International Space Agencies – Missions and Discoveries

Universe had Spiral Galaxies 4 billion years sooner than expected: Study


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Formation of Universe; Spiral Galaxy.

Why in the News?

A new study has revealed more spiral galaxies in the universe’s youth than astronomers had previously expected.

Universe’s Age and Galaxy Types

  • The universe is about 13.8 billion years old and hosts various kinds of galaxies, from spiral to elliptical.
  • Astronomers believed spiral galaxies formed about 6 billion years ago, but the new study calls this into question.
  • Younger galaxies tend to spiral, while older ones have a variety of shapes, making the study of older galaxies more challenging due to fainter light.

Back2Basics: Spiral Galaxy

  • Spiral galaxies are a type of galaxy characterized by their spiral structure.
  • They are among the most common types of galaxies in the universe.
  • Our own Milky Way is a classic example of a spiral galaxy.

Key Characteristics:

  • Central Bulge: A dense, spherical structure at the centre composed mainly of older stars.
  • Disk: Surrounding the bulge is a flat, rotating disk of stars, gas, and dust. The disk contains younger stars and spiral arms.
  • Spiral Arms: These are the defining features, winding outward from the central bulge. The arms are sites of active star formation and appear brighter due to the presence of young, hot stars.
  • Halo: A roughly spherical region surrounding the disk, containing old stars and globular clusters.

Formation and Evolution:

  • Spiral galaxies are thought to form from the gravitational collapse of gas and dust in the early universe.
  • They maintain their structure through the rotation of the disk and the gravitational influence of the central bulge and halo.
  • Interactions and mergers with other galaxies can distort or destroy their spiral structure, potentially transforming them into elliptical galaxies.

Formation of Galaxies

  • As the universe cooled from a dense plasma state, hot gas formed clumps that became galaxies.
  • These early galaxies had irregular shapes and lacked disks.
  • Spiral Formation Theory:
    • The traditional theory suggested that it took billions of years for hot, thick disks to become thinner and form spiral arms.
    • The new study suggests that cooling and spiral formation occur around the same cosmic time.

How is this verified?

  • Astronomers observe star formation in real time but study galaxy evolution through “astronomical archaeology.”
    • Understanding the fraction of spiral galaxies helps astronomers trace the biography of galaxies.
    • Infrared and optical wavelengths are used to detect early galaxies, requiring powerful telescopes due to the faint light of older galaxies.
  • Study Methodology:
    • The University of Missouri team used the JWST to study 873 galaxies and identified at least 216 spiral galaxies, some dating to 1.5 billion years after the universe’s birth.
    • Each of the six authors classified the images as spiral or non-spiral, ensuring the result is free of human bias.

Findings and Implications

  • The fraction of spiral galaxies increased from about 8% to 48% between 3 billion and 7 billion years after the Big Bang, higher than previously observed.
  • The study challenges existing models and suggests that galaxy formation theories need to be more complex.


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