Target UPSC CSE 2023 – How to Get the Basics Right & Start the Preparation like a Topper? || Free Live Webinar By Rahul Sir|| Register Now

UPSC-CSE 2021 results have shaken the long held belief that the examination can only be cleared after multiple attempts. Most of the UPSC-CSE toppers like Satyam Gandhi (AIR 10), Ria Dabi (AIR 15), Yash Jaluka (AIR 4), Mamta Yadav (AIR 5) and Shashwat Tripurari (AIR 19) cleared the exam as fresh graduates in their very first attempt. How were they able to do it?

If you watch their strategy videos, you can find a common pattern — they started 12-24 months in advance before the exam.

One of the benefits of starting your preparation early is the time you would get to revise and practice test series upon completing the syllabus. Also, you would get ample time to pay attention to every subject. There are totally 9 papers in UPSC-CSE Mains and 2 papers in Prelims exams. Not to forget, the daily current affairs. Many aspirants need time to figure out how they can prepare in an understandable manner. That’s why starting your preparation eight months before the exam is not advisable.

We understand how annoying it might be for you if you were to study in a certain way for months together and then realise that it doesn’t align with the UPSC-CSE way of doing things. So, what’s the best way to prepare?

This is what Civilsdaily mentor Rahul sir would be discussing in the upcoming webinar.

Webinar Details

If you want to get the nuances of UPSC-CSE preparation right in the first go, then this free webinar is for you!

Date: 9th April 2022

Time: 8 PM onwards

Key Takeaways of the Free Q&A Webinar

1. What is the best book to refer for a topic in a subject? Based on 6 year paper analysis of UPSC-CSE.

2. Recognise the UPSC demand. What types of test series are beneficial? What types of mock test series should be avoided?

3. Ancient & Medieval History is becoming tougher every year. What shall be the ideal Strategy?

4. Complete timeline of UPSC-CSE Preparation for a working professional.

5. The art of making notes. What topics require notes and what topics don’t?

6. Hard work in right direction vs Hardwork in wrong direction. Can only studying hard make you successful?

7. Only two consolidated sources for Current Affairs. What are they?

8. Normal, standard and frequent revision techniques. What are they?

Rahul Sir will also hold a Q&A Session where beginners and veterans can clarify their doubts.

Do not miss this opportunity to understand the nuances of UPSC preparation if you plan to appear in 2023.

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