sajal Sir himself is the topper of GS 2017 Mains paper and mentor of 400 UPSC Toppers.

After a quick check, we found out 41 Smash Mains students are qualified to attend the interview this year. As we are waiting for their interview results, we will not be announcing their names right now. However, we are sharing the testimonials of the qualified aspirants. We wish them all the very best!

How Do You Solve UPSC-CSE Prelims Papers?

What would you do if UPSC Civil Services Preliminary Exam was conducted right now? What method would you use to solve the question paper? Would you start with Question 1 and work your way  up to the 100th question, or would you take a different approach? Given  the possibility of negative marking, how many questions would you  generally  attempt?

Any UPSC-CSE topper who has successfully cleared the Prelims exam, use the 3-2-1-0 E method, otherwise also called the 100-50-33-25 per cent method. What’s that?

Free Live Q&A Webinar with IAS Officer Kunal Chavan

The 3-2-1-0 E Method is nothing but the 4 stages of answering the UPSC Prelims paper. In the first round, you have to answer those questions you are 100% sure of (i.e you can eliminate all the 3 options), in the second round, answer those questions you are 50% sure of (can eliminate only 2 options) and the third round answer those question you are only 33% sure of (can eliminate only 1 option). Finally, just check those questions where you are unable to eliminate any options. To be on a safer side, leave those questions unanswered.

However, since UPSC prelims is a competitive exam, what can we do about those questions where you are 50-25% sure of? How do you find the right answers using your exisiting knowledge? This free live webinar, we have invited IAS officer Kunal Chavan to help you out.

IAS Officer Kunal Chavan belongs to the Orissa cadre. He started his UPSC-CSE preparation in 2015. The first time he was unable to clear prelims. In the next three attempts, he reached the interview stage. Finally he cleared the exam with an All India Rank 211 to become an IAS officer.

What Will You Learn in This Q&A Webinar with IAS Officer Kunal Chavan

1. Analysing a test when attempting the paper. How to save time while answering each question?

2. What was the change in Kunal’s strategy after 2015? He will talk about the mistakes he made while studying for his first attempt.

3. The online revision sources Kunal used in the last few days to prelims. Why is it important to revise online sources of those topics you couldn’t score well in your test series?

4. The static part of current affairs and the dynamic part of NCERTs and standard books. What’s that?

5. How to use elimination techniques for each of the 4 rounds? Kunal Chavan speaks from his experience.

6. Finding hints in prelims questions. Kunal Chavan IAS will conduct live demonstration of certain UPSC questions.

7. The important prelims topics for 2022. Kunal Chavan IAS will list out the important topics for every subject.

Webinar Details

The free live webinar will be mostly in Q&A format, where IAS officer Kunal Chavan will answer every aspirant’s doubts. Since, it’s only a 1-hour session, the intake is limited. Hence, fill the registration form ASAP to confirm you slot!

Date: 27 March, 2022

Time: 8PM

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